The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1434 Big Order

Chapter 1434 Big Order

"Squirrel and mink, I can't answer you until I go back and ask." Xuanhe said.

"Then the colorful silk storage bags you launched before were already discussed long ago?" Sima Zhongruo asked.

"Yes, I have a list of specialty products in my hand. They are all products that I can dispose of at will. Do you two adults want to take a look?" Xuanhe asked again.

"Take it and take a look." Zhonghe said first.

Xuan He directly took out two thick special product brochures from his sleeves, handed one to Zhonghe, and handed the other to Sima Zhongruo.

The two booklets list five hundred kinds of special products in detail, including a large number of rare medicinal materials and some special resources, such as colorful silk storage bags, various rune weapons and battle armor, etc.

"Hey, looking at your introduction, the various leather armors produced by you seem to have a great restraint effect on monsters, and they are also quite good at protecting our own bodies." Zhonghe took a liking to it at a glance. The description of the leather armor seemed a bit exaggerated to him.

"These leather armors are leather armors that have been improved by us for many generations. The leather armors we made at the beginning did not have these effects. Later, in our realm, there were so many various monsters and alien species. This is very harmful to our skin. Armor protection has put forward higher requirements, and our leather armor masters have racked their brains to invent ways to improve leather armor. It took several generations of efforts to improve the current leather armor," Xuan He said.

Where ordinary people can afford precious metal armor, leather armor is still the mainstream in the army.

Special teams like metal heavy armor are the elite among the elite. However, the heavy armor that people need usually has special requirements, and they will not leave the manufacturing responsibility to outsiders.

Therefore, most of the ones sold in the market are leather armors.

If the Chu family wanted to get involved in the armor market, they could only focus on leather armor.

Therefore, the leather armor master really worked hard to research new leather armor.

However, the benefits are obvious. In the end, the leather armor refined by the Chu family was almost in short supply in the world. Sell ​​as many as you have.

Moreover, the quality of his own leather armor far exceeds the quality of most metal armors in the world.

"We mainly used a large number of drug soaking methods and a multi-layer silk leather armor composite method. The weight of the leather armor is still mainly light, but it can effectively resist the corrosion, infection, and parasitism of various monsters and alien species.

Especially for resisting parasitic species, the effect is remarkable. "

"Why is it so effective against parasitic species?" Zhonghe asked in surprise.

"It's mainly a parasitic species, and it's also a living thing. Whether it's parasitic into the body or parasitic into the soul, you have to choose the one that suits their taste. If you use leather armor soaked in special medicine, it will emit a special smell.

Most parasitic species will run away or avoid the person wearing leather armor. "

"Then this kind of leather armor does not completely cover the hands, feet, and head. What if parasitic species infect the body from these exposed parts?" Zhonghe asked again.

"Actually, if a person wears this kind of special leather armor, within one or two years, the special aura will be produced in the body. Once the parasitic species bites through the human skin, it will absorb a large amount of the special aura, and they will still run away. Come back and won’t drill into the human body again.”

Zhonghe was shocked when he heard this, thinking that there was such a miracle medicine?

"Then the effect of this medicine is not always available, right?" Zhonghe asked again.

"This medicine can be replenished later. Our special leather armor maintenance cream is to complete the replenishment of various medicines. After buying leather armor, if you need to supplement the leather armor's protection against monsters and alien species, you can buy some special leather armor maintenance cream son.

Once you apply it, find an airtight wooden box and put the leather armor in it, so that the potency of the medicine can be preserved for a long time.

If you are worried, you can apply another layer before using again. "

"Do you have a lot of these types of leather armors in stock? I would like to order some and use them on the front line to see the effect." Zhong He wanted to place an order without saying anything. "How much do you want?"

"Because we have to relocate, we don't have much leather armor in stock, only a few hundred thousand." Xuanhe said.

"How much do you get for hundreds of thousands? Two or three hundred thousand is also hundreds of thousands, and five or six hundred thousand is also hundreds of thousands." Zhonghe asked seriously.

"There are still 850,000 collars." Xuan He said with a wry smile.

"According to your price, I will settle the bill with you with high-grade spiritual stone coins." Zhonghe said. A piece of leather armor only cost an average of 3,500 low-grade spiritual stone coins, which was extremely cheap. For their clan soldiers, a standard ordinary waist knife costs 5,000 low-grade spirit stone coins.

"Okay, when do you plan to pick up the goods? I'll have someone prepare it."

"I'll have someone contact my family right now. They'll be here in a few days," Zhonghe said.

"If this kind of leather armor really has the effect you said, then I will order a batch for the family in the future." Sima Zhongruo said while looking at the introduction of the leather armor.

"Adults, you can check it at will. The quality of my leather armor is obvious. There is absolutely no problem."

"Then do you have to sell me some of your maintenance cream?" Zhonghe asked again.

"This is sold by the box, one hundred barrels per box, and 10,000 low-grade spirit stone coins per box."

"That bucket only has one hundred low-grade spirit stone coins? How big is the bucket?" Zhonghe asked.

"Each ointment is relatively light. The half-pound ointment bucket is enough to apply three times." Xuanhe said.

"Then bring me ten thousand boxes." Zhonghe said.

"Sure." Xuanhe agreed happily. The previous leather armor was sold for nearly 30 billion low-grade spiritual stone coins, and now another one million low-grade spiritual stone coins were obtained.

Master Zhong is indeed a real rich man.

Zhonghe took Sima Zhongruo for a walk and approached a huge spiritual mountain.

Wow, this is really a behemoth, and it is also a super fortress-type unit that combines resources and force.

"Such a huge Lingshan Mountain looks more powerful than our war fortress over there." Zhonghe said with a sigh.

"The main thing is production and military patrol. Over on our border, the front line is still dominated by force. The war fortress has given up many production and living functions, so that it can load all kinds of defensive and offensive weapons to the maximum extent." Sima Zhong Ruodao.

The key is that they have the entire Wenlan Tianyu as their logistics and backing, and they don't have to consider any production logistics issues at all.

"The fundamental reason why they built such a spiritual mountain-like fortress may be that most of the realm has been destroyed, and there are a large number of monsters and alien species running rampant in the void." Sima Zhongruo guessed.

"Master Sima is right. We are also trying to protect ourselves. Staying in a certain world can no longer guarantee the safety of our family. That's why the family has created so many spiritual mountains to facilitate escape and self-protection."

(End of this chapter)

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