Chapter 146

Chen Dazhi is here, how can Shao Wuzhou be self-willed?

Chen Dazhi didn't care whether Shao Wuzhou looked good or not, whether he liked it or not, he just threw him down and took Chen Gong away by himself.

As for Shao Wuzhou, he was in charge of Shao Wuzhou's life and death.Just keep a few guards and ask Miyang City Commander Zhang Wei to look after them.

Shao Wuzhou was so angry that he smashed all kinds of porcelain in the place where he lived.The chief manager of Chen's Commercial Bank immediately handed him the bill and asked him to lose money.

" dare to treat me like this? Aren't you afraid that my sister will punish your nine clans?" Everyone bullied him, Shao Wuzhou's eyes were red with anger.

"Let's not talk about whether the Crown Princess can become a queen in the end! Even if she becomes a queen, it's impossible to just kill the nine clans of the founding government's mansion. Shao Langjun, you think too much, so hurry up and lose money. Oh yes, ours Yard, if you don’t want to live in it, you can rent another yard outside, and then you can do whatever you like.” Chen Miao didn’t like this Shao Wuzhou from the beginning.Especially after knowing that he ruined his own little man's marriage and almost turned his in-laws into enemies, he didn't like him even more.

What kind of thing does such immoral things because of love and hatred?
Shao Wuzhou naturally didn't know that Chen Miao despised him in his heart, so he was so angry that he threw down the silver and left with his own people.

If you don't stay here, you have your own place to stay. How difficult is it to find a garden to live in?

Chen Dazhi led Chen Gong all the way into Qingyang Mansion, and then started handing over without saying a word.When the handover of official duties was completed, it turned out that Cheng Ling's family was about to leave Qingyang.From then on, the Qingyang city order was replaced by him, Chen Dazhi.

Seeing that the motorcade of Chengling's family left the Qingyang City Ling's mansion, Chen Gong asked in puzzlement, "Why?"

He thought that his father wouldn't answer him, because Chen Dazhi hadn't said a word to him since he came, and he just told his servants to pass on the message.

"What why?" Chen Dazhi asked quietly.

"Father, why do you want to be the city magistrate of Qingyang? Even if you want to be the city magistrate, father, why didn't you choose a city near the imperial capital?" Chen Gong secretly breathed a sigh of relief.His father was also willing to talk to him, indicating that he was not too angry.

"Why should I choose the city near the imperial capital? If I choose the city over there, your second aunt should be worried that I want to compete for the resources of your cousins. You and she can't stand it, let alone me?" Chen Dazhi said nothing. Said angrily.

Chen Gong's face instantly became ugly.

"Your second aunt's petty actions are frequent. In the past two years, she has spoiled you. You have been promoted several times. Don't you know? If you don't say anything, she will find out with conscience and won't bother you from now on? What good things are you thinking? I'm tossing about with yin and yang, and I'm coming with your mother."

"Father, I'm sorry." Chen Gong felt particularly wronged in his heart, and felt wronged for his parents.It's all because he hurt the second elder.

"Although we didn't want an official position or a title when we went back, your second aunt didn't think so. She is really too leisurely to be the wife of the country. So I also find something for her."

Chen Dazhi chuckled, full of sophistication.

Even if he said that there was no such thing as his younger siblings, his parents didn't think so, and his real brother didn't think so.As soon as he left home, his mother began to let his second sibling go over every day to set up rules.

Won't you force my own son away?Then I will grind you every day.Let's see who suffers!
The old lady couldn't breathe out, she was going to be suffocated.His younger brother would not intercede for his wife if he knew about it, and he might even say he deserved it in his heart!
He had already discovered that his younger brother and younger siblings were not the same.The two of them just maintained this face for their children.

Probably because the relationship with his younger brother and his wife is not good, so his younger siblings always want to find a sense of presence at home.But it's wrong for you to call your uncle's family, do you really think we are soft persimmons?
If he, Chen Dazhi, was wronged, he could only be wronged for the sake of his family!What kind of thing is it to be wronged for a brother and sister who don't know right from wrong?
Chen Dazhi actually didn't know, as soon as he received the transfer order to go out of the town of Qingyang, his eldest son, the third son-in-law immediately handed over all the evidence of the crimes committed by his younger siblings and his family. The faces of his siblings' parents and brothers are almost turning green.

In three days, the three sons-in-law directly removed a dozen or so officials from the family of Chen Dazhi's siblings.In the end, he didn't even keep his brother and sister's father's Marquis position, and was directly downgraded to the third-class earl.

Chen Dazhi's younger siblings were crying uncontrollably. They knelt down and begged their man, Xi Guogong, to beg the third son-in-law to let him hold his hand high.

"No matter how cruel elder brother is to him, Chen He, that is his own son who has been raising him for more than ten years. You pushed his father out of the imperial capital, and he can tolerate you. What's the use of asking now? Our Duke Xi's mansion has never Have any contact with the third son-in-law."

"If you really don't want to help me, then I'll go and beg him personally. I'll kneel down for him, and I'll kneel at the gate of his house. I don't believe he can make me, his second aunt, kneel forever."

"Then you go, I will divorce you if you go." Lu Guogong said very seriously.


"You, you, I'm really fed up with you. Stupid, arrogant, you just mess around at home when you have nothing to do, my elder brother is so shrewd and transparent, you think he will fight with me for this thing at home?
You can't tolerate him, and neither can your parents.

You'd better give me peace of mind, for the grandson's parents can tolerate you no matter what, no matter how hard you try, no matter how much they love their grandson, there will be a day when they can't stand you. "

For the title of the family, the eldest brother refused back then. In order to avoid family discord and make everyone safe, the eldest brother even persuaded the old man to give him the position of Duke directly eight years ago.

His own mother gave birth to two direct sons and one direct daughter.

His eldest brother has already retreated again and again, but his wife is still making trouble. Because of this matter, his sister-in-law has been reluctant to talk to him when they go home to visit his mother-in-law in recent years.

In the past, no matter how much his wife acted as a monster, his sister never alienated him.

In his father's words, what he sows will reap what he sowed. He married the current lady when he was soft-hearted back then, and he was really miserable for most of his life.Now that his eldest son is grown up, he must keep his eyes wide open when it comes to the marriage, and he can't let his son have a bad life.

The third son-in-law's mansion has always been crowded, but the third son-in-law's health is not good, so the three princesses have always received everyone.The third princess has a very good temper and is soft-tempered, so she will intervene in many small matters that come to her.

Mrs. Xi Guogong thought for a long time and came to ask the third princess for help.

She cried and begged for a long time, but the third princess only agreed to intercede for her.There is nothing else.

(End of this chapter)

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