The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1432 One-month production cycle

Chapter 1432 One-month production cycle

"In about half a month from the start of the restoration formation, Qingzhou Island's original state can be restored to 30%. In about three years, Qingzhou Island's original state can be restored to its peak in previous years." Taohua said.

"What about Qingze World?" Zhonghe asked.

"It's whatever it is." Taohua said simply.

"The whole world of Qingze has been given to you." Zhonghe was not satisfied.

"In the end, after we finish the construction, others will make money for nothing. Do you think we are fools for such a loss of blood?" Taohua asked in reverse.

Hearing this, Zhonghe couldn't help but feel dissatisfied and looked at Sima Zhongruo resentfully.

If he hadn't spoken out in advance, the Chu family would have restored the real world first.

Sima Zhongruo ignored his complaining eyes. If it turns out that someone really paid a lot of money and finally robbed someone else's territory, no amount of compensation would be able to offset the Chu family's resentment. They may not dare to say anything to the forces that forcefully intervene, but they can still secretly think of ways to kill one Zhong clan and one Sima clan, or keep causing trouble for the two families.

The only one Zhongjia really took advantage of was Zhong Qiran.

What else can the Zhong family do if Zhong Qi is taken away as the border patrol officer?

Besides, given the size of the Zhong family, once Zhong Qiran loses his status as border patrol envoy, he will definitely not be able to participate in the grand event of re-carving up the great world of Qingze.

When the time comes, there will be nothing left, and a powerful enemy will be provoked out of thin air.

Isn’t this making wedding clothes for others?

"I know you will have grievances, but the entire world of Qingze is too big to be left to you alone. If it is given to you, you won't be able to keep it in the end. You can restore Qingzhou Island with all your strength. But this method of restoring its origins, Can it be shared with other families and forces?" Sima Zhongruo asked.

"You can't share it for free." Taohua thought for a moment before continuing, "One booklet, five million amethysts."

"How much, five million amethysts, just one method?" Zhonghe was shocked. "Is it too expensive?"

"It's really not expensive. We also explored it many times and wasted countless resources before we came up with it. You think it may be something that can be revealed in one step. Before we found the answer, we experimented countless times and spent countless manpower and time. Material resources." Taohua said.

Sima Zhongruo nodded.

"Besides, the brochures we provide are all things we have actually practiced, not conjectures or predictions. Can these practices be achieved without spending money and just by thinking about them?"

Sima Zhongruo laughed.

Zhonghe also remained silent.

"Okay, whoever needs it in the future, let them come to your house to buy it." Sima Zhongruo said.

"Sure, you guys are busy, I'll leave first." After Taohua left, Zhong He rarely complained, "Look, you, it's just unnecessary, why bother telling them this."

"Before I came over, my uncle specifically reminded me to speak to the Chu family." Sima Zhongruo said directly, not afraid of Xuanhe listening.

Heartbroken and stunned.

Sima Zhongruo's uncle is his biological father.

Does your biological father have any other ideas?

He thought hard for a moment and then suddenly said, "My father is the one who has the foresight."

"My uncle was able to push my uncle to become a border patrol officer in one fell swoop. Do you think his reputation as a wise old man is fake?" Zhonghe had a strange expression after hearing this. Although his father was a well-known wise man, he did not inherit his father's cleverness. Ahem, to use his father's words to describe his uncle, he was a bit dumbfounded.

When Xuanhe heard what they said, he was a little suspicious and didn't know what they were talking about.

Several people continued walking, this time they took a small flying boat.

Many people use this small boat, which can hold eight or nine people in a boat and can also carry some belongings, to wander in the void.

While Zhonghe and others were patrolling, they also discovered that the large formation in the sky was slowly moving in a certain direction. If you look at it from the inside of Qingze World, you can see that various flying objects in the sky are slowly moving towards Qingzhou Island.

There is no need to build a huge sky formation that covers the entire Qingze world, so the floating island modules previously stored by the Chu family are enough.

The weapon refining tower is now refining various array weapons on the ground.

The Earth Division Corps that had already gone down had also received orders from their families not to survey other areas of the Five Continents and Ten Islands, but instead concentrated in the direction of Qingzhou Island. It is planned to conduct deep excavations on the island's surface, underground, and the ocean and ocean underground around the island.

With the survey speed of the Chu family's powerful earth division team, the entire Qingzhou Island can be completed in a few days.

By then, the formation masters had already laid out a rough framework for the real underground formation with the help of other guiding masters.

Once the ground and aerial formations are fully activated, the rest will be minor modifications.

The boat of Zhonghe and others passed by a newly built floating island, and saw another floating island where many farmers were working on it, and large areas of medicinal seedlings, spiritual grains, and spiritual wheat seedlings had grown.

"Have you all started planting?" Zhonghe said in surprise.

"What's this? The earliest batch is almost mature. Planting spiritual seeds on the floating island will mature in a month. The earliest spiritual grains, elixirs, fruits and vegetables that were planted are already more than 20 days old. , it will be harvested in a few days.

Especially some leafy spiritual vegetables, we have been eating them for ten days. "

"I didn't expect the harvest from this void planting to be so good?" Zhonghe was moved.

"There are many things that need to be paid attention to when planting in the void. It is easy to attract diseases and insects. It is best to have an experienced spiritual planter for every ten acres of land. Otherwise, the gain will outweigh the loss."

"Your family is so powerful that you can have one spiritual husband for every ten acres?" Sima Zhongruo asked curiously. "We only have one spiritual farmer for every three hundred acres of land here. Normally, three to five acres of land are given to you to be taken care of by a spiritual farmer.

Oh, spiritual farmers are farmers or low-level monks who have some experience in taking care of spiritual plants. "

"Our family started out as a farmer. There are many spiritual husbands in our family, and our family has been cultivating its own spiritual husbands since its rise. I wanted to be an official in the family, but when I was ten years old, I I have passed the Lingzhifu exam.

In order to have someone to take care of my family's forest village, I also trained four Lingzhifu's slaves myself. In order to better take care of Lin Tian, ​​my four Lingzhufu family slaves trained a dozen new Lingzhufus for me.

Most of the monks in our family are Ling Zhifu.

When marrying a daughter-in-law or a daughter, one should choose a family with many spiritual husbands.

In this way, the child's future is more secure.

Even if you don't have any land at home, you can still earn a lot of money by farming it for others.

I think most of the spiritual cultivators you see farming on the floating island are temporarily recruited by the family. "

(End of this chapter)

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