The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1449 Qingzhou Island Miniature Sculpture

Chapter 1449 Qingzhou Island Miniature Sculpture

"Anyway, if we weren't desperate, they wouldn't have promised us many benefits to allow us to retreat safely and give up the passage." Chu Shinian thought about it for a moment, and found that they were just too enthusiastic.

"There is something in your native realm." Yang Hui sighed with interest.

"Some realms are richer in resources, and some realms may be poorer. It would be great if our realm did not encounter the invasion of demonic waves."

"This is unlikely. As long as our realm still exists and has many creatures and resources, it will become the target of invasion by the demonic tide. They move from bottom to top, just like a pack of wolves hunting, constantly looking for prey , look for opportunities, and then do it." Yang Hui said with some experience. "Because there are many space cracks in our realm, we inquired about three large crack passages, all of which lead to the fallen realm that has been destroyed by the demonic tide.

There are opportunities there, but the danger is also quite great, and the entire army is often destroyed.

Among the many adventure destinations, it is a first-class high-risk place. "

After hearing what Yang Hui said, Chu Shinian was also surprised.

"I didn't expect there to be a place like this?"

"Haha, how about it? Are you interested in forming an expedition group to take a look? What if you catch a big treasure?" Yang Hui encouraged.

"I'm not going. You've almost finished exploring there, haven't you? As long as there are treasures, who dares to talk about high-risk or not? If we go again, we'll lose nothing." Chu Shinian shook his head directly.

"No, no, it's really high-risk over there. Even though we've been exploring for many years, there are still many areas that we can't enter at all.

The earliest one of those fallen realms was discovered more than a thousand years ago, and the latest one was discovered more than four hundred years ago.

After so many years, I don’t know how many adventure groups have entered. Although many people came out with things, there were also more groups that didn’t even come out with a breath. "

"Really? It's really dangerous." Then it's gone. I don't have what I want, and those with abundant resources always worry about repairing warehouses. What are you going to do in that fallen realm? What special things can you get?

Chu Shinian agreed disapprovingly.

Yang Hui took a look and found that Chu Shinian was not moved. He could only give up temporarily.

Yang Yuan secretly smiled in his heart. He actually knew that his cousin had been in the brokerage business, and the things he dealt with were those from the occupied areas. It is said to be very profitable! In order to get more things, he often encouraged others to form adventure groups to adventure in those fallen areas.

Needless to say, just because of what he did, among all the cousins, he was considered to be the richest among the top few. He has long since achieved financial freedom and is no longer subject to the control of his father.

Yang Hui is not the prince, and he and the prince are not from the same mother.

For a royal king like King Hongtu, who has never married more than ten princesses in his life?

The main reason is that the life span of the princess is short, so everyone changes to the princess.

Yang Hui's biological mother is the third princess of King Hongtu.

He is the fourth among brothers. Maybe his father had other sons before, but they didn't live to adulthood, or they didn't live long enough to determine their ranking. It is said that the crown prince's biological mother gave birth to six sons, and only one third son survived. That is the prince.

It is said that the second concubine of King Hongtu was pregnant with three or four children, but none of them were born.

In the end, he committed suicide out of grief, anger and despair.

Yang Hui's biological mother is the third princess. She is a monk herself and has no big ambitions. She just likes to live a free and unrestrained life. After giving birth to Yang Hui, I didn't intend for him to compete for the throne of the crown prince, and he only gave birth to one.

At other times, King Hongtu's concubine was asked to give birth to a child for King Hongtu.

She gave birth to a lot of sons and daughters, and she didn’t care how many died. Anyway, as long as his son lives well. Just because she had no ambitions, when Yang Hui grew up, with the help of her father, she became self-reliant and did well. The prince is not afraid of him, so he can be regarded as the most nourishing prince in the entire Hongtu Palace.

Even if he occasionally makes a mess, King Hongtu and Prince Hongtu are willing to clean up the mess for him.

This is the best way for them to show their father-son love for their son and brotherly love for their biological brother.

The royal family is all about the relationship between father and son, the love between brothers.

At least His Majesty the Dragon Lord has a very good impression of their father and son, brothers.

For many grand events that require the royal family to attend, the Dragon Lord will call King Hongtu. He once said that no one can be missing King Hongtu.

It can be seen how popular King Hongtu is in the eyes of the Dragon Lord.

Compared to King Hongtu of Waiba Road, who was favored by the Dragon Lord, as the Dragon Lord's concubine brother, King Suiyang was still very feared by the Dragon Lord even though he had been a vassal for a long time.

After all, if the Dragon Lord's son did not inherit the throne for some reason, then the other biological sons of the previous Dragon Lord would also have the right to inherit the throne.

Therefore, the Dragon Lord’s close relatives within three generations are not very popular with the Dragon Lord. After all, there is also an issue of inheritance rights involved.

But the princesses are definitely not excluded.

They have no inheritance rights, and the Dragon Lord loves them even more.

After finishing the feast, everyone moved their positions again and went to Huibin Pavilion.

Although it is called a pavilion, the area and height are similar to a palace. Everyone can walk around and watch at will in the Huibin Pavilion. You can also gather in some suitable gathering places and sit and talk.

Chu Shinian took Taohua directly to the Qingzhou Hall on the second floor of Huibin Pavilion.

This is the largest flower hall in Huibin Pavilion. The layout is relatively exquisite. What is even more surprising is that a new Qingzhou Island with distinct mountains and rivers is carved on one side.

This is a large miniature that takes up a lot of space.

It occupies a full third of the Qingzhou Hall. But no one would think it was bad. Those who came in with Chu Shinian and his wife were attracted by the large miniature sculptures as soon as they entered.

They all watched intently.

Yang Yuan and Yang Hui were even more amazed.

"You are carving it according to the new Qingzhou Island one to one? This is much more beautiful than any sand table." Yang Yuan looked surprised.

"Why don't we treat this as a gift for the Holy Shou Festival and have our Hongtu Palace present it to His Majesty?" Yang Hui suggested directly. He was really satisfied with the miniature sculpture of Qingzhou Island.

Then the water in the river can flow.

"You can, you can, but this is the original style of Qingzhou Island just after it was restored. Now our family has begun to build various buildings, cities, etc. all over Qingzhou Island." Chu Shinian said hesitantly. "What should I do if Your Majesty blames us for the inconsistency between the mountains and rivers and the geography of the previous and later periods?"

"Haha, it's just the original style of the recovery period." Yang Hui laughed immediately when he heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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