The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1456 New Home

Chapter 1456 New Home

Wang Ping's family is from the Zhan Barbarian clan and belongs to the sub-human race. This time, because the eldest brother is a soldier, the whole family actively responded to the family's call and moved to Qingzhou Island.

So the whole family, including the grandparents, received a total of 1,300 acres.

These fields do not include the eldest brother and sister-in-law who have separated. The land earned by the eldest brother as a soldier is on the floating island near the battleship base. The eldest brother has already spent money to find someone to design and build a new yard.

It is said that my sister-in-law is satisfied. Every day I take my children to take care of the fields and medicine gardens that I have cultivated there. It is said that the medicine garden at eldest brother's house has been planted with medicinal seedlings chosen by eldest brother himself. They are all trees and easy to take care of.

Of course, the 1,100 acres of wasteland at home is not much. At first glance, they all look like weeds. Ahem, I just arrived. It’s only natural that the fields are full of grass. It would be strange if they were all medicinal materials.

Both my grandfather and father were old warriors from their hometown. They knew nothing but strength and fighting. According to the actual situation of my family, the boundaries of the new land that my family was allocated were blocked with white ropes in advance.

When family members dig the ground, they only need to dig inside the rope.

sweat! ! His grandpa also said it was very good.

The new home is also a newly built house. There is no furniture, so you have to pay for it yourself. There is a good carpentry shop in the village, where you can buy ready-made or custom-made carpentry.

The surrounding towns are not far away. It only takes half an hour to get there on horseback.

If we want to say that this new home is good in every way, it is that all the old acquaintances, some of my grandfather's good friends, have been assigned to several nearby villages. Of course, it is not far away. Anyway, if my grandfather and father want to find people to have a dinner together, it should be easy to accomplish.

The new village chief, whose surname is Shen, is an old man with a half-grey beard and hair.

He was kind and friendly all day long, but very difficult to talk to.

Anyway, he only has one principle: you can do whatever the family asks you to do. If your family doesn't let you do it, you can't do it.

Wang Ping found it very interesting to open up wasteland with his family. It was lively and lively all day long, and the men were able to harvest many small animals in the wasteland. What kind of hares, pheasants, rabbits, rats, wild snakes and so on.

The women follow a few of their little girls every day to identify medicinal herbs. After spending a whole day out clearing land, I could still pick up half a box of herbs, and sometimes I was even lucky enough to see some elixirs.

This is a considerable amount of income, and when the family clears out all the wasteland, it will be more than the seed money has been accumulated.

However, the family’s seed money is not enough for the women to collect and sell medicine.

Because big brother is back.

Wang Ping’s eldest brother is called Wang Mei.

A family of brothers and sisters, only the eldest brother looks like grandma. He was white and tall, so grandma simply gave her eldest grandson a good name, Wang Mei.

Relying on his handsome appearance, when the Chu family was recruiting troops, the recruiting general took a fancy to his eldest brother at a glance and recruited him.

From that time on, the Wang family's life became better and better.

When Wang Mei arrived home, it was already dark. Every household started to cook dinner. As soon as the eldest brother came back, grandma started cooking by herself, which was really enviable and jealous.

Wang Mei saw her second brother looking at her eagerly and thought that this boy wanted a gift. He quickly took out the gift he chose for him.

"Now, this is the basic technique I chose for you.

You should practice it well, and I will help you with it when recruiting soldiers next year, and you can join me as a soldier. "Brother, has your fleet finally expanded?" "Wang Ping immediately burst out laughing happily.

"I've told you before that our fleet is going to expand its recruitment. It's just that the family is busy with relocation, so it's been delayed for a while. We'll start recruiting new ones in February next year. You have to practice hard at home."

"Brother, don't worry. I will definitely study hard and practice hard."

Wang Mei was satisfied after hearing this. Her second brother was twelve years younger than her, so there were four sisters among them. Now that Wang Ping is eighteen, several of his sisters have already been married off.

"I heard that when the family moved, your second sister's family and your third sister's family didn't leave. They both chose to stay where they were." Wang Mei said with a cold voice.

Wang Ping was stunned for a moment and glanced at his father with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

Father Wang sighed helplessly and said, "Your sisters' husbands' families have chosen to stay, so what can they do? You can't abandon your husbands and children, right?"

"Is it good to stay?" Wang Mei said angrily. "Everyone is stupid. It's great to follow the family. You can have whatever you want. You don't even need to repair the house yourself, you can just live in it."

"Hey, their families all have some influence in the local area, and they all think it's better to stay. Anyway, no matter who gets the floating continent in the end, they have to use it." Dad Wang said.

"The door caught my head." Wang Mei was stunned for a moment, then complained. "Brother, don't be stupid. Your brother, me and a few colleagues were allotted a large floating island because of our military merits. Now each of our brothers has become a small landowner. The property on the floating island belongs to our own family. You can leave it to the children. If you feel that the land is not enough in the future, don’t be afraid. You can directly exchange your military merits with your family for floating island modules, and then ask someone to install them on the edge of your own floating island to expand the area of ​​the floating island.

I personally have more than 700 acres of land on the island. "

Wang Ping's eyes suddenly widened.

"That's a lot. The family has never given so much land before, right?"

"The family didn't have any territory before, so how could they divide so much land?" Wang Mei glared. Even if there was land on Lingshan Mountain, they wouldn't be able to get that much. He used to have fifty or sixty acres of land in Lingshan. Later, he exchanged all those lands for land on the floating island, and together with the military merits he obtained, he exchanged a total of 700 acres.

This is all my own foundation.

"Now that our family is sitting on Qingzhou Island, we can develop the entire void area near Qingze World at will. I heard the main captains of our fleet discussing privately that there are many large and small world ruins around our Qingze World. There are almost endless groups of star beasts entrenched.

From now on, our fleet will be considered rich.

Hunting star beasts may be a career that lasts for decades.

When you become a new recruit, you can also use the star beasts to practice your killing skills. "

"Hey, okay."

"By the way, where is the third child?"

"The third child studied well since he was a child, and later passed the exam as a Talisman Master. Now he is recruited by the family. He is probably going to join the family's Talisman Master Corps to serve." Dad Wang said with a smile.

Wang Mei was overjoyed when she heard this.

"Hey, our youngest still has such a brain? I heard that people who can become formation masters and talisman masters are generally very smart."

(End of this chapter)

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