The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1447 Fighting for the 9 Yang Seals

Chapter 1447 Fighting for the Nine Sun Seal

"Hahaha, why don't you go back? What's wrong with verification? So many spiritual trees are alive, why do you still need to verify it?" Yang Yuan said carelessly. "If you don't understand, I'll ask a professional to come over and write an official document and submit it to the Governor's Mansion, and that will be the end of it."

"Brother Yuan, please stop making trouble. We are here for serious business. If we don't do it well, we will be punished when we go back.

Besides, we are all here. Regarding the recovery of Qingzhou Island, real gold is not afraid of fire. How to verify should be verified. Is Mrs. Chu afraid of being tested? "

At this moment, a big and powerful fat man walked out of the crowd, looking quite majestic.

He didn't want to come out, but he had no choice but someone stabbed him in the waist.

They all came, and they absolutely couldn't just go back in such despair.

No one's face will look good at that time, and it will be difficult to explain.

"Okay, you guys. I said Shi Nian, where is the rice? My stomach is growling." Yang Yuan patted his belly and called Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian's head was covered with black lines. "Let's go to the banquet hall. There are sixty-six dishes prepared for each table. There are plenty of them."

"Is it delicious?" Yang Yuan followed Chu Shinian away, asking as he walked.

"It's not bad. Our Chu family raises them ourselves. We're all tired of eating them. Come and try them. Maybe you'll find them delicious." Chu Shinian thought for a while and said.

"Okay, by the way, just the dragon peach you left for me last time. Do you have any more? I eat it well, and my mother-in-law also likes it."

"The Panlong peaches I left for you last time?...Oh, okay, I'll go back and pack a box for you."

"How many are in a box?" Yang Yuan asked positively.

"Twenty per box."

"Too little. Give me at least a hundred boxes."

"That's the fourth-level spiritual fruit. I'll give you a hundred boxes of it? Will you give me money?"

"It hurts feelings to talk about money. Besides, you said last time that your family is particularly good at growing fruit trees. This is just a hundred boxes of small peaches. It's trivial."

Chu Shinian: "..."

Watching Chu Shinian take Yang Yuan away, he left the other newcomers behind.

Chu Xuanhe hurriedly stepped forward and asked the new fat man, "Why don't you all come to the banquet hall first? If we have anything to do, we can talk about it after eating."

"I see you are quite pleasing to the eye, please lead the way."

The burly fat man saw Yang Yuan going to eat and felt anxious. He thought he was hungry. Chu Xuanhe happened to come up to say hello and left naturally.

Once he leaves, it won't be easy for the others to stay, so let's go eat first.


The banquet hall of the Chu family is quite pastoral, not exquisite.

But outside the banquet hall is a small field of spiritual flowers and spiritual fruits. There are also flowers and trees decorated.

The whole scenery looks lively and refreshing.

The leader of the Chu clan is a woman.

Although everyone knew it before coming, everyone thought that this female clan leader was a good dancer.

In fact, this exquisite beauty who looks very beautiful has a more intellectual temperament, with a special bookish air.

Yang Yuan felt that this woman was very pleasing to his eyes at first glance.

"Chu Shinian, is this your wife?"

Chu Shinian nodded reservedly and proudly. "No."

"Your daughter-in-law has such a good temperament. Our Dragon Master of the Yang family has a favored Concubine Zhao who has a temperament similar to your daughter-in-law. She is said to be very smart."

"Why are you talking about this?" Chu Shinian immediately became alert.

"Haha," Yang Yuan quickly laughed. "In my impression, female clan leaders, female gang leaders, female leaders, etc., are all very strong women. Your wife doesn't look like her." " Strength doesn't have to be shown externally?" Chu Shinian said suspiciously. "Aren't you secretly planning something bad?"

"How can I? Besides, what bad ideas can I have? Right, Lord Chu?"

Taohua walked towards them with a smile on her face.

"Are you Yang Yuan, a descendant of the Yang clan? The seventh son of King Suiyang? I am the leader of the Chu clan, Chu Taohua."

"Your name is so down-to-earth." Yang Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then said bluntly, "Master An of the Chu clan, I am Yang Yuan, the seventh son of King Suiyang."

"Thank you for your help before, our Chu family was able to allocate Qingze Great World as our clan territory. This is a special rare treasure called the Nine Sun Seal. You can cultivate Nine Suns to fight for yourself.

It is a rare treasure that can grow and has considerable power.

I gave it to you the first time we met.

It has now been cultivated by us to produce three yangs. When you have free time, you can also try the power of the three yangs.

According to the evaluation of the weapon refiners of our clan, the three Yangs coming out together already have the power of a sixth-level monk's full blow. "

When Yang Yuan heard this, he quickly reached out and took the Jiuyang Seal. Just as he was about to play with it, another big hand stretched out and snatched it away.

"My baby."

"Show it to your cousin." The burly fat man said without any explanation and took away the Nine Yang Seal.

"Oh, tsk, tsk, this treasure is extraordinary. It seems to be an acquired spiritual treasure. And it can still grow into acquired spiritual treasures. Yuanzi, you don't need such a good treasure anyway, why don't you use it Give it to your brother. I’ll give it to you in exchange for other treasures.”

"Don't even think about it, this is mine." Yang Yuan rushed forward to protect the fat man, and the two of them twisted into a ball.

"Give it to me, give it to me."

"Leave it to me. As long as you give it to me, you can take whatever you like from the things in my house."

"No, no. I want my Nine Sun Seal."

"What's yours? This is not a gift from the Chu family."

"Give it to me, it's mine."

Unexpectedly, the burly fat man was even scratched in the end, and he didn't snatch Yang Yuan away, and he took back the Nine Yang Seal.

The two cousins ​​were torn apart, their clothes were torn, and their noses and faces were bruised and swollen.

But still bickering.

The main body is still arguing about the ownership of the Nine Yang Seal.

At this time, no matter who passed by, they were chased away by the two brothers. The two brothers did not want anyone to know that the Jiuyang Seal was actually an acquired spiritual treasure, and it was an extremely rare acquired spiritual treasure with growth potential.

This treasure can only rot in their Yang family's pot.

Seeing their situation, everyone behind the scenes was shocked and shocked.

What on earth is going on between Yang Hui and Yang Yuan?

Everyone else had arrived, and Taohua hurriedly, accompanied by Xuanhe, met the new talkers from various forces.

The Qingzhou Island recovery test is both simple and complicated.

It all depends on whether many forces want to see the Chu family or not. If everyone doesn't want to see Mrs. Chu, then the official document written will be enough for Mrs. Chu to drink a pot.

The General Manager's Office will also leave a preconceived negative impression on the Chu family.

But Yang’s brothers are also here, so they can’t write too outrageously.

After all, the Yang brothers still had to sign in the end.

This means that someone from the Yang family is also involved in this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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