The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 145 What is official business without official documents?

Chapter 145 What is official business without official documents?

"How about I transfer Chen Gong back? If he works here, he can get in touch with Qingmei more. Maybe Qingmei will fall in love with him. Then this marriage doesn't need to be withdrawn?"

When Chu Dashan heard this, his eyes widened immediately, "Ah, don't, if that child Chen Gong doesn't think about it, he will really hate us, why let the child complain?"

"What, Chen Xiaoer dares to blame his father?" Chen Dazhi said immediately.

Chu Dashan hurriedly waved his hand, "You've got it, this is a bad idea. His child has developed so well in the imperial capital, why must he be transferred back. He has relatives and friends in the imperial capital. What's the matter here?"

Chen Dazhi wanted to say that he has a wife.But he also knew that Chu Dashan would not be happy, if Chen Gong was transferred back and had emotions, then Chu Dashan would be even less willing to have him as his son-in-law.

Chen Gong used to like the current Crown Princess when he was young, and Chen Dazhi also knew about it, but the Crown Princess was five years older than him, and she had been assigned to the Crown Prince since she was a child. You should let it go when you get married.

But obviously, Chen Gong did not let go.

Even if he said he let it go, but his body still rejected the matter of getting married and marrying someone else.So let the clever Qingmei see it at a glance.Whoops, he doesn't even know what to say about his stupid son.

If you say you like it, you like it, if you say you can't let it go, you admit it. If you do this, the girls will think you are hypocritical. How can a hypocritical man be relied on for life?
He can imagine that his silly son is afraid that he still hasn't figured out why Chu Dashan is so determined to withdraw from the marriage!
As a father, he naturally knew his daughter well.

His brother Chu was probably worried that Qingmei would let Chen Dazhi send a white-haired person to a black-haired person in a fit of anger!But if you let him give up like this, he is not reconciled.

"I'm really optimistic about this marriage. I'm really reluctant to withdraw the marriage for my mistress. If my mistress loses this marriage, he might never find a wife as good as Qingmei again in his life."

Chu Dashan hurriedly said, "How many good children are there? Without Qingmei, there are others. A twisted melon is not sweet. The children have grown up. If they move together and become resentful spouses, it will be even more troublesome."

"Oh, really can't save it anymore?" Chen Dazhi sighed.

"It's too bad." He didn't hate Chen Gong, but unfortunately he wasn't suitable to be his son-in-law.At the beginning when he ordered Qingmei to be this son-in-law, he had never even met Chen Gong at that time.He believed in Chen Dazhi's character, and that's why he made this marriage possible.He was quite happy at the beginning, thinking that now Qingmei's future is settled.

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven, he still has never been a parent and has little experience.

For saving his life, he can repay it in other ways, so why bother with Qing Mei?Of course, the most important thing is that Ome is not a fuel-efficient lamp!
For his own sake and for the Chen family's sake, he'd better retire the marriage.

"Then let's retire." Chen Dazhi thought to himself, even if he divorced now, he would not give up, besides, he still had a chance to win over his second boy.

The Qingyang city magistrate's mansion, the last magistrate was sick a few days ago.

Before he died, he told the imperial court that his descendants were not good enough to undertake the responsibilities of the Qingyang City Order, so after his death, his descendants would return to the imperial family.This Qingyang city decree was decided by the princes in the court of the Song Dynasty.

The location of Qingyang City is a bit off. People with good prospects don't like it, and people with poor prospects can't climb here.The mid-range people also stood up to No. [-] and No. [-], wanting to operate this city order position.

It's a pity that Cheng Yaojin was killed on the way, and Chen Dazhi, who had been living peacefully in the imperial capital for many years, suddenly asked his father and younger brother to help him operate the Qingyang City Order.

"Well, why do you have to go to the northwest?" Mr. Chen frowned puzzled.

"While I'm young, I want to do something practical." Chen Dazhi said cheerfully.

"It's okay that you have never been an official." Chen Guogong said.

"I haven't done it, but my second child has done it. I plan to bring him with me and ask him to help me." Chen Dazhi continued to say cheerfully.

"Brother, you really don't need to be like this. The children in my family are still young, and Chen Gong can't get in their way. Don't listen to your siblings talking nonsense."

When Mr. Chen heard this, he immediately became angry, "It's not over yet. It's been said that Mr. Guo is your second wife. What else do you want? Does your wife still have a conscience and a brain?

If she doesn't want to do it anymore, then let her go. "

A look of embarrassment and embarrassment suddenly appeared on Chen Guogong's face.

"Father, why are you angry? There are no siblings here. I have been back for more than ten years. I have been staying at home for too long, and I just want to move.

Besides, you and A Niang are both in good shape, and there will be no problem in living another 40 to [-] years.

I just want to go out and be an official, to see if I can do something practical.If I continue to stay at home like this, I feel that people are going to be useless at home.Besides, I want to go back because I want to arrange Chen Gong's marriage.

He can't always be so single..."

When Chen Dazhi mentioned Chen Gong's marriage, the old man immediately had a headache again.It was really too quick and tragic for Chen Dazhi to expel his own Dalang from the family back then.

That person has not recovered until now, and he looks weak all day long, even when he goes up, his face is always blue and his lips are white.That person is now the emperor's confidant, Jane is in the emperor's heart.But he didn't dare to say a word to him.I'm afraid that his son will also break up with him.

If the biological son said no, then he didn't want it, and his father also thought it was very dangerous, didn't he! !
"If Erlang doesn't like it, don't force it. If the marriage doesn't go well, it will have a great negative impact on Erlang's career in the future."

Chen Dazhi nodded obediently.

When the eldest brother's marriage failed, it was because the eldest brother had a problem with his character, and the second child was just a little stupid, and made him a little bit of a loophole.He wanted to leave Zhen Qingyang because he wanted to help that silly son.

Before leaving, Chen Dazhi told his old wife to pack her luggage and prepare to live in the Qingyang City Commander's Mansion.Then he himself led his guards and Chang Sui to ride on horseback and rushed to Miryang City.

He didn't even take care of Chen Gong, so he went directly to Chu Dashan, but he still failed to save him, and the marriage was divorced.

After Chen Dazhi returned to Miryang, he told Shao Wuzhou that he would take Chen Gong to Qingyang as soon as he arrived in Miryang.At that time, Shao Wuzhou said that they had a mission.

As a result, Chen Dazhi immediately asked, "Did the princess give up? Is there any official document from the court?"

Shao Wuzhou shook his head quickly.

"No official documents? What kind of official business is there?!"

 At first I thought I couldn’t get in, but all the little angels are so awesome, so Shenting ranked 99 on the monthly ticket list. This position is good, hehe~
(End of this chapter)

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