The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1451: Falling into a Trap

Chapter 1451: Falling into a Trap

Qingzhou Island is disappointing.

This was the first realization that came together among the many families and forces talking about it.

"Is it possible that the Chu family has covered up those high-level spiritual veins and spiritual lands?" someone asked.

"No. I am an earth master myself. Whether it is a high-level spiritual land or a high-level spiritual vein, they are all behemoths. They simply don't have such powerful high-level spiritual lands and spiritual veins to block them. Qingzhou Island has them. That ability." Another middle-aged man said.

"Haha, Qingzhou Island has that ability, but it won't do it. The consciousness of the earth will not take action for human beings easily." Jin Fengqi said in a dumbfounded voice.

"Everyone has seen the situation in Qingze World. I think it is very rare for Qingzhou Island to recover. If you want Qingzhou Island to recover to its former peak level, then it is a bit unreasonable." The middle-aged man said again. . "At least Qingzhou Island, which has just recovered, looks like this.

Don't look at the Chu family who also created so many low-level spiritual flowers and trees.

But if there really are no high-level spiritual lands and high-level spiritual veins, then no matter how many low-level spiritual lands there are, their value will be limited. "The middle-aged man said.

His words directly made some families and forces retreat. They came here just to get some high-level spiritual land and spiritual veins.

"Actually, as long as the amount of low-level spiritual land is large and all is developed, it will be a good industry." The talker of a medium-sized family power came forward and said.

"If you want a piece of the pie, go find the Chu family yourself. Don't spare us. We don't have any idea about the low-level spiritual land." The middle-aged earth master sneered directly after hearing his words. It's a good plan to take advantage of their power to help my family acquire a large amount of low-level spiritual land.

Unfortunately he didn't agree.

"Now is not the time for you to want a low-level spiritual land. Yang Hui and Yang Yuan are both here. Although I don't know how they fell in love with Chu Shinian. Is that guy really worth their investment?" Guo Jinpeng asked confusedly about his doubts.

"In recent years, the royal family's children have often made mischief. Who can guess their thoughts?" Ma Hedong said with an ugly expression. "Who knows what those guys are thinking about all day long? They can fall out whenever they want, without caring about our feelings at all."

Hearing Ma Hedong's complaining voice, Jin Fenqi frowned slightly. "We came here in vain this time. With them causing trouble and disrupting the situation, it will be difficult for us to even give the Chu family a blow."

"That's not easy to handle, as long as we tamper with the official document." Ma Hedong said.

"Then what if Yang Hui and Yang Yuan don't sign in the end?"

"Isn't that better?" Guo Jinpeng said. "There is no final confirmation of whether Qingzhou Island has finally recovered. In the future, the annual taxes on Qingzhou Island will not be based on the previous taxes on Qingzhou Island.

The Chu family will pay the extra amount themselves. "

When the others heard this, they all laughed inexplicably. One is the taxes originally paid by Qingzhou Island at its peak, and the other is the new Qingzhou Island that was revived after its origins dried up, and neither the spiritual land nor the spiritual veins are high-level.

It is easy to imagine that the taxes the Chu family is about to pay will be much higher than their current land output.

That's right, who hasn't come up with a plan yet? No, the idea came to everyone as soon as their minds came together.

"Okay, let's do it."

Early the next morning, they did not go out for inspection again. Instead, they quickly issued the inspection document, which contained a lot of unpleasant words like nitpicking. The final assessment was that the Chu family's Qingzhou Island had recovered, but the results of the recovery were not satisfactory. Very worthless. It's almost like changing the Chu family's family land.

Change the ghost.

Yang Yuan and Yang Hui were both angry and determined not to sign the official document.

If you don't sign, you won't sign. They left directly with a large army, and the official documents were also taken away by them.

This surprised both Yang Yuan and Yang Hui.

Only when their spaceship flew away did Yang Yuan suddenly realize. "Brother, it's broken. We fell into their trap."

"What kind of trap?" Chu Shinian was puzzled.

"This Qingzhou Island recovery inspection is actually related to the taxes you will pay to Longting every year in the future. If we sign this Qingzhou Island inspection official document, it means that we agree to change your clan area, and you will have to move from Qingzhou Island Go. All your efforts are in vain.

If we don't sign, this official document will be deadlocked, and in the end it will have to count.

Qingzhou Island has recovered, and you have also occupied Qingzhou Island. Then you will have to pay normal taxes from next year.

But there is no official document confirming the result, or the official document is inconsistent with the rules.

Then you have to pay taxes based on historical figures.

In other words, the taxes you will pay every year in the future will be the same amount of taxes paid by Qingzhou Island during its peak period. "

Yang Yuan asked Yang Hui beside him seriously. "Cousin, in the past, when Qingzhou Island was not taken away from its origins, how much tax did it pay per year?"

"Thirty billion low-grade spirit stone coins. That is thirty billion spirit stone copper coins." Yang Hui paused before replying directly. "Hey, how did you know I would know this?"

"You have always been sensitive to wealth, so you will definitely do your homework before coming." Yang Yuan said disapprovingly.

Yang Hui glared at him: Thank you for trusting me.

Chu Shinian frowned slightly, "Is this data true?"

"Absolutely nothing wrong. In the past, Qingzhou Island paid these taxes every year. The spiritual stones were paid directly, and various spiritual objects and spiritual materials were not paid." Yang Hui said.

Chu Shinian recalled the island-wide planning map his wife had made.

He summed up in his mind: No, even before the island area expanded, Qingzhou Island's spiritual lands, especially there were so many high-level spiritual lands and spiritual veins, this recovery only cost 30 billion spiritual stone copper coins.

There is something fishy about this.

The original people on Qingzhou Island were afraid that a large amount of taxes had been withheld through corruption.

"Then can't we ask someone to make a new inspection document?" Chu Shinian asked.

"No, the inspection was all done by people from nearby big forces. They came so quickly, but they still wanted to come to the island to share the spoils. In the end, they didn't get anything. It would be difficult to invite them over again.

Even we don’t have that face. Yang Hui said.

"Then 30 billion spiritual stone copper coins. This number won't go up anymore, right?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Without any increase, this is already the highest tax payment in Qingzhou Island." Yang Hui rolled his eyes and said, "It's just that your family pays so much tax a year, can you afford it?"

"We still have the products from the floating islands in the sky and Lingshan Mountain. Although life is a little harder, it's better than giving away Qingzhou Island for nothing, right?" Chu Shinian said.

When Yang Hui and Yang Yuan heard this, they thought about it and found that it was indeed the case.

(End of this chapter)

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