The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1455 9 Star Coral

Chapter 1455 Nine Star Coral

It is imperative to renovate and renovate Lingshan.

After all, after many people left, it caused some chaos in some industries within Lingshan. This needs to be cleaned up.

"Would it take more time to go to Lingshan? Thank you for your hard work." Chu Shinian looked at Chu Taohua distressedly.

Taohua smiled. "It's okay. I'll just be busy for a while. Once I have all these things planned, I won't care about the rest and let others do it."

"Okay, it's better to let them have something to do, so as not to waste time fighting every day." Chu Shinian said.

"When these places are cleared, it is estimated that all the secret realms, blessed lands and cave heavens in Qingzhou Island will be found. Thousands of secret lands, blessed lands and cave heavens have been discovered so far. Six of the total number of secret realms, blessed lands and cave heavens that have been confirmed to exist are occupied. into eight.

There are still 32%, after still continuing to search.

I am very satisfied with our geotechnical team. Everyone works hard and the work is done well.

I plan to directly reward them with eight secret realms and two blessed lands. What do you think? "

"Okay, as long as it's close to the secret realms and blessed lands of our clan. This will also make it easier for them to build secret realms and blessed lands according to the needs of the earth masters." Chu Shinian agreed.

"That's how the quantity is decided. As for the final location and which one to choose, let them choose by themselves." Taohua said.

What they choose may not necessarily be what they like. The earth masters have identified so many secret realms, blessed lands, and caves. Which one they like more and has greater potential is known to them. I still wait for them to come on their own.

"When all the secret realms, blessed lands and caves in Qingzhou Island are found, we can proceed with further measurements and arrangements."

"Although most places on Qingzhou Island are filled with low-level spiritual veins and spiritual lands. However, there are still some fourth- and fifth-level spiritual veins and spiritual lands in special areas hidden in the vast mountains or under the rivers.

I don’t think Qingzhou Island intends to seal off all high-level spiritual veins and spiritual lands into secret realms, blessed lands and cave heavens. "

"No, you are wrong. Those places are all earth-line nodes. Now that Qingzhou Island has just recovered, the earth-line is not yet strong. So in some places it is temporarily unable to transform them into secret realms or something like that.

Waiting for the future, when Qingzhou Island is further restored, it will be renovated. "

Chu Shinian's face darkened.

"As for that? Is it planning to wipe out all the high-level spiritual veins and spiritual lands?"

"I guess it just likes to hide things, or it may be afraid of well ropes after being bitten by a snake for ten years." Taohua said with deep meaning.

Chu Shinian immediately realized that Qingzhou Island was probably frightened out of control after its source was plundered last time, and the earth veins and the high-level spiritual veins and spiritual lands raised on the earth veins were banned.

In this way, if others want to snatch away its origin, they must first find those secret realms, blessed lands and caves. Only by plundering the origins of those places can you get closer to finding the leyline nodes and plundering the leyline origins.

As long as the origin of the earth's veins remains, its origin will remain.

Then it won't die from depletion again.

"It's already like this. After the will of the earth in other parts of the Qingze world awakens, won't they all become stingy and like to hide things?" Chu Shinian couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded when he realized what was going on. asked.

"Who knows? Anyway, if I die once, I will be very afraid of death." Taohua said. It turns out that she actually died once.

Chu Shinian also thought of this, and his face turned a little dark.

"There is one more thing that I need you to take a look at." Taohua said again.

"What's going on?" Chu Shinian asked hurriedly. "Do you remember the mutated coral reef we raised in the void? The kind that mutated to the point where it has legs and can walk on its own."

"Nine-star coral?" Chu Shinian immediately remembered the kind of small corals running all over the ground.

Taohua originally planted about fifteen or six special corals collected from various worlds into the floating ocean in the void environment.

Something unexpected happened. So many kinds of corals finally merged and swallowed up to form a new kind of coral.

This kind of coral is particularly good at giving birth to babies.

A large coral can produce thousands of larvae.

At first, these larvae fled collectively because the environment in the floating ocean was too cramped.

They were so good at running away that the ace sergeants of the First Legion under his command were driving starry sky boats one by one, frantically catching those escaping little things in the dark and cold void.

It's so annoying.

After just catching them, about 15% of the larvae finally broke through the encirclement and escaped successfully.

Taohua's face looked really bad at that time.

No one thought that such a major accident could happen when raising corals.

Since then, Peach Blossom has deployed several protective formations on all new varieties planted in the void. We must not let anything escape again.

"What happened to those nine-star corals? What trouble did they cause?"

"There was no trouble, but they expanded the offshore environment that Qingzhou Island had purified using the rules. And it only took five or six days."

Chu Shinian looked surprised. "Those black, sticky seawaters, how did they purify people's homes?"

"They forcibly devour those pollutants, then live and die, then die and live again, absorbing the absorbable nutrients in those pollutants, and then continue to reincarnate and grow, and then grow bigger and bigger, forming a large area several feet high. , a coral reef group of more than ten feet.

Those impurities cannot be absorbed by them, and they are condensed into coral beads and expelled out of the body.

It is through this continuous expansion of growth that they forcefully re-purify part of the sea water and the seabed. It really surprised me. "

"Then if they absorb so many pollutants, will they have any impact on themselves? They won't turn themselves into monsters, right?" Chu Shinian asked with a frown.

The running ability of those weird little corals still impresses him. If it turns into a monster after falling, it will be difficult. It's hard to catch him, it was too fast.

"You have to continue to observe it. You arrange for the sergeants, spiritual planters, alchemists, and doctors to each dedicate some manpower to form a team to supervise and study those nine-star corals. I have never thought about these mutated void-planted corals before , He actually has such ability," Taohua said a little funny.

"Well, I misunderstood and arranged for a stable person to lead a legion to supervise. Although it is a good thing that this kind of thing can purify dirty seawater, I am afraid that another accident will occur." Chu Shinian thought.

Taohua nodded in support.

The last time those coral larvae fled all the way, they were very passive.

(End of this chapter)

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