The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1437 Mountain Spring

Chapter 1437 Mountain Spring

"Ahem, what standards do you need to meet to become a serious formation master?" Xuanhe asked suspiciously.

"Here, look, I have systematically studied the basics of formations and can arrange six of the twenty-four basic formations on my own." Sima Zhongruo took out a booklet from his arms and handed it to Xuan He.

Xuanhe opened the drawing, oh my god, aren't these the basic formations that young apprentices practice?

Moreover, it is also a training formation for junior apprentices. Their junior apprentices will all arrange hundreds of small formations on their own. As for the assessment item for the formation master, it is indeed true that he alone leads a small team of formation master apprentices to set up an intermediate or above formation.

Formations above the intermediate level would cover an area of ​​at least hundreds of acres.

"If we can meet the standards in your book and produce 50,000 formation mages, then Lord Zhonghe, what kind of preferential treatment can you give us?"

"No more new members of your family will be recruited within three years?" Zhonghe asked tentatively.

"Ahem, then we will continue to send 50,000 ethnic soldiers next year. Fifty thousand ethnic soldiers are nothing, they have been trained for a year and a half." Xuan He immediately changed his attitude, from enthusiastic and positive to indifferent.

Are you kidding me? Fifty thousand formation mages will be reduced by three years of military service.

See you later, you.

"Maybe five years, after all, it's not easy to train formation masters." Sima Zhongruo said in an aggressive tone.

"No need, we will send out clan troops." Xuan He said firmly.

"Then how many years of military service would you like to be exempted from?" Zhonghe asked Xuanhe to say it himself.

"At least twenty years."

"There are too many, I can't make the decision." Zhonghe said directly with a change of expression.

"Actually, I can't make the decision. How about I go back and ask the head of my family. After all, 50,000 formation mages is not a small number. It uses our family's talent pool."

Zhonghe: "..."

To be honest, Fifty Thousand Formation Master is just too fragrant.

Not to mention Zhonghe, even Sima Zhongruo was moved. If these 50,000 formation mages were deployed on his family's defense line, it would solve a big problem.

And looking at the Chu family like this, there should really be 50,000 formation mages.

"We can talk about this slowly." Sima Zhongruo said.

Xuan Hexin said we should talk slowly, but he was not in a hurry anyway.

When Qingzhou Island began to enter a period of large-scale construction, ordinary people from all over the country landed to build cities and villages. The population of the Chu family will increase explosively again. The Chu family has been encouraging fertility, and when introducing populations from various small and medium-sized worlds, they also prefer branches of humanity that have many offspring.

Many special populations in small and medium-sized worlds, such as Tubarbarians, Warbarians and other human branches, cannot keep up with the human races in other large worlds in terms of civilization, but their fertility is far behind most human races. Let's put it this way, generally speaking, for the population of the big world, a small couple can have about four or five children. For Tubar, Zhanman and other human tribes, a couple can have about ten children in a lifetime.

The young wife also said that her body is very strong and she can give birth to more children as long as she has good food and enough nutrition.

But to manage children, you also have to manage and raise them, so the Chu family usually encourages young couples to have only ten children, and gives them money, nutrition, and resources to raise all their children. When they grow up to two or three years old, they begin the same enlightenment education as other human races.

It was by relying on the long-term and unremitting population cultivation decree that the Chu family was able to control a huge family-affiliated population of more than a thousand times with a population of more than 10 million.

Therefore, it is not really difficult to mobilize an army of 50,000 monks a year.

But Chu couldn't act too relaxed. That would be too conspicuous. This will make more forces pay attention to the Chu family's anomalies. Being able to quickly cultivate a large number of troops, doesn't this mean that the Chu family's war potential is extremely strong?

At that time, not only the surrounding forces, large and small, will not be able to tolerate them, but even the divine dynasty will be afraid and will find ways to suppress the Chu family before they develop.

So Xuanhe thought, if he could use 50,000 formation mages, he could buy more time for the family. That couldn't be better.

Whoops, whoops, on the mountain wall not far next door, there was a mountain spring flowing out along the cracks in the mountain wall. Although the water flow is very small, it is also a mountain spring.

And it is an extremely clear mountain spring.

There is water, it is really water.

"Oh my God, a mountain spring has appeared. If it doesn't work, I have to inform the owner of the family immediately. You two adults, please wait a moment. I'll be right back." After Xuan He finished speaking, he immediately ran away.

The previous Earth Master team had long since disappeared.

Only Zhonghe and Sima Zhongruo are left.

The two of them were also shocked and shocked.

You know, the entire sea in the Qingze world is dead.

It was stagnant water, black, dead, dirty.

There are so many mutated monsters.

On the five continents and ten islands, there is no water at all. Maybe there is some normal water deep in the bottom layer, but you can't see it at the surface. To put it bluntly, after the Qingze World was completely exhausted and died, even the atmosphere on the periphery of the world was gone.

When the people of the Chu family came to the surface, what they saw did not look like the surface of a world, but looked like some wandering abandoned meteorites in the void.

Originally, Taohua planned to restore the atmosphere of the entire world. But later... it didn't belong to her family after she recovered, so she had to work for nothing. The idea is beautiful, but I don’t know how to do it.

Instead of creating a thankless atmosphere at high altitude, just cover Qingzhou Island with a layer of formation cover.

This actually has a disadvantage, that is, you will lose a lot of the energy of creation and the condensed form of the original energy from the world.

But it saves money. The Chu family can at least save a lot of money.

Blah, blah, blah, the mountain spring water gurgled towards the recess at the foot of the mountain. It is estimated that it will not take long to form a small pool there.

"It feels like Qingzhou Island is really different." He said sincerely.

"The fact that Qingzhou Island can be transformed into this shows that the entire Qingze world is likely to be deep underground, and some of the origin of the world has been accumulated and has not been plundered." Sima Zhongruo said solemnly, "Those families may not be able to sit still. Well, they will start taking action soon.”

"In such a big world, it's impossible not to leave even a tiny bit of its origins behind." Zhong He also said. "It's just that if they forcefully join in, my uncle will be in trouble again. Who's family is better to take care of? I left here and went outside to re-establish the family. The sect has too much power."

"If you want to restore the origin of the Qingze world, the price you have to pay is probably not cheap. Judging from the crazy investment of the Chu family, it is just a restoration of Qingzhou Island. If other forces and families want to come in and get a share of the pie, , then you must have strength, if you want to be a white wolf with nothing, hehe." Sima Zhongruo sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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