The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1444: The family ordered you to take the blame well

Chapter 1444: The family ordered you to take the blame well

"I'm not without achievements. At least I have established four intelligence points." Chu Ziyan said angrily.

Chu Zilan laughed three times. "Four intelligence points, that's a lot."

Chu Ziyan rolled up his sleeves angrily and started fighting with Chu Zilan.

As soon as the two of them took action, several piles of building materials around them were blown into the sky, and some were even damaged.

The head craftsman in charge of repairing the house rushed over immediately. "Hey, hey, hey, why are you fighting here? Don't you know this is a construction site? You've damaged a lot of good materials. No, you have to pay. You have to pay."

The two of them were caught under Chu Shinian's nose, so they had no choice but to lose money in despair.

Chu Shinian was too lazy to talk to these two things. The fight started without even saying a few words, and the result was that there was no result of four, five, or six.

As for whether to change the intelligence chief, he had to think again.

Chu Shinian had not yet returned to Dazu Mansion with two gadgets. Chu Xuanhe found him in a hurry, "Master Jia Ling, Master Jia Ling, something happened. A large team of at least a thousand people came from outside Qingze World.

It is said that it is here to verify the recovery of Qingzhou Island. "

"Have these people never seen the world recover? They just got the news and they came to join in the fun?" Chu Shinian said meanly.

Chu Xuanhe giggled, how did he know?

"Okay, let's arrange for them to rest at Airport 4 first, and then send someone to take them down early tomorrow morning."


"By the way, there is such a big team here. Tomorrow morning we will also call Zhong He and Sima Zhongruo to welcome them with us." Chu Shinian explained again.

"By the way, Lord Jia Ling, in addition to this group of people, there are also several large fleets that are following us. They say they plan to do business with us." Chu Xuanhe said.

"Come on, come on. We treated caravans the same way we treated them in the past. If there are any environmental differences, misunderstandings, etc., we can resolve them through negotiation. If we encounter someone who is unreasonable, we will directly expel them by force."

"Will that bring any trouble to the family?"

"Anyway, we are newly settled and don't understand anything. Those who don't know are not guilty. Who has the nerve to blame a new neighbor who doesn't understand anything." Chu Shinian directly acted like a rogue and passed the blame.

Well, you have a point.

That's what we did.

As soon as Zhonghe heard that a new team from the outside world had arrived, intending to verify Qingzhou Island's recovery, he immediately ran nervously to Chu Shinian. He actually wanted to find Chu Taohua.

But he couldn't see Chu Shinian without his permission.

Sister Taohua is so busy all day long, how can she find time to see him?

"What is your clan leader busy with all day? I haven't seen her since the day at the altar."

"I'm busy. My family roughly estimated that there are more than 600 billion hectares of land that can be cultivated and developed. There are both above ground and underground, not including various secret realms, blessed places, and caves. It's really unexpectedly much." Chu Shinian said quite Versailles.

Zhonghe took a deep breath.

"This is too much. Our family territory does not even have so much land that can be cultivated and developed." "Qingzhou Island is, after all, an island with earth veins and spiritual veins. Although the concentration of spiritual energy varies from place to place, even the worst place can do it. Cultivation of some low-level spiritual grains, spiritual melons, etc. "Chu Shi has been in charge of family affairs for many years and has great experience in agricultural and forestry development. So his demeanor and tone are very easy to convince.

"Hiss, you actually plan to develop some barren and inferior spiritual land? Things can't grow well in those places, and labor and seed money are wasted." Zhonghe was surprised.

"You can still farm it if you take good care of it. Our Chu family has never done anything to lose money." The Chu family has never been afraid of land that others think is difficult to take care of.

Chu Shinian's words immediately reminded Zhonghe of those floating islands and spiritual mountains high in the sky.

Not to mention Lingshan, which integrates offense, defense and logistics, it has now become a resource cave that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Just talking about those floating islands, after they are transformed into small caves one by one, the Chu family will usher in an explosive growth.

"Will your floating islands and small caves floating in the sky still reward meritorious soldiers?"

"Yes, but if you want to get it, you have to increase your military merit." Chu Shinian nodded. What kind of increase is it? In the future, those floating islands and small caves will be rewarded, and they will not have to show hundreds of times the military merits of the high places. Don't even think about it.

His wife told him that those small caves have experienced the transformation of Qingzhou Island's rules and regulations. Each of them has a deep foundation. If they are cultivated properly, they can grow into medium-sized caves and large caves.

His good Dongtian must be worthy of military merit before it can be given to him.

"Those people are here, you'd better not let them get close to your small floating island cave in the sky and those new caves in Lingshan. When they get to the ground, you'd better not let them know that when Qingzhou Island reciprocated, there were There are a lot of secret realms and blessed places," Zhonghe reminded.

"Although Qingzhou Island has recovered now, it is not very eye-catching from the outside. But if others know that after its recovery, a large number of secret realms, blessed places and caves were born. Even if your family can keep Qingzhou Island It will be very troublesome. They may even be forced to give up the ownership of some secret realms, blessed lands, and caves.”

"Anyway, as long as you don't say it, we won't say it ourselves either." Chu Shinian turned around and led an army. "As for giving up the ownership of the Secret Realm, the Blessed Land, and the Cave Heaven. That's what they are dreaming about. I would rather blow up the Secret Realm, the Blessed Land, and the Cave Heaven than give it to others.

Don't even think about it. "

Chu Shinian didn't speak loudly at all, but his momentum suddenly soared, sweeping through the surrounding space, and he was extremely fierce and powerful.

At first glance, he looks like a warrior who has been on the battlefield for many years and is a warrior.

This guy, if he didn't show this kind of momentum, Zhonghe wouldn't be able to find out his true identity at all.

"Your family is still very weak. If you are too strong personally, it will be of no benefit to anyone." Zhonghe was horrified and slightly annoyed.

"Although my family is weak, we have the courage to fight without hesitation and take revenge." Chu Shinian said calmly. As long as you are stubborn, you will risk your life if you want to fight.

I am not afraid of death anyway. As soon as you come, I will drag you to death together.

No one dares to bully them easily.

The weaker many small tribes are, the more cautious they become. Even the protest was ambiguous and coy, and as a result, he was treated as a soft persimmon. It won't take long for it to be completely divided by others.

On the contrary, when I was young, I did not bully others, but if others bullied me, I would have the courage to fight to the death. Such a small clan is also extremely difficult to deal with.

No one can throw away estimates easily and have to fight hard.

(End of this chapter)

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