The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1460 Alien Planting

Chapter 1460 Alien Planting

Because the family's spiritual cultivators and spiritual cultivators have all been warned not to use the family's inherited small spells and magical powers in front of Zhong He and Sima Zhongruo.

In addition, the two of them were not from Lingzhifu, so no matter how carefully they observed, they just felt that the Chu family's land reclamation arrangements were good, and there must be more Lingzhifu. The craftsmanship of cultivating spiritual plants must be exquisite.

At least one qualified spiritual planter must be able to independently support the planting, management, pest control and other guidance work of hundreds of acres of farmland and medicinal gardens.

The Chu family has so many Lingzhufu that one Lingzhufu is more than enough for ten acres of land on average.

Of course, in their eyes, a spiritual planter is someone who can take care of a dozen or even several types of low-level spiritual plants and spiritual valleys. He can be called a spiritual planter. But this kind of spiritual husband would not be able to pass the exam in the Chu family.

They have a common name, called apprentices.

Even though he has gray hair, he still has to study hard and try to improve his apprenticeship level.

Even as an apprentice in the Chu family, Ling Zhifu would work hard to upgrade. Upgrading not only provides good treatment and various benefits, but also enjoys various preferential policies of the family. Children can be given a free gift to learn to be a spiritual husband since childhood.

This is an advantage that learning other spiritual skills does not have.

Earth Master is a good profession, but you have to be talented to learn it. And even if your heir is talented, he can no longer enroll in the Earth Master course for free.

How about you stay at home and teach yourself?

As for those brain cells, most earth masters learn well on their own, but that doesn't necessarily mean they teach well. It's better to send them to an academy and let the teacher polish them off slowly.

Alchemists, weapon refiners, and doctors can all certify the same.

Even the master craftsmen can't send their children to the academy to learn skills for free, but we Ling Zhifu can.

Because Ling Zhifu is the foundation of the family.

Zhonghe and Sima Zhongruo actually did not lack vision. They found that the foundation of the Chu family's planting industry was really well developed. A scary spirit planter with too many strange seeds and huge trees.

Many farmers also know a lot of planting tips.

These are not visible elsewhere.

"Well, planting is the foundation of a family, and food is the top priority of a family. But when I look at others, I feel ashamed for our family. My family has been established for seven or eight hundred years, and it has not developed as well as others. I heard people from the Chu family blew themselves up, and the Chu family has only been developing for a little over three hundred years. "

Sima Zhongruo laughed, he could see that Zhonghe's mentality was a bit unbalanced.

But even he has shaky control.

It was so shocking.

When Qingzhou Island first recovered, it was a wilderness.

Even if there is a spiritual land, the spiritual veins are hidden deep in the mountains and rivers.

But what did they see now?

The belt was opened up into countless streets.

The hills were turned into terraces.

The steep peaks were turned into alpine mountains by the Chu family, or a snow-covered elixir garden.

The desert was directly transformed into fertile land.

The swamp has also been transformed into a large aquatic creature nursery.

There are big rivers, and the water waves are rushing and majestic. They also dug out a large number of deep and shallow lakes along the terrain and transformed them into planting areas for various aquatic spiritual plants. Under the water and above the water, the spiritual plants are lush and green, and the color is eye-catching.

Aquatic creatures of all sizes swim around the Great Lakes.

Many of those aquatic creatures are rare creatures that are said to have become extinct in the world of Qingze.

Extinction is a ghost, the population size is not small. Under the full operation of the Chu family, the star-colored plots of land were transformed and turned into new plantations, Zhenyao Garden, Lingguo Garden, Lingmu Garden and so on.

It almost blinded their beautiful eyes.

"The talents of the entire Chu family are focused on planting. They are born spiritual cultivators. The ownership rate of spiritual cultivators in the entire family is the highest in Wenlan Tianyu." Sima Zhongruo said with a bitter smile. "So, it's normal for our family to be inferior to others."

"Hey, look at how people do planting. We should really let the five or six elders at home come and take a look."

"Why bother? After we've seen it, we can just go back and talk about it." Sima Zhongruo said calmly.

"Hey, it's obviously this family we contacted first, but I have a feeling that the Chu family will probably have a more powerful family willing to protect them in the future." Zhonghe said. The Zhong family is still too young to handle such a powerful and special family.

"You can't give shelter, but you can make an alliance." Sima Zhongruo said with a different idea.

"Hmm. Do you think the Chu family is really going to pay food next year?" Zhonghe and Sima Zhongruo both knew about Jin Fengqi's unhappy departure. I also learned that the General Manager's Office required the Chu family to pay 30 billion spiritual stone copper coins every year starting from next year.

"If you want me, I will also hand over the food. This way you won't get stuck." Sima Zhongruo said wisely.

"Those people still want to keep the Chu family in trouble and are looking down on others." Zhonghe suddenly sneered. "Oh, my second uncle has sent a letter asking us to go back."

There are a lot of sighs today, probably related to the letter I received last night.

Sima Zhongruo didn't ask, but said in an understanding tone, "We have indeed stayed here for too long. It's time to go."

Zhonghe was silent again. The feeling Chu gave him was so strange. He had an intuition that if he left now, he would regret it later.

It's just that the letter from the second uncle can't be rejected.

"Hey, pack it up, pack it up, let's leave tomorrow."

"it is good."


The son gave a small tree to Taohua. Because Taohua was busy, she placed the small tree in the house and asked the maid to take care of it.

As a result, not long after Chu Shinian came back, she found out that she was pregnant again.

Taohua immediately felt something was wrong.

I turned around and brushed the small tree in my house, and as expected, the Qitianjian showed nasty red fonts. "A tree with hundreds of sons and thousands of grandsons is responsible for the reproduction of descendants. It involves rules and is a rare and exotic plant."

Taohua is so angry, this damn child actually plots against his mother.

This time she must make his ass split into eight pieces.

But if you do it yourself, it won't be as satisfying as watching Chu Shinian beat his son.

So Taohua quickly asked someone to call Chu Shinian back.

"I asked someone to call Chu Junshu. When he comes back, if you catch him, you will give him a good beating."

Hearing his wife's angry voice, Chu Shinian's first reaction was to take out the leather whip he had hidden and specially used to educate his son. This thing would be very painful later.

"What bad thing did he do again?"

"I'm pregnant again, and he actually used an exotic treasure tree to plot against his own mother. Do you think I should be beaten or not?"

When Chu Shinian heard this, he really didn't know whether he should be happy and surprised, or should he be grateful and give his son a good beating?

(End of this chapter)

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