The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1442 Craftsman

Chapter 1442 Craftsman

Chapter 263

"Why don't you keep your promises? Who dares to believe your promises? Didn't you think that our Chu family was a fat sheep from the beginning?"

Zhonghe and Sima Zhongruo were suddenly embarrassed and dumbfounded. Letting others guess and letting others tell them are definitely not the same thing.

However, the two of them were not newbies, so they tried to keep their faces as calm as possible.

Chu Shinian saw it and said, "Our Chu family on Qingzhou Island has recovered. We won't have any trouble in the future. We have to separate the moths somewhere, right?"

"That can't be done, that can't be done." Zhonghe said quickly, "My uncle still has some face."

Chu Shinian sneered directly, "Then who told us to separate out the five continents and nine islands among the five continents and ten islands?"

They both fell silent.

"This means that our family has just moved here and has no choice but to move away." Chu Shinian sneered sharply. "Besides, my family has invested countless resources to revive Qingzhou Island. At this time, we will not move away even if we can. For the survival of the family, we will fight to the end."

Chu Shinian said with awe-inspiring fighting prowess.

"To be honest, your clan leader and you are only at the peak of the fifth level. Behind those big forces are high-level monks. There are a lot of them at the seventh and eighth levels. There are also some at the ninth level. "Sima Zhongruo said.

"What's so difficult about this? We don't even need to send out high-level monks. Just blow up a spiritual mountain and kill all the seventh-, eighth-, and ninth-level monks." Chu Shinian said in a serious tone.

Zhonghe and Sima Zhongruo both gasped and couldn't help but shudder.

"To put it bluntly, it is not easy to cultivate high-level monks. But our family can cultivate one spiritual mountain in a hundred or two hundred years. I also brought back seven or eight spiritual mountains this time. Who knew that the formation that had just been arranged into the sky would be destroyed by Qingzhou Island? It was taken to be remodeled.

It is said that the Xiaodongtian will be transformed in nine out of ten cases.

This luck has come, and there is no way to stop it. "

Chu Shinian was not afraid of being beaten in Versailles.

Although Lingshan also has man-made formation barriers, can they be compared with the real cave-sky barriers? To put it bluntly, how can the space barriers and world rules learned by humans compare with the torrent of innate rules of the world?

Chapter 264 Craftsman

Zhonghe has headache and baldness.

In his opinion, although Lingshan should not be that easy to build, it is indeed much easier to cultivate than a sixth-level monk.

"If the great monk really showed up, how could he possibly give you the chance to blow up the Lingshan Mountain?"

"If it were before, I really wouldn't have dared to agree to what you said. Because it's really difficult to self-destruct a spiritual mountain. But I don't know why Qingzhou Island upgraded all our spiritual mountains to cave heavens. We also condensed the cave heaven tokens. Come out, whoever holds the token in the future will explode the token instantly with a single move of faith," Chu Shinian said.

Zhong He was momentarily stunned in horror.

"Is there such a thing?"

Chu Shinian nodded. "Qingzhou Island probably loves my wife very much." In fact, there is no such thing as changing it into a cave. The Chu family's Lingshan is also a Taohua self-destruction. After all, Xiaopang is the spiritual master of Youling Mountain. Is it a big deal to explode an affiliated Xiaoling Mountain?

However, Chu Shinian was not willing to expose Tao Hua's situation, so he naturally thought of other ways.

After all, Qingzhou Island is the best.

Love should be generous and give whatever you want. There is no thought of too much or too little, I just keep giving.

After hearing this, Sima Zhongruo felt like asking Qingzhou Island Consciousness, what on earth are you doing? How come a human woman is so favored by you?

The problem is that the owner of Qingzhou Island doesn't like to pay attention to him. No matter how much he screams and questions in his heart, there is no response.

"Okay, I will ask my uncle to take more care of your Chu family." Zhonghe compromised.

Chu Shinian pursed his lips in displeasure. What's the point of being happy? Danger and trouble will still come in the future.

"By the way, how many soldiers does your Chu family have now?" Zhonghe asked. "About seven million, less than 7.3 million." Chu Shinian said.

"That's okay. At least we can defend Qingzhou Island." Zhonghe made a rough estimate and found that based on the Chu family's population, they could still afford to raise this number of soldiers.

When Sima Zhongruo had a divine descendant, he glanced at Chu Shinian. How could a family with more than 10 billion people under his command only have such a small number of clan soldiers?

