The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1454 Transformation

Chapter 1454 Transformation

"But something still feels wrong." Based on Han Xiangzhi's many years of experience, Chu's reaction was a bit wrong.

After suffering such a heavy loss, they actually endured it.

"Let's look back later. You have to pull it out to find out whether it's a mule or a horse. We have to take a closer look to find out what the Chu family and Chu Shinian are capable of." Yang Yuan immediately put down the chess pieces, and what the hell... If he loses, Han Xiangzhi will always be the one who bullies others.


After they left, Chu Shinian went to see his wife again.

Chu Taohua is still revising various island building plans in detail.

She continued to improve the plan while carefully revising and adjusting it.

How many people does the family have now, what is its structure, how many monks and how many mortals. How many barbarians and so on, their respective population records are placed on the big table next door.

Brochures of various private workshops and family workshops are also stacked aside.

When Chu Shinian walked in, Taohua didn't even raise her eyes.

"Are you planning to reorganize the tribe and the attached Dingkou? You have done it many times before. After that, you continued to adjust and sort out the small area. Do you need major adjustments this time?"

"Well, it is still needed. After all, we suddenly lost a large amount of suspended land. But we gained Qingzhou Island. Most of the auxiliary population brought over are the core population who have followed us for generations.

We may have gone out to reward ourselves. Now Qingzhou Island belongs to us. When it comes time to reward points, we will score points. "

"You mean, when dividing the spoils, continue to add sand to prevent them from getting together." Chu Shinian immediately understood.

"They can team up with the Chu family, but they can't do it alone." Taohua said without hiding it. "The other thing is that everyone has more assets, more active ideas, and more ambitions. Some people have begun to go in the opposite direction to the family.

I don't want to deal with them now. After all, we haven't completely stabilized yet.

But I can adjust the layout and throw them to the border and poor areas. Let them go somewhere to feel the cold treatment of the family. If you still don't reflect on it, then just take it. "

Borders, barren areas, vast areas and sparsely populated areas. Even if a tragedy occurs, or the whole family is imprisoned, it will not cause much turmoil.

Chu Shinian understood immediately.

"Also, after planning our land, there is still too much land. There is not enough population. We want to develop Qingzhou Island, the most advanced island, and the floating island in the sky. It will take about ten years."

"Ah?" Chu Shinian was shocked. "It takes ten years?"

"Yes, it will take ten years. This is because a small part of the floating island in the sky has been cultivated. It only needs maintenance and operation." Taohua said slightly melancholy, "I still thought too little, Qingzhou Island Although it is said to be an island, it is actually a continent, but its area is not as large as that of the other five continents.

After all, I have no experience. After I finished planning, I made a rough estimate and found that there are six trillion hectares of land on the ground and the underground land that we know is relatively easy to develop. "

"If all this land is grown into food, can our annual income be 30 billion spiritual stone copper coins?"

"Are you stupid? Even if we go by the local food prices here and give them a 220% discount, based on the output of low-level spiritual food grown by our family, about 100 million hectares of land can produce about 30 billion to 500 million hectares. Billions of spirit stones and copper coins." Chu Shinian frowned, he had no idea about his own farm.

But there are still some doubts.

"Do we really have so many spiritual lands and spiritual fields that can be cultivated on Qingzhou Island? Aren't the spiritual veins on our Qingzhou Island all first- and second-order? And they only occupy less than 3% of the mainland area. ten."

"Except for spiritual land and spiritual veins, isn't there spiritual energy everywhere on the island? Use formations to absorb and intercept it, and you can transform the fertile land that is not spiritual land into spiritual land." Taohua said matter-of-factly.

"Then if you use the formation to absorb the surrounding spiritual energy, will it cause a spiritual energy deficit in some areas, making the monks unable to practice?"

"Have you ever heard of the Whale Suction Pillar? Using the improved small continuous pillar, you can transform towns and farms into small spiritual places."

"Where does the spiritual energy used by the whale suction column come from?" Chu Shinian asked.

"Heaven. Every time the source of heaven is absorbed, in addition to a large amount of source, there is also a large amount of spiritual energy. Qingzhou Island absorbs some, and the whale suction column absorbs and stores some. A win-win situation for everyone."

"You really made full use of the top and bottom." Chu Shinian smiled.

"If you have land, you should use it. The reclamation work on the floating island continues. I have also arranged people for maintenance and operation. When the towns below are built, the land and workshops will be distributed. The only thing that is difficult to do is It’s the floating islands. These floating islands have been transformed into small caves.

The lieutenants of the army could originally redeem their military merits, but now I am afraid that their original military merits cannot be redeemed for the floating island Xiaodongtian that was transformed by Qingzhou Island.

So now there are two choices: either the family can build a new batch of floating islands. Farther away, in the void near the battleship base. There is the real void, which has nothing to do with the big world of Qingze.

After the floating island over there is reclaimed, the soldiers can exchange it freely.

Another one is to increase the redemption points, which can also be redeemed on the floating island Xiaodongtian here. "

"Both of these options are fine. When the time comes, it will be distributed to the military and let them choose on their own. Anyway, there are not many military merit points that can be exchanged for the floating island's small cave sky." Chu Shinian said carelessly.

Taohua also laughed.

"Actually, if you choose to build a group of floating islands here, and they are built near the fleet base, I think they are happy. In that case, they can bring their families to the floating islands, build their own houses, and farm their own land. Perfect, and then Get on an interstellar express boat. From now on, it will be easy to go to those air trade ports or enter Qingzhou Island.

This is no different from living on the suspended continent before. "

Chu Shinian said with satisfaction.

Many of the people they brought here were the backbone of the families that used to live on the Suspension Continent. They have experienced life in the void before, and everyone is still not used to having them return to land.

"Then it's decided." Taohua said with a smile, "After settling the matter between them and the Floating Island, the repairs in various parts of Lingshan will begin.

When we left, we were in a special hurry. Everyone who was willing to leave with us left.

This has resulted in many buildings on Lingshan being somewhat messy and dilapidated. Workshops, agriculture, forestry and orchards are also short of manpower. These need to be dealt with with greater intensity. "

(End of this chapter)

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