The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1438 Qingzhou Island recovers and fights back

Chapter 1438 Qingzhou Island recovers and fights back

"There was once an opportunity for free prostitution in front of us, but it was gone because of you." Zhong He complained plaintively.

"That is an opportunity with endless troubles. Please be more awake." Sima Zhongruo said speechlessly. "The key is that my biological father predicts that once there is an accident in your uncle's position, the opportunity for free prostitution will immediately cause more harm than good."

"Does a small Chu family still have the strength to challenge us in the future? Besides, they have conquered the Qingze Great World and lost the Qingze Great World. How much of their family fortune will be left in the end?" Zhonghe sneered. .

"I think back then, those families who bullied the Rong family also thought the same way, and the Rong family was almost wiped out.

He is now nine thousand years old and holds a high position of power. Not only did they re-establish the Rong family, they also uprooted all the families that had harmed the Rong family. "Sima Zhongruo said angrily. "At the beginning, they thought that the Rong family had been wiped out, and their own clan could rest easy. "

Zhonghe immediately changed his expression.

"You can obviously get the benefits in your hands through other methods, so why do you have to do it so cruelly? If those families don't go to extremes, they won't destroy the whole family. Take this as a warning and be harmonious."

"I was lucky to be rescued when I was nine thousand years old. It seems that those families were not keeping secrets." Zhonghe said plausibly.

"You're stupid, that family doesn't have a really powerful counselor, how could it be possible that it wasn't secretive? Rather than not being secretive, I think it's more likely that someone from the Dragon Court of the Divine Dynasty secretly saved Jiu Qiansui.

Use him as a knife to kill those unsightly, extreme family and sect forces. "

Zhonghe took a deep breath after listening to Sima Zhongruo's analysis.

"No way? Is Longting doing things so shady?"

"How can you say that a divine dynasty does everything above board? Besides, cutting off obstacles is not suitable for being exposed to the sun. There are so many top counselors in Longting, and there are always some people who are responsible for doing things secretly." Sima Zhongruo road. "In addition to the destruction of eleven families and sect forces, Longting was given a heavy meal."

Zhonghe changed his face again after hearing this.

Now he had so many thoughts in his heart that he wanted to curse angrily, but he didn't know who to scold.

"But being so afraid of what comes and what goes away has tied our hands and feet and made things unsatisfactory."

"As a minister under Long Ting, what else do you think about doing things smoothly? The most important thing is to do things according to the rules." Sima Zhongruo reminded. "If you want to do things more efficiently, you have to be a powerful official. If you want to be a powerful official, you have to climb up.

The question is, do you have a way to climb up? Your uncle didn't even climb up. "

"What truth did you say in one day?!" Zhonghe said angrily.

"I'm just reminding you that when you should be careful, don't do anything recklessly." Sima Zhongruo said with a bitter smile.

He waved his sleeves and left in a friendly manner.

"Hey, you don't want to continue watching?"

"What can I do if I look at it again? Qingzhou Island is already like this. The Chu family may have even published architectural drawings of cities and towns in various places. If I look at it again, can I still see a flower? Besides, how to plan this place is not ours. Tube."

Sima Zhongruo laughed after hearing this.

"Okay then, let's go and rest for a few days. When the Chu family officially activates the formation, we can come over and see the wonderful scenery."

Five days later, even if Zhonghe said that I would not go and rest in the guest house, he would still call Xuanhe and Sima Zhongruo to go to Qingzhou Island every day to experience with their own eyes the earth-shaking changes in Qingzhou Island. The change. From the mountain spring at the beginning, to the creek, to the pool, to the lake, and finally to the river. In just five or six days, the water of the river set off a surge of prosperity.

Not to mention the mountains and the land on the plains, which were desolate and dry at the beginning, turned into vast tracts of fertile soil.

If the main formation hadn't been activated yet, even living beings might have appeared on Qingzhou Island.

At noon that day, under the auspices of the head of the Chu family, the Chu family built a magnificent nine-story altar on a huge plain in the center of Qingzhou Island. The formations all over Qingzhou Island are connected to here in the sky and on the earth.

Chu Taohua brought many important figures from the Chu family to the altar.

After that, Taohua began to worship heaven, earth and the world as the head of the family.

Then the main formation was launched.

The spiritual light started from the altar and crawled towards Qingzhou Island in all directions like a network of vines. Some of them climbed to the heights of the mountain peaks, and even linked to the floating islands and spiritual mountains in the sky. Some continue to extend towards the edge of Qingzhou Island, while others penetrate deep into the earth, causing constant vibrations in the depths of the earth.

As the main formation is activated, a large amount of starlight and colors emerge from the sky and underground, merge with the colorful mist, and are absorbed by the earth.

Qingzhou Island breathed and breathed in the colorful light. As the vibrations under the earth became more and more frequent, it started from the edge and rapidly expanded towards the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye. Various mountains, rivers and land surfaces, magnificent and majestic, constantly appear in front of everyone.

This land expansion lasted for a full quarter of an hour, directly pushing the surrounding Dead Sea outward. The transparent colored barrier formed by the colored light even retreated from the edge of the island to a hundred miles of sea in an instant.

The original dark, dead sea water was directly replaced by clear, clean and transparent sea water.

Not to mention, the dead bones, debris, etc. that were originally silent on the seabed were also absorbed and turned into the seabed. Various coral reefs and algae jungles grow out of nothing at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, many of these new beings are special spiritual creatures that once existed in the great world.

There are also fish, shrimps, crabs, sea cucumbers and other marine spiritual creatures, ranging from virtual shadows to solid objects, all appearing in groups. Large and small, in groups.

This is the reverse of the original recovery of Qingzhou Island.

The echoes of energy between the sky and the earth are becoming more frequent.

The colored light becomes deeper and deeper as it accumulates.

The mutation on the land of Qingzhou Island is even more obvious, and the reaction is even more shocking.

Vast mountains, forests, and pastures appeared in front of the Chu family in just a few breaths. There are so many types of spiritual trees that it’s dizzying to see. All kinds of little beings and spirits that once flew in the air, ran on the earth, and swam in the water were scattered densely among the mountains and rivers.

The spiritual land and spiritual spring also appeared in front of the Chu family one by one. More mineral veins have grown out of the depths of the earth, turning many flat areas into mountains.

Originally there were a lot of plains on Qingzhou Island, but on the newly restored Qingzhou Island, there were more mountains, verdant and colorful, as if they existed forever.

In addition to these surface changes, there are secret realms, blessed places and caves everywhere, and layers of mirages high in the sky above Qingzhou Island. The blessed land is above the earth, and the cave hangs high in the sky. Secret realms are found on the ground, underground, and high in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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