The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1436 The Mage is Missing

Chapter 1436 The Mage is Missing

"This Qingzhou Island has really come back to life." Sima Zhongruo said with great emotion.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw teams of five or six people walking among the deserted mountains, calibrating their position from time to time, and then directly driving a well-like device at a special mountainside location. Walking into the mountains, they seemed to have made another discovery, and dug another well near a dry mountain stream. As soon as the well hit the ground, it went deep into the ground.

"What do you do with the wells you drill into the ground?"

Several members of the team looked up and saw the two masters flying in the air. "I am Zhonghe, and this is why I want Sima Zhongruo."

"It turns out they are two adults." The leader of the team, dressed as a middle-aged scribe, stood up and took the initiative to talk. "I am the leader of the Earth Division team under the Chu family. My name is Chu Wenyu."

"Geomaster? Are you responsible for surveying the mineral veins?" Zhonghe asked.

"Yes, we are responsible for exploring the mineral veins." Chu Wenyu replied. At this time, Chu Xuanhe also ran down in a small flying boat. "Oh, these two adults are flying so fast, I can't even keep up."

"We met your Earth Master team." Sima Zhongruo said with a smile.

"Oh, they are short on time and have heavy tasks." Xuan He said. The implication is that if you have something to do, hurry up and you will be delayed from other people's work.

Zhonghe didn't take it seriously and continued to ask, "I saw you guys driving something from a well into the ground. Why is that?"

"Because the vitality of the earth has recovered, the mineral deposits will also recover. The recovery of mineral veins can be traced. Sometimes, several mineral veins in one place have signs of recovery. If many mineral veins are intertwined with other mineral veins, , which will lead to a decline in the quality of useful mineral veins.

In order to ensure the quality of the ore veins, we have developed a magic weapon that specifically selects to stimulate the mineral veins.

It's the same well as before.

After that kind of magic weapon penetrates the mineral vein we want to activate, it will continuously absorb the surrounding spiritual energy, promote the development of the mineral vein we choose, and have a certain chance of improving the quality. If it is a first- or second-level mineral vein, it may become a third- or fourth-level mineral vein after being stimulated.

Our team is the team responsible for mineral processing here. "

"I've heard of people using ore cores to stimulate ore, but I didn't expect that there are also people who use magic weapons to stimulate ore." Sima Zhongruo said in surprise.

"Ore core stimulation is the right way, and the effect is better. After burying it for more than a hundred years, usable mineral veins can be grown again. Our magic weapon to stimulate mineralization, the effect is touching. Even if the mineral deposits are stimulated, the total growth will be The output will also be very small.

The owner of the family told us to arrange it this way, hoping that when Qingzhou Island recovers its origins, a big rebellion will directly stimulate the growth of the mineral veins.

At that time, with this little introduction, we may be able to obtain a huge vein of minerals. "

Don't tell me, the head of your family is really very calculating.

Moreover, after the original origin of Qingzhou Island is restored, it is determined that the earth and mineral veins will be restored, and some special blessed lands will even be opened up.

"If you do it this way, it's actually quite promising." Zhonghe said a little insincerely. What the Chu family has done is indeed a promising future.

But this kind of future is not what Zhonghe likes to see.

The stronger the Chu family grows in the future, the harder it will be to encroach.

At this time, a colorful spar meteor shower also started falling in the other direction.

A large number of colored crystals flew to the ground, and before they touched the ground, they were sucked into a streak of colored light and sank into the ground. The earth covered by the meteor shower became a little moist again and no longer so dry and dry.

"Xuanhe, I heard before that your family plans to activate the formation in five or six days. These colorful crystals are falling one after another. Are you planning to activate the formation in advance?" Zhonghe asked.

"No, there isn't. The colored crystals transformed by the absorption of the sky are called source colored crystals. It is said that they use the sources of other worlds or spiritual lands that have been floating and accumulated in the void for many years, and complement each other with the spiritual energy to condense new ones. Color crystal.

This kind of colored crystal cannot be absorbed by humans, and it is estimated that spiritual objects cannot absorb it either. It will easily explode and kill you. But for the world, this energy may be a little violent, but it is still within the absorbable range. "

After listening to Xuanhe's words, Zhonghe simply turned the two pieces of colored crystals he held into his palms, "Is it true that people can't absorb this kind of colored crystals?"

"According to the head of the family, when we first developed this formation, we tried it on death row prisoners. It didn't work. It would self-destruct as soon as it was absorbed." Xuan He explained to the two adults who listened carefully. "According to the ideas of the formation masters, it shouldn't be This is the result.

But for some unknown reason, neither humans nor spiritual beasts can absorb this colored crystal. Lingshan can do it, and so can the world. The cave sky and the blessed land are also completed. "

"That's probably because there are some void and chaotic attributes in the colorful crystal. Both humans and spiritual beasts are too small to absorb such high-end energy." Sima Zhongruo thought for a moment and said.

"It's also possible." Xuanhe agreed. He is not an array master, and he doesn't know why this colored crystal behaves like this. It is said that the array masters have also provided various guesses, but there are not many conjectures that can be verified in practice.

So no matter what Sima Zhongruo says, he just needs to agree with him.

"Although you don't ask for a clear explanation, you have found the transformation method of the colorful crystal and found the usage of the colorful crystal." Sima Zhongruo said approvingly.

Xuan He: "..." Please don't tell me this. It's too difficult for a bastard who doesn't understand the formation at all.

"Okay, you can go." Zhonghe let the Earth Master team go.

"By the way, Xuanhe, do your family have many earth masters?" Zhonghe asked again.

"Well, not too many. Anyway, there are not as many spiritual husbands as the family." Xuanhe continued.

"Our battlefield over there requires a large number of earth masters." Zhonghe said. "Many of the formations over there need the help of earth masters to repair them."

"Isn't the repair of the formation a matter for the formation master?" Xuan He asked in confusion.

"The formation master needs to help the legion control large-scale defense and attack formations, and there is not so much time to maintain those formations commonly used on the ground." Zhonghe said.

"Actually, what the army lacks is a large number of formation masters?" Xuan He suddenly asked.

"Well, you can understand it this way." Zhonghe paused before saying.

"Then if our family does not provide you with 50,000 sergeants tomorrow, but provides you with 50,000 formation mages, are there any preferential policies?" Xuanhe thought for a while and asked.

Ahem, cough, cough, Zhong He was so excited that his arms were shaking slightly.

"What are you talking about? You can provide 50,000 formation masters? Are they really serious formation masters? Are they not just superficial?" Zhonghe asked.

(End of this chapter)

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