"It's too expensive to raise soldiers. Our family has never planned to raise too many clan soldiers. The clan soldiers we raise now are all selected from the best. Once they are injured and no longer fit to serve as soldiers, they will be retired directly." Chu Shinian told the two of them. Someone explained it.

Only then did Sima Zhongruo lower his suspicion a little.

"By the way, I heard that your family can spare 50,000 formation mages to serve?" Zhonghe asked again. He sent a message to his family about this matter early, but the family didn't reply to him until now. "If we take 50,000 formation mages to serve, how many clan soldiers can be replaced?"

"You don't have to send troops to serve in the army for ten years." Zhonghe said.

"No, we must not send troops for thirty years. You also know that formation masters are not easy to train. They must have formation talent, be taught by famous teachers, and finally have to invest a lot of materials for newcomers to practice.

Only in the end can a qualified formation master be trained.

Moreover, the greater the number of formation masters, the more difficult it is to train them. The hard work we have put into training the formation masters ourselves is countless. It is impossible for you to leave at the first touch of lip service, and you are only exempted from military service for ten years. "

"Those fifteen years." Zhonghe frowned and continued.

"It must be thirty years."

"Eighteen years can't be more."

"Goodbye, we will send people for military service every year."

"Wait, wait, let's sit down and discuss it carefully. Otherwise it will be like this for twenty years. And you have to give in a little bit. If you don't take a step back, I won't be able to explain it after I get home."

"Those twenty-eight years."

"Twenty-five years, don't talk anymore, it's settled." Zhonghe said with a rare and comprehensive decision.

Chu Shinian: You are acting shamelessly.

Sima Zhongruo looked at it and laughed. "Chu Shinian, don't feel like you've suffered a big loss. In fact, if the 50,000 formation mages you sent out perform well, then you may be able to avoid more military service next time you send out formation mages."

"I finally see clearly that you two are working together to deal with me. No matter what you say, it's actually me who has lost." Chu Shinian said angrily. "By the way, the formation masters we sent out will not be used as cannon fodder by you, right?"

"How is that possible? These are formation masters. Don't worry, these formation masters will serve in the war zones of my family and the Sima family."

"That's okay."

"By the way, I have a question, can you help me answer it?" Zhonghe asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"What questions?"

"Why did your family build the city so quickly? From the time your family changed the reconstruction location to Qingzhou Island, it only took about ten days. But your family actually gave away their clan land and the big clan mansion. After the cultivation is completed, the most amazing thing is that you have actually cultivated the land of the great clan into seven levels inside and outside.

In addition to the central area that has been repaired, your family's craftsmen have actually laid the foundations for various buildings on the other six floors.

Your family's situation changes in the morning and in the evening.

In three or four days, a large five-entry courtyard covering an area of ​​fifty or sixty acres was built.

What did your craftsmen grow up on? Are they too skilled? "Zhonghe asked confused.

"What's so strange about this? In order to earn more money, most of the people in our family have learned one or two craftsman skills. For example, masons, carpenters, stonemasons, etc. During the day, they each have their own jobs. , after finishing their official work, their time will be free. Many people will use their time before going to bed at night to work part-time at the construction site to earn some extra money.

In addition to doing simple work, there are also some people who have no errands for the time being. They are not willing to be idle, so they run out to work as craftsmen to earn more money for the family. "

"You mean, in addition to the formal house repair team, there are also a large number of people working part-time to build houses?" Zhong He really didn't expect this to be the reason. The main reason is that they don’t have part-time jobs, and they don’t pay part-time workers.

"Then how do you pay the craftsmen here for part-time work?" Zhonghe asked again, full of doubts.

"It depends on the technical level. There are fewer apprentices and more formal craftsmen. High-level craftsmen earn more and don't have to work. As long as they can organize and coordinate the work of the craftsmen in the brigade, it is best to do supervision and supervision.

Each of these high-level craftsmen makes a lot of money. Work for at least an hour and start with a thousand spirit stones. "

When Zhonghe and Sima Zhongruo heard this, their eyes widened in shock.

"Is this wages for the master craftsman?"

"No, it's just like the treatment of a serious second-level craftsman or above."

 Chapter 263 in the middle, I haven’t finished coding, I forgot about it, hehe. I fixed it and pasted it onto Chapter 264.



(End of this chapter)

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