The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1443 Who is the elder brother and who is the younger brother?

Chapter 1443 Who is the elder brother and who is the younger brother?

"Master craftsmen wouldn't pay attention to such a small job if they were given Lingshi. It's too low of a rank." Chu Shinian said.

"How many second-level and above craftsmen do you have in the Chu family?" Zhonghe asked again.

"I can't tell you this. What if you suddenly have a seizure and ask my family to provide 50,000 craftsmen?" Chu Shinian said.

Zhonghe's eyes widened in surprise. My heart said: Are you the roundworm in my stomach? How do you know I want your family to produce another 50,000 craftsmen?

"To be honest, there is really a shortage of people on the front line, especially craftsmen."

"Just now you said you were the formation mages. Now you are the craftsmen. Otherwise, you will remove our entire Chu family." Chu Shinian said angrily.

Zhonghe: "..."

Sima Zhongruo laughed directly.

"You can't catch a sheep and tease it with wool, so you guys are about the same." Chu Shinian said angrily.

"Brother Zhonghe, there are countless forces on the front line. No matter how short of people we are, there is still no shortage of thirty to fifty thousand craftsmen." Sima Zhongruo pointed out with a smile.

Brother Zhonghe is too eager.

When I see a few melons or jujubes in someone else’s house, I grab them all the time. If the owner is not a dead person, I will definitely blow them up. You can always take it.

"I just thought your family had plenty anyway."

"No, our family is not rich."

"I mean, you have so many craftsmen, why bother keeping them all at home?"

"I didn't leave it at home. I was working outside the house."

"Chu family orders, the overall situation is the most important thing."

"Thank you for your consideration. We haven't even finished the house yet, so we can't afford the big picture for the time being. If we don't build one family, how can we save the world?"

"I will exempt you from military service for another twenty-five years."


"Hey, wait a minute, don't leave."

Chu Shinian didn't care about them and left on his own. He still goes out for a walk. Zhonghe, the one who has no brains, let him rest in the room by himself.

Although the family restructuring is almost sorted out clearly at the top, it is still messy at the bottom.

If soldiers cannot find generals, they will not find soldiers. People in their own departments do not know their own people. This situation happens everywhere. All kinds of jokes.

After a few days of getting used to each other in the wealthy family's mansion, everyone became familiar with each other. When they left the wealthy clan's mansion, it was going to be chaos.

Some people are so busy that their feet don’t even touch the ground, and they can’t even hold a sip of water. Some people still don’t know where they belong. Emma, ​​who is my boss?

The entire tribe is a large development-type residential area without city walls, divided into seven floors. There are spacious avenues between each floor as dividing lines. Nowadays, everything has completely turned into a large construction site, with a constant flow of people and goods on the main roads and byways.

All buildings in the entire large construction site are planned. Each set of courtyards and pavilions is numbered.

A team of more than 200 craftsmen had just finished putting the finishing touches on an exquisite three-entry small courtyard when they went to the foundation next door, where a four-entry courtyard with a garden was being built.

The repaired courtyards will eventually need to be sealed off by activating the formation, and will then be redistributed by the clan. However, many craftsmen knew the entire family building plan, and they knew exactly where they and others would end up with a yard on the family land. Some are shameless and simply volunteer to build their own houses.

But they are shameless, but the master craftsmen who are responsible for the overall progress of the construction period are shameless, so the only thing waiting for them is to be driven away. It is impossible to repair their own house, but they can repair other people's houses.

Along the way, Chu Shinian watched all kinds of people repairing the house and making things. They would quarrel and sometimes get into group fights.

I couldn't help but laugh at the corners of his mouth.

"Hey, isn't this our order? Are you coming out for inspection?" Chu Ziyan appeared leisurely beside Chu Shinian.

"How's the intelligence infiltration by the secret guards here going?"

"Not so good? We are visitors from a foreign land, and it would be too easy for the secret guards to be discovered when they go out. For the time being, everyone is still looking for a suitable avatar to hide in and open up the situation.

However, it's not that easy. "After hearing Chu Shinian's inquiry, Chu Ziyan immediately showed a depressed expression on his face.

"How can it be so easy? Think about when our Chu family started to infiltrate secret guards into other states and counties. In the first three generations, there were often situations where a region was collectively wiped out by other people." Chu Shinian entered when he was four years old. The secret guard knows too much.

Hardship and cruelty were the norm for the Quanyi Secret Guards when they first laid out their intelligence network.

Only after the family's secret guard intelligence system was established in the later period did the family have a better situation. Guys like Chu Ziyan must have lived comfortably for too long, and they have long forgotten that iron-blood is the basic ecology of the secret guard.

He saw Chu Shinian looking at him with disdain.

Chu Ziyan immediately said angrily, "I don't know how difficult it was for the secret guards back then. But this time we penetrated the outside and just started, we lost more than 3,000 people. These include peripheral quasi-secret guards, and some A young secret guard young man.

This kind of sacrifice is too tragic. "

"Where would you go if it wasn't tragic?" Chu Shinian said angrily. "You can't bear the loss of such a small manpower. Then you should abdicate quickly and make way for someone more capable. Whoever can accept your job is the one who dares. I think Chu Zilan is quite good at it."

"Yes, the family order is right, I can do it." Chu Zilan flashed and appeared on the other side of Chu Shinian, looking respectful and obedient.

"Chu Zilan, why are you so wretched? I've done a good job, but you only care about the chair under my butt?" Chu Ziyan said angrily.

"Now all the jobs in the family are trivial, and I have no desire to do them at all. The only challenging job in the family that can be put to good use is to set up an intelligence network for the secret guards in your hands.

Brother, if you can't do it, just give it to your brother. Your brother, I can do a pretty good job, really. "

Even though Chu Zilan acted like a good grandson in front of Chu Shinian, in front of Chu Ziyan, he was arrogant and arrogant again.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Both parties were important members of the family. When she was young, Chu Zilan would secretly admire Chu Ziyan a little, thinking that this old boy was quite capable and a good person. But now everyone has done many important things, and I think the shadow of admiration I had at the beginning has completely disappeared.

Who is the elder brother and who is the younger brother now? Let me tell you the truth!

"Chu Zilan, let me tell you, don't have any evil ideas, I will not let you set up the intelligence network." Chu Ziyan gritted his teeth.

Chu Zilan snorted coldly, "This job is not a question of whether you can give in or not, but whether you can really take it seriously. You see, you are among the first batch to come in. From that time on, the family intelligence network started to be laid, right? The result is Where is your grade now?

The results are invisible, but the casualties are there for all to see. "

(End of this chapter)

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