The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1453 The Royal Dog

Chapter 1453 The Royal Dog

The biggest advantage of the Chu family is that it is weak and does not match up with other families.

Now the more the Chu family is squeezed out by the surrounding families, the better the royal family's impression of the Chu family will be, and the stronger their support will be.

So show weakness to the enemy.

If the Chu family shows that I am poor, I am proud, I am weak, and I am confident, then the royal family will like them more and more, and it will become easier and easier for the Chu family to gain a foothold.

Of course, there are no risks.

The other large and small families nearby would probably regard the Chu family as a fawning royal dog, and would constantly suppress them overtly and covertly.

"But there was no suppression, so where did the attention come from? If the Chu family had always behaved and kept silent, they might have been wiped out and exterminated by others at some point, and no one from the outside world would have paid attention to it.

On the contrary, if Mrs. Chu keeps making noises, it doesn't matter whether they are good or bad.

No one dares to surpass the top royal family and destroy the Chu family.

So for the time being we just want to be a good barking dog. "

When Chu Taohua analyzed it for Chu Shinian and the important figures of the Chu family, her tone was very firm.

"Well, I also think it will pass if you endure it. Two hundred years is not a long time anyway. It passed in the blink of an eye." Chu Shinian said very calmly.

Yang Hui: "..." I always feel that something is not quite right.

Yangyuan: I trust your shoes!

You guy is definitely going to cause trouble.

Jin Fenqi and the others had all left, and Yang Hui and the others were not willing to stay here for a long time, so they simply asked Chu Shinian to find someone to take them back.

"Let's go back and help you fight for it. We'll try to reduce the tax for you as much as possible." Yang Yuanlin made another promise before boarding the ship.

When they got on the boat, Yang Hui and Yang Yuan also separated.

Yang Hui and his confidant Dong Chuan gathered together and asked, "What do you think of Qingzhou Island's recovery?"

Seeing Yang Hui's serious face, Dong Chuan smiled leisurely, "He's recovering well."

"But it does not have high-level spiritual veins and spiritual earth recovery." Yang Hui said disappointedly.

"It doesn't exist now, but it doesn't mean there won't be one in the future. How could a huge spiritual island not have high-level spiritual veins and spiritual lands? In my opinion, maybe it's because of its recent recovery that it only has low-level spiritual lands. and spiritual veins.

After a few years, this time may be hundreds of years, or thousands of years later, Qingzhou Island's high-level spiritual veins and spiritual land may be able to recover. "

"What you said makes sense." Yang Hui thought about it carefully and nodded.

"When we came here this time, Zhong He strangely avoided seeing us. Do you think there will be any problem?"

"It's unlikely that there's a problem. I probably feel embarrassed and don't want to see us.

His family was so reckless that they gave the entire Qingze world to the Chu family without any care. Fortunately, we took remedial measures later, and the news spread that many aristocratic families coveted the Qingzhou World. So now the Chu family only sensibly occupied Qingzhou Island.

Otherwise, wait until the Chu family revives the entire Qingze world, and then it will be brought under the Chu family's rule.

The last person who was embarrassed was His Majesty.

How could such a huge world be given to only a small family as its clan territory? Even the kings did not have such a large fiefdom. "

Yang Hui laughed directly after hearing this.

"Zhong Qiran, this matter is half gone. It seems that he has no ability at all. It won't be long before your Majesty will jerk him off." Yang Hui finally said with gloating.

"Well, I think so too. The Lord can make some plans to appoint a new border patrol officer. One of our own will be appointed. I think it will be of great benefit to us." Dong Chuan said. Yang Hui thought for a while and nodded.

Three rooms away from them. Yang Yuan is also playing chess with his confidant Han Xiangzhi.

The two of them were killing each other on the chessboard, while still chatting about their childhood.

"I think Chu Shinian is very interesting. He is also very sophisticated. Xiangzhi, what do you think?"

"Chu Shinian is sharp and rebellious at heart. I think he just obeys the advice of the leader of the Chu clan. But this also just shows that this guy looks cold and cold. In fact, he values ​​love and righteousness."

"Well, if Chu Shinian didn't have the weakness of Chu Taohua, he would definitely be able to become a peerless hero."

"It is precisely because of his weakness that I suggested that the Lord use him. He can also be used by the royal family.

If he really has no scruples, it's really hard to predict what the future will be like for this kind of tycoon whose ropes have been loosened. "

If you have no worries or worries, you are not a human being, you are a god.

And for a counselor, if some strategies are calculated entirely from the perspective of rational gains and losses, it is really a terrifying thing. Because those strategies have no bottom line.

For example, if your Majesty and the royal family fight for Cang Qing Kongyu, there are some big families and sects that must be destroyed, and even the entire royal family will be willing to do so.

Then what else are you playing?

Cang Qing Kongyu is destined to perish.

"Anyway, Chu Shinian is quite pleasing to my eye. I think I should invest in the Chu family and Chu Shinian first," Yang Yuan said.

"I think the prince seems to be very optimistic about Chu Shinian." Han Xiangzhi said. "He may also increase his efforts to win over and support the Chu family and Chu Shinian."

"Yang Hui is indeed a good helper. It's rare that he has the insight to recognize a hero and likes Chu Shinian. Then let's see who Chu Shinian will turn to and how he will deal with the pressure from the surrounding forces."

"It's not that easy to pass the tax alone. It's 30 billion spiritual stone copper coins a year. If nothing else, it's difficult to raise so many spiritual stone copper coins. After all, he is a new member of the family. If he just came Come, just throw out a lot of spirit stones and copper coins, I'm afraid we will soon be attacked by a large number of families and forces," said Han Xiangzhi.

Yang Yuan had a strange expression after hearing this.

Someone had already informed Han Xiangzhi that the Chu family had to pay a tax of about 30 billion spiritual stone copper coins a year, so Han Xiangzhi knew about it.

However, Chu Shinian told Yang Yuan and Yang Hui that the Chu family planned to use food to replace spiritual stone copper coins, and no one else knew about it.

So... Han Xiangzhi, like Chu Shinian, discovered from the beginning that the tax of 30 billion spiritual stone copper coins was also a sinkhole.

If they are stuck, hey, the Chu family will really want to cede and sell their land.

After all, people don't want the other things, so they can't exchange them for spiritual stone copper coins.

"Did you know? Before leaving Qingzhou Island, Chu Shinian asked me about paying taxes on grain. If nothing else happens, they will probably pay taxes with grain. Instead of using spiritual stone copper coins."

"What?" Han Xiangzhi was horrified and lost his composure. "Chu Shinian doesn't look like a madman, nor does he look like a fool. Why did he decide to do this? We should make grain, so how much grain will we have to pay for the operation?

No, no, there is something wrong with this decision. "

"Chu Shinian said that he has a lot of old grain stored in his house."

"Hoarding, I understand, their family brought a large fleet and so many spiritual mountains when they moved here.

Maybe they really have stored a lot of food.”

(End of this chapter)

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