The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1457 Wang Meizhang’s Family

Chapter 1457 Wang Mei returns home

"The third child has indeed been smart since he was a child. Dad said that the smartest person in our family used to be the eldest brother, and the smartest person in the future will probably be the third child. I am stuck in the middle, so I can only count on my elder brother and younger brother to have more Make plans for me." Wang Ping said in a particularly honest manner.

Wang Mei glanced at her father, who felt weak. He smiled without thinking to himself.

"Does the third child lack tuition? Do he need any blank talisman paper?" Wang Mei asked again.

"We don't lack tuition fees, we just need some low-level blank talisman papers." Father Wang said to his son diligently, "Boss, you also know that Lingshi's family still has some savings. Many of them were given by you. Come back. Grandpa and grandma are reluctant to spend it, so this is just what they need.

But it’s just a low-level talisman paper, which is too useless.

In your brother's words, you can get started by drawing about a hundred of the same talisman. It takes about a thousand drawings of the same talisman to achieve a small success. Of course, it is possible to consume more talisman paper. Even successful talismans are not allowed to be sold due to various non-compliance with requests and can only be kept for personal use.

A stack of one hundred blank talisman papers, although there were only a few spirit stones. But I can’t stand it because your brother uses it too much.

Dozens of them can be used in a day.

I saw that he was dizzy drawing in the academy every day, but it was a hard work.

However, in order to ensure that most students have a sufficient supply of blank talisman papers, the academy provides a limited number of blank talisman papers to students every month. Of course, this talisman also costs money, but it is much cheaper than outside.

Our family can still afford it.

But the blank talisman paper bought from outside costs twenty spirit stones per stack. Too expensive.

It only takes one or two years, but after a long time, the family cannot afford it.

So do you have any way to help your brother buy some cheap blank talisman paper? The money will be given to you by my family. "

Wang Mei laughed angrily after hearing this.

"Why should I pay you for the blank talisman paper? Isn't the third brother my brother?" Wang Mei rolled her eyes angrily, "Dad, tell me, there is a talisman master in your family, you start following I'm hiding my secrets too.

Finally, there is a talent among my younger brothers, and I can still suppress him. I can't help him get ahead. "

Daddy Wang quickly said, "Dad, that's not what I meant. This is not a reflection. Although your brother is also considered a talent, I went to see your brother's teacher. Your brother's teacher said that the whole class has the talent of a talisman master, and your brother only It can be considered below average.

If he wants to learn it, he not only has to endure hardship than others, but also practices drawing talisman more. If others draw 500 times, he has to draw 1,000 times, and 10,000 times can make up for the difference in talent. Let him stand out among his peers and establish a firm foothold in the Chu family's Fu Lu Master legion.

Otherwise, he might be forced to retire in a few years. "

The Fu Lu Division Legion, like the Earth Division Legion and other legions, selects talented children from the beginning. After being recruited into the army, they do not need to go to the military camp for training first. Instead, they are sent to the academy for training.

Only those with excellent grades will continue to enter the military camp. After becoming a full-time soldier, once they find that their talent cannot keep up with the progress of most of the talisman masters in the military camp, they will be persuaded to leave.

Although the Chu family's Fu Lu Master legion is getting bigger and bigger, there are now more than a dozen legions. Each legion of the Fu Lu Division has one thousand people, but there are five to six thousand people who are responsible for logistics and assistants, that is, auxiliary soldiers. The size of a typical small elite army of the Chu family.

The smaller the number of the legion, the higher the level requirements of the soldiers.

The Chu family has too many talisman masters, but those who are included in the talisman master legion are all the elites among the elites.

Being in the army, how could Wang Mei not know about the situation of the Fu Lu Division Corps?

He is much cleaner than his father.

But it was precisely because of Menqing that he frowned. "Dad, did the third child's teacher really say that the third child's talent is only below average?"

Dad nodded seriously.

"Actually, even if he is a low-level person, my father plans to provide him with all his strength. At least until he becomes an official Fu Lu Master who has been tested by the family. As for whether he must stay in the Fu Lu Master Legion, that's not true.

Watch your brother work hard. The family will not lower the standards for military assessment just because he is diligent and honest. "

After hearing this, Wang Mei breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's okay. Speaking of the talent of the third child, you may or may not be able to keep it. I'm worried that you won't be able to accept it, and you will be sad and sick. Grandpa and grandma, it's best to relax. Do whatever you want. "

When Wang Mei heard about Lao San's talent, she felt disgusted.

But forget it, being a talisman master is better than being an ordinary farmer.

"Blank talisman paper. I'll find someone to get more for him. Let him practice hard. If he really suffers, there may be some hope in the future."

Daddy Wang continued to nod.

"Don't worry too much about the third child. You should also supervise the second child more and try to get him to be recruited by us next year. The wasteland at home can be opened as much as possible. There is no need to open up all of it."

"Wait a minute, don't talk about farming. I know it well." Daddy Wang immediately became unhappy. After finally owning so much land, how could we not open it up as soon as possible? “Boss, you don’t understand and don’t interfere blindly.

I have calculated that there is not much young labor available for farming at home. I plan to clear out the land and plant it all with spiritual trees that are easy to care for and can withstand work. You can collect flowers, leaves, fruits, sap, etc. at the right season throughout the year.

I also plan to plant a large area of ​​wine bamboo so that I can harvest a crop of wine bamboo every autumn.

When the time comes, your grandpa and I will make a batch of medicinal bamboo wine according to taste, add some spiritual herbs, and sell it for a good armful of spiritual stones. "

Daddy Wang laughed when he said this. "In the end, there is some land left to grow some grain and vegetables, and by the way, some fruit trees for the children to eat as snacks."

Wang Mei felt relieved when she heard that her father had arranged it so well.

"Dad, I was originally worried that you would not be able to adapt to the new place, and that the land at home would be abandoned for a while. I didn't expect that you have already made arrangements. Then I will leave you the seed money of a thousand spiritual stones, or I will find it. Someone orders a batch of seeds for you and then has them deliver them?

I'd better order a batch of seeds for you. Otherwise, where would you get such a large amount of wine bamboo and spiritual wood seeds? "

"Hehe, actually no need, your father and I can do it myself."

"Come on, come on, leave this matter to me."

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat..." Grandma Wang's call came in at this time.

Although the third child was not there, everyone else was there, so the Wang family had a lively reunion dinner.

Wang Mei left early the next morning. He still had a lot of things to do in the army.

(End of this chapter)

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