The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1448 His Majesty is a charming person

Chapter 1448 His Majesty is a charming person

Chu Taohua is the female leader of the clan, and she is not very sociable. If someone comes here for trade, she can also say a few words.

The various thoughts of other people are all planning to wait and see.

So the atmosphere was rather dull and everyone focused on eating.

As for Chu Shinian, he could at most chat with the two brothers Yang Yuan and Yang Hui and learn about the affairs of the Shen Dynasty and Longting. Of course, we also need to focus on understanding His Majesty the Emperor.

"I heard that His Majesty the Dragon Lord is less than a thousand years old?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Whatever is less than a thousand years old means less than 800 years old. You must not say that His Majesty is a thousand years old or less than a thousand years old. The comparison is less than 800 years old. He is very concerned about his age. "Yang Hui is very familiar with him. Since Yang Yuan seems to be friends with Chu Shinian, he also acts like Yang Yuan's friends are his friends.

"Your Majesty owns the entire divine dynasty and is powerful all over the world. What impact does it have on him whether he is a thousand or eight hundred years old? Why should he care about his age?" Chu Shinian asked puzzledly.

“That’s because you don’t know the specifics.

In our case, if you break through the eighth level at the age of a thousand, you are an unparalleled genius.

Breaking through the eighth level at the age of eight hundred is a peerless monster. He is the pinnacle of the new generation of masters. Our Majesty is fond of martial arts and is very proud of his talent in cultivation.

He had just broken through to the eighth level at the age of seven hundred and ninety-nine.

If you tell him now, would he be happy if you were less than a thousand years old? "

Yang would have an expression like (Do you understand now?).

Chu Shinian smiled sullenly in his heart, "That's it. It turns out that our Majesty is also a man of temperament."

"A person with a good temperament, a person with a good temperament. Why are you so good at talking?" Yang Hui stood up in surprise. Then he simply raised his glass and toasted to Chu Shinian. "You're such a good talker. If you were by His Majesty's side, the nine-thousand-year-old man next to His Majesty could be replaced."

Chu Shinian's face suddenly darkened.

"I won't be a eunuch."

"Ahem, I didn't want you to get cut." Yang Hui said embarrassedly. "I just think you are a suitable material to be a Yukiomi."

"It's too early to talk about being a minister now. Our Chu family has not yet fully established itself." Chu Shinian said calmly. "If you want to enter the Dragon Court to watch, it will take at least two hundred years."


Yang Hui looked at Chu Shinian with infinite regret.

Chu Shinian simply clinked glasses with him and said, "Drink."

"Okay, drink."

"By the way, apart from being a sweetheart, does your Majesty have anything else that we should pay special attention to?"

"His Majesty is extremely rich. If you could offer something rare to His Majesty on his birthday, which is the Holy Birthday Festival.

It is possible to obtain a large number of generous rewards from His Majesty.

Therefore, every year during the Holy Birthday Festival, all major families work hard to collect treasures in order to entertain His Majesty. Of course, the more important thing is to be able to obtain a large number of rewards from His Majesty. Yang Hui said.

"If you still have this kind of acquired spiritual treasure, you can take my or Yang Yuan's route and offer it through King Hongtu, my father, or King Suiyang's father."

Chu Shinian's face turned dark.

"Lingbao the day after tomorrow can only be met but not sought. If Yang Yuan had not really helped our family a lot, my wife would not have given away all the treasures of the town family. Where is the second one?"

In fact, this Nine-Yang Seal is the treasure that Taohua collected from the black market that was originally associated with their original world.

It is the companion treasure of a golden-feathered duck. If it is raised well, it may help the duck evolve into a golden crow.

Unfortunately, it was killed halfway.

This valuable treasure was also lost.

Because the original companion owner was a duck, Jiuyang Yin's intelligence was limited. Ahem, there is something spiritually wrong. At that time, Taohua secretly collected the valuable treasures that had escaped, and collected dozens of them along the way.

But she knows that there are still people in the black market who are eager to hold more valuable treasures. When their world restarted, there were so many forces and people who clearly and secretly took a fancy to Chongbao. The number of important treasures born in a world will never be too small.

Besides, in addition to the human race, the alien race and the beast race also have accompanying heavy treasures.

Therefore, Taohua guessed that the number of accompanying treasures might be more than 10,000.

However, after collecting them for a long time, she only got dozens of them. The rest may be divided among those forces.

Of course, it may also be destroyed.

As far as she knew, there were seventeen or eighteen valuable treasures from her native world that had been destroyed.

Having just heard that Yang Yuan was coming, Taohua wanted to pick a decent gift and send it to him.

She had known this man before. He had a playful temperament and a reputation as a playboy.

The children of the royal family were in short supply of ordinary spiritual objects, and it was hard for her to get them. Giving away property, blueprints, etc. is of little interest to a person with a reputation as a playboy.

Why do you still encourage others to start a career when they are already lying flat?

If Taohua wants to show his interest, it would be most appropriate to give him a mysterious companion treasure.

Who knew that this accompanying treasure would become an acquired spiritual treasure when it reached Yang Yuan's mouth?

Are all accompanying treasures acquired spiritual treasures?

Then what is the origin of her native world, and she can wholesale as many acquired spiritual treasures after restarting?

It is said that it is just a small world, so there should be such a treasure.

Neither Yang Hui nor Yang Yuan believed Chu Shinian's statement otherwise.

Others may not have any acquired spiritual treasures, but Chu Shinian and the others are foreigners, so they might encounter some adventures in their native world.

"By the way, has the space crack you opened finally closed?" Yang Yuan remembered that the crack Chu Shinian and his family found happened to be on a large floating ice sheet.

"Originally, I planned to temporarily destroy the space rift and block it. No one else would be allowed to pass through. But then someone came to me. They really gave me too much and their attitude was very good, so I agreed to let them continue to use our space. A crack passes through.

By the way, those forces are all very large and very ancient and well established.

In this way, their forces all rose from the time when our native human race in the airspace just entered its heyday, and they have always occupied the top forces after ups and downs. Very knowledgeable. "Chu Shinian said mysteriously to Yang Hui and Yang Yuan.

Yang Hui and Yang Yuan’s eyes widened instantly, with a look of surprise on their faces.

"Super power?" Yang Yuan asked.

Chu Shinian nodded.

"Extremely ancient force, with countless treasures within the force?" Yang Hui asked again.

Chu Shinian nodded again.

"But they are very good people, and their eloquence convinced me. So I guess even if you can get some benefits, it will be limited."

Yang Hui and Yang Yuan both looked moved.

"Then when will they arrive?"

"It might be within a few months, or it might be within the last three years. Anyway, they will act very quickly. If they were not worried that I would destroy the channel, they would not give me so many benefits. So I guess they are likely to act soon. Start taking action.”

Chu Shinian said.

(End of this chapter)

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