The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1446 Troublesome

Chapter 1446 Troublesome

The person in front of me was Yang Yuan of the Yang family who had revealed a lot of Cangqing airspace information to Chu Shinian and wanted to recruit Chu Shinian to follow him.

"It's impossible. I have a family, a wife, and my son. Why should I join your family?" Chu Shinian rolled his eyes angrily.

"You have no future in that little family of yours. Follow me, keep yourself prosperous and drink spicy food. Breaking through the seventh and eighth levels will be as easy and satisfying as drinking spring water." The young man said in a dandy manner.

"Shit, even if your royal family is rich in resources, you cannot easily grant anyone a large amount of resources to advance to the seventh and eighth levels. In my own family, I am the only one in the family. If I want to break through, the entire family will do their best to support me.

Only when I am at home can I have a better chance of breakthrough. "

Chu Shinian said disdainfully.

The young man immediately became upset and said unwillingly, "You said you were telling the truth all day long. This is so hurtful. You hurt my young heart."

"You are older than me, but you still have the nerve to say that you are young." Chu Shinian curled his lips and said helplessly.

Brother Chu is only about 300 years old, less than 400 years old.

This guy looks young, but he is actually over 500 years old, almost 600 years old. Why are you pretending to be young, old monster?

"Chu Shinian, Chu Shinian. You see how annoying your mouth is. Fortunately, as soon as I heard that you were in trouble, I came over in a hurry. Do you know that these people are eyeing your family's property? After reviving Qingzhou Island, they privately made no plans to revive the other five continents and nine islands in the Qingze world, but they discussed how to carve up your Qingzhou Island, and the last force to come would get a share for each family.

Qingzhou Island is divided into sixteen families in total.

The boundaries of their territory were drawn on the map. "

As soon as he said this, all the forces behind him were immediately fooled, and almost everyone immediately turned black.

What's the matter, when everyone was discussing the division of Qingzhou Island, they didn't guard against him. Unexpectedly, this old boy blew away everyone's opportunities. Where does this make everyone’s faces turn?

When Chu Shinian heard this, he took a deep look at those powerful people.

He said to Yang Yuan beside him, "Shameless people can be found everywhere. There are especially many of them standing in front of me today."

Not booing at all.

If you dare to put your hand into Qingzhou Island, your hand will be discounted directly.

Chu Shinian's eyes were deep.

Hahahaha "You guy, you are still so eager to talk. Why do I like you so much!"

Chu Shinian immediately turned dark after hearing this.

Damn it, I don’t need you to like it.

"Since you came to Qingzhou Island with this idea, you don't need to eat anything, and you don't need to verify whether Qingzhou Island has recovered. Let's open the window and speak openly. Although Zhong Qiran is just a border patrol envoy , but he used the national policy of the divine dynasty to accept us at all. The land allocated to our clan was chosen based on the territory given by the divine dynasty.

When we obtained the ownership of Qingze World, we also completed the procedures for the Divine Dynasty.

Even the original contract was a serious contract between heaven and earth.

If you don't recognize this contract at all, you still want to divide our house and land.

Then I have to ask, do you not pay attention to His Majesty the Dragon Lord of Shenting and the royal family at all?

What's the matter, you have already had disobedient thoughts? "

Chu Shinian immediately made more visitors change their expressions.

"Besides, Qingzhou Island is the land that our Chu family revived with all their efforts. It is the foundation of our Chu family and we will never give it away, share it, or give it to any of you or any force.

In the future, all land on Qingzhou Island will belong to the Chu family.

Not circulated on the market. The subjects and tribesmen under his command only have the right to use and lease. There is no ownership. So don't expect to buy or plot to seize it.

If you want to take it by force, we also have a fleet and special cards waiting for you.

If you are looking for trouble, we can also go to the General Manager's Office to file a complaint. I think Brother Yangyuan will be happy to help. "

Chu Shinian pulled out the tiger skin of Yang Yuan.

"I love the complaint. I can accept it, but the benefits are important." Yang Yuan said cheerfully.

"Of course, I can't make your work go in vain." Chu Shinian nodded in agreement.

They were also a pair, singing a harmony one by one, which immediately made many people twitch their lips.

Damn it, Yang Yuan has found a good partner again.

These thousand people come from all kinds of sources.

Regardless of the fact that they all belong to a certain big force in name.

But I may also be an ally, marriage, or patron of a certain big force.

After all, even big forces are very complicated, both internally and externally, with various forces entangled and fighting.

You see, if you ask everyone to share things for free, everyone will be happy, and they may provide you with some conveniences, but if you let everyone rebel against the divine dynasty and despise the Dragon Lord. Then don't make such an idea as soon as possible.

No one can afford the consequences of disobeying the Dragon Lord.

No one wants to get involved in such a big thing as confiscating homes and exterminating clans.

Several of the most powerful host figures knew the pill as soon as they heard Chu Shinian's question.

Not only is it impossible to divide Qingzhou Island today, but in the future, we will also have to face beatings, accusations and fears from the General Manager of Wenlan Tianyu.

In fact, by gathering so many forces, they wanted to use threats and intimidation to force the Chu family, who didn't know the local situation, to back down and compromise and give up Qingzhou Island.

But when things turned out like this, it was obvious that Yang Yuan had come to act as a troublemaker.

This damn dude, the troublemaker, is going to help the Chu family mess around again. What bad luck!

Of course, they never thought they could cover this up. First of all, Yang Yuan would not let this matter go unnoticed. After he returned, he was determined to promote it for them.

Yang Yuan has done many similar things before.

Furthermore, with so many of them coming together, there might be spies sent by the General Manager's Office among them.

If the Chu family takes the initiative to contribute Qingzhou Island under their threat, then when everyone divides Qingzhou Island, everyone will benefit and everyone will stand on the same front. Then everyone will send some gifts, and because of their clinging together, they may be able to get the General Manager's Office to admit that they own Qingzhou Island.

But now the Chu family has made it clear that there is no chance. We are not threatened and we will not give you Qingzhou Island.

Don't even think about it. If you dare to take it by force, then we will file a complaint.

If you dare to capture it, ahem, they also have a trump card, and if an internal war breaks out, the General Manager's Office will not ignore it without a legitimate reason to send troops and fight.

Damn it, it’s going to be tricky.

(End of this chapter)

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