The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1427 Wenlan Tianyu

Chapter 1427 Wenlan Tianyu

After the floating island was assembled, it was pulled away and placed into a larger formation area.

Zhonghe and others were dumbfounded. Although Zhonghe had seen many large-scale scenes. But this kind of construction scene is the first time.

The key is that the craftsmen of the Chu family are particularly well-trained, especially when building large-scale architectural artifacts and magic weapons. The sergeant accompanying him was dazzled by the smooth connection between work and everything he saw.

A young man dressed as a scholar next to Zhong He said with deep eyes, "This Chu family is very extraordinary. Their small family is probably very rich in craftsmanship."

"It's not bad, our sect doesn't lack some craftsmen." Zhonghe said proudly.

"Although our sect does not lack craftsmen, the craftsmen in this family are not only skilled in craftsmanship, but also have a tacit understanding of cooperation. This is rare. If our craftsmen want to complete this kind of project, I am afraid that they have to coordinate Management is not that easy.

Although there can be some cooperation among the master craftsmen, it is not necessarily the case that some have such a tacit understanding. "

"You are destroying your own ambition too much and exaggerating others' prestige." Zhonghe said in a condemning tone.

The young scribe pursed his lips and smiled, "I tell you the truth, but you are not happy to hear it."

"Zhongruo, you guy." Zhonghe sighed with a smile. "But people who can come from foreign lands, if they don't have some ability, are just lucky. Guys who don't have any special features can't come here."

The young scribe Sima Zhongruo smiled. "It makes sense for you to say that. Besides, if these foreign visitors were not useful, we would not adopt the policy of accepting them. Of course, what makes me look at the Chu family in a different light is also the territory chosen by their family.

The big world of Qingze! !

Who dares to challenge this kind of territory without some real ability? "

"Hahaha, let's go and see the Chu family and their female head."

The young Jindan monk responsible for welcoming Zhonghe and his party is called Chu Xuanhe.

"Is this Mr. Zhonghe in person? I am Chu Xuanhe of the Chu family. I am responsible for receiving Mr. Zhonghe and his party." Chu Xuanhe greeted him warmly.

Zhonghe started chatting with others in a slightly reserved manner.

"What is your role in the Chu family?"

"I am in the Chu family, and I am responsible for receiving distinguished guests." Chu Xuanhe said, "I am a direct descendant of the new generation of the Chu family."

After hearing this, Zhonghe was a little unhappy and said, "What about the other clan members?"

"My family still has some family property in the original area. The elders are collecting family assets there so that we can move here as soon as possible." Xuanhe said apologetically.

When he said this, the expression on Zhonghe's face became better.

"Where are all your elders except the head of the family? Do you need so many people?"

"My family also has some enemies there, and they were very reluctant when they found out that we were planning to move away. So the elders stayed there." Xuanhe once again expressed his family's guilt.

"Then there aren't many elders in your family?"

"The elders who stay here in my family are either good at craftsmanship, or they are various kinds of military captains and governors who protect the clan. Some of the generals in the army can't speak. So the head of the family can only send me out to receive the distinguished guests." Xuan Heku Chirping said.

Zhonghe: "..."

"I guess you don't have the courage to look down on us." Sima Zhongruo said jokingly.

"That's absolutely not possible, and I don't dare." Xuan He quickly said respectfully and humbly.

"By the way, I heard that your family plans to use a formation to restore the exhausted origin and vitality of a big world. Why do I feel that it is impossible?" Zhonghe raised his doubts casually.

"It all depends on people. Let's talk about the other places, we have no way to go. We, the Chu clan, are small and weak, and we are particularly afraid that others will swallow us up.

Therefore, no matter how bad this big world of Qingze is, it is a big place and no one is competing with us. "

Xuanhe's words made Zhonghe startled. Sima Zhongruo smiled meaningfully.

There is definitely no way for people from foreign lands to get together with the locals.

And they are also very worried about being swallowed up by local forces, so it is not too surprising to choose here. But it’s very interesting that people openly bring up the fear of being eaten.

Many forces from foreign lands dare not say this. Especially against a powerful local force like them.

"When can we meet the noble family head?" Sima Zhongruo asked.

"You can do it at any time. When will Mr. Zhonghe be free to meet with the head of my family?" Xuanhe asked very measuredly. He didn't recognize any greetings or anything like that. There is no doubt that these local forces will not admit that their family leader can bear the word "visit".

I feel like they don’t deserve it!

Let's meet.

"Then let's go now." Zhonghe didn't even mention a word of greeting.

Under the guidance of Xuan He, the group walked through numerous guards and courtyards, and finally stopped in front of an elegant and warm courtyard gate.

After the announcement, Xuanhe brought Zhonghe and Sima Zhongruo into the courtyard.

In the main room of the courtyard, Chu Taohua was unfolding the formation diagram in front of the huge table and constantly modifying it.

Zhonghe and Sima Zhongruo saw a young woman with a stern face from a distance, quickly calculating and drawing some drawings.

When I got closer, I saw that there were a large number of formations.

The speed of Chu Taohua's calculation and description was so fast that even Sima Zhongruo was slightly startled.

Sensing someone approaching, Chu Taohua pulled her mind away from a large number of drawing calculations. Then he was greeted with a smile.

"Master Zhonghe and this person are..."

"This is my cousin Sima Zhongruo." Zhonghe took the initiative to introduce Chu Taohua.

Chu Taohua is indeed a beautiful woman and very intellectual.

But the beautiful Zhonghe felt that she had seen too many things and was immune to them.

This woman still couldn't amaze him.

Of course, it is even more impossible to amaze his uncle, so why did his uncle stay here for more than 20 days? !

Zhonghe looked at the person with a scrutinizing look.

I still feel a little confused.

"I am the head of the Chu family, Chu Taohua. Are you two adults also here to see how our clan can bring Qingze World back to life? I told Lord Zhong Qiran that we still need about four and a half months to prepare. "Chu Taohua said directly.

"Can you really change the world of Qingze?" Zhonghe looked at her in surprise.

"I can only say that I can give it a try." Taohua said, "I can't guarantee that I can definitely do it."

"That's not bad. If you succeed like this, it won't cause a sensation in our Wenlan Tianyu." Zhonghe added. You must know that this place used to be an extinct area, and there was no redeeming value at all.

Otherwise, it would not be given back to foreign visitors to choose as territory.

(End of this chapter)

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