The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1450 Divine Material

Chapter 1450 Divine Material

"What your Majesty wants to see is what Qingzhou Island will look like after it is restored to life. As for the Qingzhou Island that you have completed, can you still build a flower that is better than His Majesty's Shenjing?

Your Majesty has seen man-made scenery everywhere. Where can such primitive scenery be so beautiful? Yang Hui said confidently.

When Chu Shinian thought about it, it made sense.

"Wait a minute, the Chu family has just settled in Qingzhou Island. Isn't it too early to give His Majesty a birthday gift now?" Ma Hedong from the powerful Ma family stood up and said with a look of disapproval.

"I also think it's too hasty. A miniature sculpture can be presented to His Majesty. Doesn't this mean he is not very sincere to His Majesty?" Another Guo Jinpeng, who also came from the powerful Guo family, also came forward.

"The Chu family is still in the inspection period. Isn't it a bit reckless to rush to present a birthday gift so impulsively?" Jin Fengqi of the powerful Jin family also reminded him like a good gentleman.

The three strongest families near Qingze World took action one after another, and the others had strange expressions for a while.

Yang Hui looked unconcerned. "What do you know? I still ask you to choose the birthday gifts you send every year. Do I still know whether they are suitable as birthday gifts or not? That's it. This Qingzhou Island will be able to recover once again. Next five It’s just right to give it on the first day of the lunar month, the Holy Birthday Festival.”

"It's too radical. The Chu family has just arrived. Their family can give birthday gifts, so what do others think?" Jin Fengqi asked again. "If we wait a little, ten or twenty years later, I think it will be more suitable. Prince, what do you think?"

"Conservative, you are too conservative. Since the Chu family has been naturalized and settled, they are loyal ministers of His Majesty. As a minister, how can you hide during the Holy Birthday Festival? Doesn't that make it more obvious that you don't take His Majesty seriously? In your heart?

If there are no suitable things, it can be said that they have just settled down and are in poverty. But if you don’t send something suitable if you have it, that’s not right. "Yang Hui raised his eyebrows in displeasure.

Jin Fenqi was silent at first, and then said, "There is not only one new Chu family in Wenlan Tianyu, but there are three other families who are also new households. There is still an inspection period for the time being, but they have never given birthday gifts.

Prince, you only brought out the Chu family to give birthday gifts. What do the other three families think? "

"What do those three families think? Isn't that your business? It's you who are responsible for investigating them." Yang Hui felt that he absolutely could not bear the blame. “Whether the three of them can offer birthday gifts is your responsibility.

not mine.

I, Yanghui, am not responsible for this kind of thing. I am just satisfied with the danger of the Chu family. I think it can be presented to His Majesty as a birthday gift.

What's the matter, do you think my vision is not up to par? "

Yang Hui will immediately act rogue and act arrogantly.

He is a prince, who is he afraid of?

Everyone in the Ma Guojin family twitched their mouths when they spoke. The prince felt confused again.

"I still think you have to be careful when giving birthday gifts to His Majesty. The Chu family has just settled down, so birthday gifts are not appropriate." Ma Hedong said with a cold tone. "What do you think, Lord Chu?"

"Prince Hui said that this miniature sculpture is suitable." Taohua smiled faintly. Do you think I won’t dare to give it away if you speak in a threatening tone?

When Yang Hui heard this, he immediately became happy.

"Clan Master Chu is still sensible."

"Since the Chu family came to Cangqing Sky Territory, they have been under the light of His Majesty. Without His Majesty, there would be no Chu family. Finally, there is an opportunity for the Chu family to repay His Majesty. The Chu family will naturally do its best. .

The birthday gift is also to express our family’s sincerity and loyalty to His Majesty. "

Yang Hui burst out laughing.

Yang Yuan let out a chuckle and slapped his thigh with laughter.

"Yes, Mrs. Chu loves Your Majesty so much." Chu Shinian agreed at this time.

Yang Yuan almost laughed out loud.

"Chu Shinian, you should have entered the court earlier, hahaha." Yang Hui also burst into laughter.

Even though what Chu Shinian just said was exaggerated and contrived. But it's rare that someone is so good-looking and has a great demeanor and temperament. From his mouth, such straightforward, hot and disgusting words can make people listen to him sincerely and admire him.


Wonderful material!

"If he goes to the court, the court officials will have to let him take pictures of a large group of people. Hahaha. Especially those who got in by pleasing His Majesty." Yang Yuan said sincerely.

"Am I that kind of person? One day, if I become an official in the court, I will definitely rely on my true talents and practical learning." Chu Shinian said in a particularly determined tone.

Chu Shinian cursed in his heart: If I become an official in Longting, it will definitely be based on my talent, not my face, and not my ability to speak.

"Isn't it a pity that you have such a great advantage?" Yang Yuan complained.

"I think you still don't understand me, otherwise you would know that I rely on my talent to dominate the world."

Hahaha, ah poof, ah poof. Yang Hui was so amused by him that he laughed. "Are you still dominating the world?"

Yang Yuan also looked shocked, "Brother, I saw it right. You are indeed a great talent in the field and a saint in the world."

Chu Shinian listened and nodded with satisfaction.

It spoke volumes to his heart.

With a bang, Yang Hui fell directly from his chair to the ground. I don’t know how he fell down while laughing.

The guards who followed Yang Hui quickly helped him up.

Yang Hui didn't care about his fall and continued to laugh.

"I haven't seen you two be so shameless in a long time. You guys are laughing so hard."

"It's really rare and strange. A person like me deserves this world." Chu Shinian said with style.

"That's right, you didn't see it, that's because you don't have the eyes to see beauty. My brother is just... awesome." There were no words to say, and for a moment, Yang Yuan felt that he had fallen behind. In the future, I have to practice more and read more, so that I can continue to sing harmoniously with my good partner.

Yang Hui looked at them, that one was smiling.

Two kilograms of fat were lost all over his body.

Their nonchalant antics immediately blocked the annoying dissuasion from the other three powerful forces. After that, no matter how those three people wanted to interrupt, they were interrupted by Yang Hui and Yang Yuan. The three of them now understood that they and others were powerless to stop Yang Hui.

It seems that we have to spread the news back to the family quickly and let others stop Yang Hui.

The subsequent inspection and verification trip was nothing surprising.

Qingzhou Island has just recovered. Although spiritual lands have appeared in many places, they are not of high quality.

Qingzhou Island, which originally had many high-level spiritual lands and spiritual veins, suddenly dropped several levels in the hearts of everyone.

Everyone is very active in order to increase the land of Qingzhou Island with high-level spiritual veins and spiritual land. But now this kind of place where most of them are first- and second-level spiritual veins and spiritual lands is a bit too crude. It would be better to live in the remote annexed territories and manors of our current sect and family.

Sure enough, the idea and the on-site investigation are two different things.

(End of this chapter)

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