The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1426: Xingzhou Tuyuan Spiritual Forbidden City

Chapter 1426: Xingzhou Tuyuan Spiritual Forbidden City

Chu's demolition team was busy nervously. On one side, they were demolishing wildly, while on the other side, floating islands were built outside Qingze World.

Floating islands can range in size from dozens to hundreds of acres.

The big one is, ahem, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles in radius.

Not to mention, Peach Blossom also sent the Lingshans that were rushed one by one to their fixed positions in the sky.

These large and small floating islands and spiritual mountains form giant sky formations.

Each time one is completed, it covers an area of ​​the Qingze world below.

Each sky formation is absorbing the endless spiritual energy from the outside world and the special energy emanating from the big world everywhere. These auras and special energies were sucked into the formation, and then condensed through the formation and transferred into the great world of Qingze.

The entire world of Qingze, which was originally dark and lifeless, gradually became filled with a little bit of life.

Patrolman Zhong Qiran, who came with Chu Taohua to watch the excitement, had a very strange expression on his face.

"To be honest, I see you have been working on it for many days. The sky island in the sky is pretty good, and the Lingshan Mountain is said to be a rare treasure made by your family. I also think it is quite interesting. But when you do this formation, Does it really work?

This is not a small secret realm, a small world or anything like that.

This is a big world.

Its origins have dried up, and its earth veins have disappeared.

Even if you use this large-scale formation, you can't absorb much spiritual energy to supply it and transform it into earth veins and origin. "

Zhong Qiran feels that these people are wasting their efforts and resources by doing such things.

It had only been twenty days, and he could see how much resources they had consumed. To be honest, it hurts so much. What a good thing you gave me, why use it for useless work?

Taohua naturally knows how big the Qingze Great World is. She flies around the Great World on her spiritual mountain every day, mainly to check the absorption and transfer of external spiritual energy and special energy.

She naturally knew that using formations alone, even if all the family spiritual mountains were not only here, but also refined a large number of floating island formations throughout the world. Ahem, Qingze World will not be able to regain much vitality within at least a thousand years. Even the ley lines may not recover.

More and more people in the family are moving here, so naturally they can't all count on this.

Qingze Big World must be developed and utilized as soon as possible.

"I never expected these formations in the sky. But these formations are also the basis. Without them, it would be completely impossible." Taohua said.

"Then what are you doing?" Zhong asked curiously.

"Build a big formation." Taohua said.

"It's not a formation yet."

"Although they are all formations, this set of formations is definitely more numerous and complete than the spliced ​​formations in the sky." Taohua said again.

Zhong Qiran looked unbelieving and thought to himself, are you trying to fool me?

"Anyway, you'll see it in four and a half months." Taohua said with great confidence. She couldn't tell the other party's cultivation level, but from the deep and vicissitudes of his eyes, she could probably guess that the other party must have lived for a long time.

"Okay, you can do it yourself. If you need anything, you can contact my nephew, Zhonghe." Zhong Qiran felt that he didn't have the time to stay here all the time, so he simply asked his nephew to step in and take care of the situation. Taohua didn't think it was bad, she thought it was pretty good anyway.

She was also embarrassed by being stared at by Zhong Qiran all day long.

Zhong Qiran left, but Zhonghe hadn't come yet.

Taohua quickly sent out her family's army of earth masters to start causing trouble on the land of Qingze World.

Whether Qingze Great World can regain a glimmer of hope depends entirely on them.

Among the formation inheritance that Taohua first obtained, the simplest of the top ten spiritual formations is the Sutu Spiritual Formation. The Sutu Spiritual Array is the best arranged among the ten spiritual arrays, and it is also the least effective.

What Taohua wants to arrange now is another earth-type spiritual array among the ten spiritual arrays, or it can be said to be the spiritual ban. It is the Xingzhou Tuyuan Spiritual Forbidden City.

This is a special set of spiritual taboos covering the sky and the earth. It is very overbearing. With its existence, it would be difficult for other spiritual formations and spiritual taboos to be engraved on the sky and the earth.

But the effect is good, and you can create an artificial spiritual world that can be continuously promoted.

There is nothing in the Qingze world now. It would be great if it could be reborn based on the Xingzhou Tuyuan Spiritual Forbidden City. Besides, her own Five Elements Spiritual Peak, as the foundation of all the spiritual mountains in the family, has also reached the stage of promotion. The edge of the seventh level.

If it is used as the core of the formation, when the Xingzhou Tuyuan Spiritual Forbidden City is completed and the world is restarted, and a large amount of spiritual energy is fed back, it will be a matter of course for the Five Elements Spiritual Peak to be promoted to the seventh level.

Besides, the other spiritual peaks in the family, as Sky Formation Eyes, will also benefit from the spirit ban.

With these benefits to be expected, it is not surprising that Taohua Li Zhu promotes the layout of the formation here.

Zhonghe is Zhong Qiran's nephew. Although he is only a nephew, he admires Zhong Qiran very much. Zhong Qiran is a popular idol of the older generation of the Zhong family. He has been a genius since he was a child and has become the idol of many peers.

Zhonghe helped his uncle do things and also helped him deal with many difficult subjects. That's right, those men and women who took the initiative to support his uncle and insisted on having something happen with him.

Although Zhong Qiran is not young, he is still very young and promising among the border patrols.

A powerful boss-like figure.

It is precisely because of him as the border patrol that the Zhong family has been able to expand rapidly in the past hundred years, and its development speed can only be described as a leap in leaps and bounds.

It’s not surprising that such a powerful man is being targeted.

Especially those foreign visitors, all of them want to find a strong backer in their hometown. Therefore, all kinds of methods will be used one by one, and if you get entangled, you will not be willing to let go.

Zhonghe recently heard that his uncle was entangled with the head of a powerful family called the Chu family. His uncle had been with the female head of the family for more than twenty days. Who knows if his uncle is really moved or what happened?

After receiving the request from his uncle to take his place and find that female housekeeper, Zhonghe was mentally prepared for all kinds of difficulties.

Who knows when he and his warships arrive at the newly renamed Qingze World. I saw the construction army filling the sky and blocking out the sun. Various tall and magnificent pagoda-shaped refining furnaces stand on giant floating islands. Pieces of broken void meteorites, islands, large tracts of soil, icebergs, colorful gas condensates, etc. were all pulled from the distant starry sky and then sent to the refining furnace to be refined into pieces of floating land modules.

These land modules were pulled away and combined into sky islands in designated airspace in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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