The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1441 Yang Clan Yang Yuan

Chapter 1441 Yang Clan Yang Yuan

In the past, your whole family worked hard to revive Qingzhou Island. If you are on the same track as us, you can slow down.

Now that you have completed the task of reviving Qingzhou Island, you still want to be the same as before, without making changes and not adapting to the general environment here. What do you want to do?

Tell you that rebellion will not last long.

Zhonghe immediately changed his face, became mean, spoke in a sinister manner, and was often arrogant. The whole Chu family was in a state of confusion. Especially in the Dazu Mansion, this guy brought Sima Zhongruo to check every day. It is euphemistically called supervision. As long as the slightest problem is discovered, it can cause a big incident.

In short, just change, change, change.

The peach blossoms changed to the point where they wanted to vomit when they saw his big face. This misfortune also has such a big face that it is difficult for people to even recognize him.

Fortunately, Chu Shinian came back.

As soon as he came back, he replaced Taohua and had sex himself.

The former commander-in-chief was completely abandoned, and the handsome boy at that time directly became the family leader of the Chu family. He was in charge of the government affairs of the whole clan and became the Chu family's political guard. He also served part-time as the chief of the family's army and the governor of the large clan.

If others were brought in temporarily, they might not be able to figure out the situation, but Chu Shinian is an exception. He has too strong control over the Chu family.

His ability to manage himself and execute plans of all sizes is also disappointing.

So he just came back one night and sorted out the family affairs. After breakfast in the morning, he had time to chat with Zhonghe and others.

Zhonghe was initially dissatisfied with the fact that the leader of the Chu clan pushed his husband out of the house and quarreled with them.

After all, Chu Shinian was said to be the husband of the clan leader of the Chu family and the de facto second-in-command of the Chu family. But the second-in-command of the Chu family often cannot make the decision on his own, and needs the clan leader to make the decision.

Why bother doing this all of a sudden? It would be better to talk directly to the clan leader.

However, after meeting Chu Shinian, Zhonghe and Sima Zhongruo became interested in him again.

This guy is so cool and his temperament is so outstanding. The last guy with such an amazing temperament was the legitimate son of a certain big family. Even the princes of Wenlan Tianyu did not have such grace when they were young.

"Are you Chu Shinian? That Great Dao Body?" Zhonghe asked. He and Sima Zhongruo also read the Chu family's information in advance and were very impressed by the husband of the clan leader. The key is that this guy is not only incredibly talented, but he's also not too old. He is still the body of the Great Dao. The key is that this pretty boy is actually a secret guard.

Ahem, this kind of people are usually very difficult to deal with. Who knows if those who engage in intelligence and assassination are twisted or perverted in their hearts? !

But this guy's style is so charming.

It's just a little bit incomprehensible.

"I am the body of the Fire Path." Chu Shinian admitted frankly. As soon as he came over, he was recognized and discovered, and they planned to recruit him into a certain family. Chu Shinian guessed that the people here might have special methods for identifying certain physical constitutions.

So he didn't hide it and confessed directly.

"That's really amazing. According to our historical records, any Dao body can be promoted to at least the eighth level. After the eighth level, you can advance to the ninth level, and you have a 30% chance of success." Zhonghe looked solemn. "I just don't know if your Dao body is perfect or if there are any flaws. It would be a pity if there are any flaws."

"How can I verify whether there are any flaws in this great body?" Chu Shinian leaned over and asked.

In fact, he doesn't believe that there is anything missing in his great body. He has reincarnated into an adult with a consciousness of the world. Who can pick up rags and look down on whom?

Zhonghe was satisfied when he saw that he had attracted Chu Shinian's attention.

"There is a kind of inspection array disk in my family. If you have the opportunity in the future, you can go to my family to get tested. Then you will know if there are any defects."

Chu Shinian nodded after hearing this. There is no mention of when to go back to Zhongshi.

Zhonghe: "..."

Seeing that Zhonghe was a little helpless. Sima Zhongruo laughed in his heart. I thought that Chu Shinian was a secret guard, so he was very scheming and would not be able to seduce him easily.

Zhonghe wanted to lure the other party to go to his family, so that the elderly at home could see this new talent.

I'm afraid it won't be possible to rely on just one test formation.

"Chu Shinian, are you born with the body of the Great Way of Fire?" Sima Zhongruo asked.

"Well, I know how to control flames." After saying that, he released a small spark. Those small sparks, which were only the size of a thumb, turned into different shapes out of thin air in front of several people, as if they really had vitality. animal.

They can also link up, and groups of little guys can sway and twist together in front of a few people, looking very naive.

"This is pseudo-life. You have already entered the fifth level of Dzogchen. Are you waiting for the sixth level?" Zhonghe asked in surprise.

Just now, he and Sima Zhongruo both gasped.

"Well, I have reached the fifth level of Dzogchen a long time ago. I originally planned to break through the sixth level in this area, but when I came here to investigate the situation here, I met a man named Yang Yuan. He told me, It is best to break through the sixth level here, otherwise, you will have to waste your efforts and rebuild again.

I don't want to redo it. So I suppressed my cultivation and made no breakthrough. "

"Yangyuan, is it from the sun?" Zhonghe asked in shock.

"He said yes."

"Oh, it turns out it's him." Zhonghe looked like he didn't expect it, and he couldn't hide his surprise.

"Then you didn't accept Young Master Yang's solicitation?" Sima Zhongruo asked.

"I have a family, a wife and children, so why should I go to their house?" Chu Shinian said frankly.

Sima Zhongruo smiled, "That's right. But you may regret it. The surname Yang is actually the surname of the Longting royal family. That Yang Yuan should be the young prince of the Suiyang family whose fiefdom is here."

Seeing that Sima Zhongruo revealed the news about King Suiyang, Zhonghe did not hide it and said directly, "It should be the little prince ranked seventh. There are more than ten little princes in the Suiyang family, and this one is also very favored. of."

"Oh, it turns out to be the little prince in the white dragon fish suit." Chu Shinian smiled lightly.

Sima Zhongruo just remembered that this person had just come to the Cangqing Sky Zone, and he was probably not very familiar with the Divine Dynasty, Longting and the Yang family.

Therefore, the influence and importance of the Yang family are not recognized.

"The Yang royal family plays an important role in the Cangqing Skyspace. Any random word from them may lead to the destruction of a family. The children of the Yang royal family love to find fault and stir up trouble. If no one comes to deal with the matters in the Qingze World, then it's fine. But if someone comes, it will be a huge trouble." Zhonghe reminded.

When he mentioned Qingze World, Chu Shinian couldn't help but frown, "Didn't you say that the entire Qingze World belongs to our Chu family? How come it ended up being the only Qingzhou Island?"

(End of this chapter)

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