The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1435 Sweet pastry

Chapter 1435 Sweet pastry

"I didn't expect the situation on your side to be so bad? Don't you have some huge forces to resist the erosion of monsters and alien species?" Zhonghe asked again.

"Yes, but we didn't see them using their full strength. Anyway, everyone was trying to find a way to escape from that realm." Xuan He said with a helpless smile.

"Did you give up from the beginning?" Zhonghe was not an ignorant person and he understood immediately.

"Following the space-time rift you opened, will they also come?" Zhonghe asked again.

"I can't tell for sure." Xuan He said he didn't know very well either. "But everyone is trying to find a way. They started earlier than us, and they may have found a way long ago."

"Haha, that's not necessarily true. You guys are lucky." Zhonghe smiled meaningfully.

Sima Zhongruo also interjected at this time, "Yes, you are very lucky. Although there are many space cracks around our Cangqing Sky Domain, the proportion of cracks leading to the lower domain is not large in the total number. , most of the cracks lead to unknown spaces, and there are generally no cracks in those spaces that lead to other external realms.

This kind of access to location space is very difficult to explore. Sometimes, you may gain a lot of money, but more often than not, you will never come back.

Because a large number of explorers were lost one after another, after many cracks appeared, everyone sold them to those forces who were willing to take risks.

After you are stable in Qingze World, you can also participate in similar explorations.

Although our Wenlan Tianyu has visitors from foreign lands from time to time, not all visitors will find a stable and safe space. There are still many unstable and forbidden areas in our Wenlan Tianyu.

That's where it's really dangerous. It's definitely a life-limited area.

However, the space over there is very unstable, and many cracks and passages will appear there. Therefore, even if there are forces on your side that find Wenlan Tianyu or nearby Tianyu, they may appear directly in the forbidden area. If they go anywhere, haha. "

If Sima Zhongruo didn't say much, it was obvious that the result would not be good.

"So is it so dangerous to dig cracks?" Xuan He was shocked. He looked at his family and dug if he was told. If the digging was different, he would dig another crack. Although a large amount of property and puppets were lost, the loss of personnel was not really much.

"Isn't it just such a danger? The Sima family originally started by digging cracks in space. As a result, success and failure were also cracks. Hundreds of years ago, all the masters of their family were broken into a big crack. From that time on, the Sima family Just change the family tradition and no longer have the right to take risks by digging for cracks," Zhonghe said.

Sima Zhongruo nodded. There is no intention of being shy at all.

"My family obtained quite a lot of resources from the cracks in the early days, otherwise we would not be able to make a fortune. Unfortunately, we also fell into the cracks later. We almost couldn't pass on the family inheritance. If it weren't for the care of our in-laws, our family would not be able to survive. The son is here."

"The care given by the in-laws is also limited. Speaking of which, your old head of the family is very powerful and decisive. As a result, within a few generations, your family will have many talented people entering the officialdom, and the Sima family will be as prosperous as it is today."

Sima Zhongruo smiled bitterly after hearing this. This prosperity depends on who you compare with.

"By the way, you may know that our entire Cangqing airspace is under the control of the Haotian Divine Dynasty. There are princes in the entire Wenlan Heavenly Territory, and there is a general administration under the jurisdiction. You foreigners, once you naturalize in our Heavenly Territory Entered the inspection period.

After a hundred years, you can send your family members to serve as officials in our dynasty only if you have made no mistakes. "Zhonghe explained to Xuanhe.

"If you make a mistake during this period and are punished by the divine dynasty, then your family's inspection period will be extended to three hundred years. Only by being an official in the divine dynasty can your family be able to protect itself. If not, you can think about it yourself. "

Xuan Hexin said, what do I think? Tell me, what do I think?

We are new to Guijing, and we don’t understand what the situation is like here. "Is it just like the Qingze World? It was clearly divided for us, but we still have to let it go?" After holding it in for a while, Xuanhe came up with an example.

Zhonghe smiled.

"There are people from those forces who are serving as officials in the court. Even my family has to stay out of the way."

Xuanhe thought, so that’s it.

Fortunately, my family did not revive the whole world.

Just when a few people were staying on the void battleship, they saw a spiritual mountain rising with dazzling colored light first, followed closely by the many floating islands around them that also began to boil with colored light. Under the linkage of the huge formation, a large amount of energy from the distance is attracted like the surging waves, and then is sucked into the formation. It was then transformed into a large number of colorful crystals through formation.

These colorful crystals accumulated more and more, and when they were almost ten feet high, there was a bang, and a huge opening opened under the formation, and a large number of colorful crystals rained down on Qingzhou Island in Qingze World like meteors.

Qingzhou Island is like a hungry giant beast. Every colorful crystal is sucked into the ground by Qingzhou Island as soon as it falls within three or four feet of the ground.

As a large number of colorful crystals fell down, the originally dry and depleted earth began to become faintly moist.

Vigor and vitality also appeared bit by bit.

When the colorful crystal fell, Zhonghe and Sima Zhongruo couldn't hold it back. They used their magical aura and followed the colorful crystal down like flying, taking some of the colorful crystals away with them.

Then they saw Caijing being absorbed by Qingzhou Island and the amazing changes in Qingzhou Island.

The two stopped between a peak and a plain, looking at the huge changes in front of them in shock.

"It has really recovered. What kind of formation is this?" Zhonghe said in shock.

"These colorful crystals are not right either. Each one carries some messy original aura." Sima Zhongruo said with a solemn expression.

"Isn't this too awesome?" Zhonghe looked at Sima Zhongruo involuntarily.

"The formation brought by this family is extraordinary." Sima Zhongruo said. "If they are willing to sell it, I guess many people will be willing to pay the five million low-grade spirit stone coins."

"This kind of formation should be inherited by the core of the family, and it will definitely not be leaked seriously." Zhonghe concluded.

Sima Zhongruo thought for a moment and nodded.

If my own family had such a heaven-defying formation, I would not take action.

"It's just that they have this kind of heaven-defying formation, which will probably attract a lot of hungry wolves."

"Without this kind of formation, they would also attract hungry wolves. It just depends on whether the family's trump card can hold its own." Zhonghe said with a grin. "Aren't new visitors from foreign lands always welcome?"

(End of this chapter)

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