The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1439 Qingzhou Island loves me

Chapter 1439 Qingzhou Island loves me

There are mirages and wonders on earth, which all mean the birth of a secret realm, a blessed land and a cave. The Chu family masters from all over Qingzhou Island recorded the mirages they saw one by one, and looked for them later.

Although there are countless mirages suspended in the sky now, in fact, when the Qingzhou Island uprising ends, these strange spaces will disappear one by one.

If you want to find it again, it depends on luck and hard work.

Anyway, the Earth Masters are working very hard on this, and they definitely don’t intend to let these precious spaces be buried forever.

Besides, Qingzhou Island doesn’t seem to like unprotected resource treasures. Precious high-level mineral deposits, special spiritual rivers, and high-level spiritual lands have all been collected by it in secret realms, blessed lands, and caves everywhere.

This is also the reason why there are so many treasure spaces on Qingzhou Island.

This guy loves collecting.

Not only does it like to collect, but it also transformed the core of Lingshan, Five Elements Lingfeng and Wuyuan Mountain brought by the Chu family into small worlds.

Qingzhou Island is not stingy at all about the various rules of heaven and earth in its own world, and directly mobilizes the torrent of rules to wash away the Five Elements Spirit Peak and Wuyuan Mountain.

This moment made Xiaopang very excited.

It originally thought that it would take at least several thousand years to advance from the sixth level to the seventh level small world.

Unexpectedly, Qingzhou Island helped a lot and directly gave it a torrent of rules, allowing it to advance to the small world with the help of the rules of heaven and earth in the Qingze big world.

This is simply a blessing to heaven.

The Five Elements Spiritual Peak should now be called the Five Elements Small World. The attributes of the world are that the survival rate of spiritual objects is increased by three times, and the mutation rate is increased by 30%.

Wuyuan Mountain has also advanced to become the Wuyuan Small World, and the world attribute is three times the yield gain.

Peach Blossom blessed her soul and directly pulled out the small world of Silver Moon that had been silent in her soul sea, and then threw out the Taiyin Stone Tower and Qitianjian.

As a result, a large amount of colored light rushed into the Three Treasures again, and completely wrapped the Three Treasures into a colorful cocoon of light.

And in the sky, due to the existence of the formation, Qingzhou Island defaults to the floating islands and spiritual mountains in the sky as part of the Five Elements Small World and the Wuyuan Small World. So they were given a major makeover.

All the spiritual mountains in the sky formation were transformed into small caves, and the floating islands were also transformed into small secret realms.

Qingzhou Island not only loves to hide things but also loves to transform them. It also condenses all treasure spaces into hub tokens. Whoever occupies the space gets the token.

Due to the transformation of the sky and the earth, colorful lights appear frequently.

The creatures immersed in the colored light, including the Chu clan and subordinate humans, all had their qualifications transformed by the colored light and their origins increased.

The colored light lasted for nine days. During these nine days, everyone did nothing but immersed themselves in the colored light and practiced or went into hibernation.

When the nine days passed, the colorful light gradually disappeared, and Taohua quickly took back the three precious treasures flying in the sky.

Anyway, we can check how it mutated in the future.

You must know that Zhong He, Sima Zhongruo and others are still under the altar. It is better not to reveal the true face of your precious treasure, so as not to be coveted by others.

When the colored light completely dissipated, everyone could see each other clearly. Zhonghe and Sima Zhongruo flew directly to the top of the altar and stood in front of Chu Taohua and other important figures of the Chu family.

"Master Chu, what do you think about the resurrection of Qingzhou's origin and its revolt?" Zhong He and Sima Zhongruo could not hide the horror on their faces. You must know that Qingzhou Island went too far. It turned the heaven and earth altar that the Chu family built for it into a secret realm. It does not take up the original plain area and gives people their own independent space.

The most important thing is that as the center of the formation, this place has become an independent secret realm, so the original consciousness of Qingzhou Island can continue to absorb the origin of the outer world through the outer Tongtian Formation and continue to grow.

This little life is getting more and more pleasant.

"I think Qingzhou Island loves me." Taohua said calmly. "I don't know why, but I was probably the first one to revive it. That's why it loved me so much, and responded so fiercely and forcefully, it simply exceeded my original expectations."

Although the original meaning of Qingzhou Island is a bit strange, I especially like to collect it. As if they were afraid of being snatched away, they put a cover on everything.

But I have to say, it gives too much.

Even though she has a bit of a weird temper, Taohua still finds her particularly cute.

Zhonghe and Sima Zhongruo darkened their faces after hearing such harsh words.

"Maybe it's because this is the first part of the Qingze world to recover, so the feedback is stronger." Sima Zhongruo guessed.

"Maybe." Taohua didn't object much, just let people say whatever they want.

Anyway, she just knows that Qingzhou Island Benyuan loves her.

It seems that Taohua's feeling has a lot to do with her background. In the native world, the heaven over there also loves her, okay?

She is truly a child of luck.

Of course, the saying "son of destiny" may not be popular in the airspace here.

Then she can also say that she is blessed with good fortune, right?

Taohua's daughter Chu Junlan was also on the altar at this time. Oh dear mother, she also got great benefits this time. In the past, she had always heard people say how lucky her own mother was, but now she finally felt it deeply.

This kind of comfort is simply intoxicating. My dear, many difficult points in cultivation knowledge that I couldn't understand or had misunderstood before were completely understood and understood in just a few days.

She felt that her road to the fifth and sixth levels in the future had become smooth.

From now on, she will decide not to promote her brother to the sixth level earlier, hehehe.

"I dare not say it, but your family has indeed resuscitated Qingzhou Island. The Shangguan of Longting will soon send someone over to check in detail the situation before and after your resuscitation of Qingzhou Island. Your recovery plan should also be sorted out and taken away.

You need to cooperate honestly and not cause trouble for yourself. " Zhonghe prompted.

Taohua nodded understandingly, "We will cooperate with you. We can give you plans and so on. In fact, as long as everyone is willing to invest, there will be gains." That's weird!

According to the recovery plan rewritten by Taohua herself, Emma, ​​ordinary families and sect forces simply cannot afford the recovery cost. The resources that need to be invested are too huge, mainly because the world of Qingze is too vast, unless Long Ting rolls up his sleeves and takes the lead. Otherwise, no local force will be able to do it.

How could it be so easy to revive the origin of the Qingze world?

However, they can recover from the original Shanmenling Mountain one by one. It is a bit slow, but it is easy to achieve results.

In order to disrupt this seemingly dangerous situation of hungry wolves, Taohua specially prepared many scented baits and traps for them.

(End of this chapter)

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