The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1433 Gray Mouse Marten

Chapter 1433 Gray Mouse Marten

"The serious spiritual planters in the family are cultivating seedlings of various spiritual plants, especially those of a large number of fruit trees. If nothing else happens, when the formation here is fully activated, they will also follow them down to the ground to plant the seedlings that have emerged. Plant the spiritual plant." Xuan He said.

"I heard you say that your family started out by planting, but I didn't have much understanding of it. Now that I hear you say it, I feel that your family really has some skills in starting out by planting. It's only been a few days, and your family has already Make use of the floating island.

But I remember you said that these floating islands are to be distributed to hard-working soldiers? "

"Yes, but it will probably be divided next year. The merits are calculated at the beginning of each year. They will get the floating island in their hands, which should be in April, May, June and March next year. Depending on the size of the merits, the ranking will be divided first and then divided." Xuanhe said. "My two younger brothers and about a dozen cousins ​​are all in the military, and the dates for their Sang Gong verification are different every year."

"Before dividing it up, if you use it like this, you won't be able to make back all the investment you made on the floating island."

"That's for sure. The family has never engaged in a loss-making business. Refining the floating island is indeed a waste of resources, labor, and spiritual stones. But if the combination is successful, you can make money. When the money is given out as a reward, the family will definitely We have made a rough calculation to earn back the investment. These floating islands are now planted with various low-level spiritual plants that mature once a month. , the family should be able to recover the income equivalent to two floating islands."

Zhonghe bared his teeth.

They are so good at making money. If their family wanted to have Chu's ability, they would have developed it long ago.

"Your family seems to be particularly good at business." Zhonghe said.

"Hahaha, it's trivial, it's trivial." Xuanhe laughed. It's hard for him to say that his family relies entirely on the owner to make a living, and he can always find a way to make money, right?

"Will all the floating islands here be rewarded?" Sima Zhongruo asked.

"I'm not sure about this. This is a matter for the family military department." Xuanhe said.

"In addition to the ten major fleets, does your family have other legions?" Zhonghe asked again.

"Yes, there are twenty legions in total. Including ten fleets, six armies and four navies.

The others are all garrison corps, belonging to local corps. If their combat effectiveness is not good, they can only maintain order. "

"Do you have a full-time boot camp?" Zhonghe asked.

"Each local legion is equipped with a recruit training camp to recruit soldiers all year round. Recruits are trained in the local legion," Xuanhe said. Only those who have the ability will be selected and recommended to join other armies.

"You have done your best in managing the tribe's troops."

"As long as you can protect yourself." Xuan He smiled naively. This is a bit modest, because the clan members of the Chu family continue to grow in battles all year round because the clan is showing weakness. Cultivated a group of experienced generals with combat experience and leadership.

Thinking back to the past, it was not uncommon for people like Chu Junshu to lead both Lingshan and troops.

The upper echelons of the Chu family are almost all figures with both civil and military skills, and those who can hold real power for a long time are those who have special expertise in civil and military skills. You are too embarrassed to go up if you are completely incompetent.

Therefore, if any of the powerful men in charge of the family are picked out, there will be a series of achievements behind them. It's dazzling to see.

Young people like Xuan He were sent out to exercise a lot.

Zhonghe and Sima Zhongruo didn't really believe Xuanhe's words.

After all, the entire Chu family is right under their noses, and it seems that there is really a hint of intention to revive the Qingze world.

"Hey, what are those they dragged back?" Zhonghe saw a group of void transport ships in the distance dragging back a pile of carcasses of animals that looked like minks and rats. Each animal was the size of a medium-sized dog.

"Oh, those are all rats and martens. There are many groups of these little guys near Qingze World. There are so many that they are so dense that they are hard to count, so the family's hunting team was ordered to set off to collect them. They should have been brought back in the past few days. The spoils of war," Xuan He said. "There are not many people around our Cangqing Sky Zone, but there are a lot of void beasts. Every once in a while, a wave of void beasts will break out. You should also be careful." Zhonghe said.

"It's okay. If we just defend one Qingzhou Island, there should be no problem." Xuan He is now more confident.

With so many warships, how could we still defend Qingzhou Island? There is no need to guard a big world.

Zhonghe's mouth twitched after hearing this.

He felt uneasy now.

He didn't know whether what his father and Sima Zhongruo did was right or not.

In fact, in his opinion, it would be better to trick the entire Chu family into reviving Qingze World first.

When the world of Qingze fully recovers, no matter who comes, everyone in his family will get a big piece of the pie. It's a pity that his own father and Sima Zhongruo obviously don't have that much confidence in their uncle. I don’t want to make wedding clothes for others, and I don’t want to be criticized by others in the future.


In fact, when he thought about it, it would be nice if the family could get real benefits. Why should he care about reputation? A good reputation can't be used as food.

Well now, everything has become a dream.

"What kind of rat-sable is it?" Sima Zhongruo suddenly asked.

"It's a gray squirrel." Xuanhe said.

"Is it the kind of material specially used to make storage bags?" Sima Zhongruo asked.

"That's it. However, my family leader said that the fur of this kind of rat and marten is overkill for refining storage bags. It is better to use it to refining space fur tents, especially suitable for military sleeping bags, small tents and large tents for small groups to go out. Tribal household tents on the grassland and other daily uses.”

Sima Zhongruo was shocked after hearing this: "Then what does your family use to make storage bags?"

"Our family has used various spiritual silkworm species to cultivate special colorful silkworm species. The silk spun out is particularly convenient and cheap to use to make storage bags. It can be produced on a large scale. If you also need it, please If it's bigger, we can sell it to you cheaper," Xuanhe said.

Compared with the colorful silk storage bags, which have endless origins, are cheap and of good quality, the rat and mink furs are scarce in quantity and have more outstanding warmth retention properties, and are more suitable for making space sleeping bags, space tents and the like.

"Our two families can really start some large-scale trade." Zhonghe was really moved after hearing this.

This time he decided to lie down and let the family elders in charge of trade come over and take a look.

Just based on the colorful silk storage bag they were talking about, he felt it was worth establishing some trade relations with the Chu family.

"If you have any extra chinchilla and mink skins, our Sima family would also like to start a skin trade with you." Sima Zhongruo was very optimistic about chinchilla and mink skins. His family has special inheritance benefits and can use chinchilla and mink skins to refine bigger and better storage bags.

So he is more optimistic about leather.

(End of this chapter)

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