The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1461 The suspended continent reappears

Chapter 1461 The suspended continent reappears

Or give him a beating.

Designing for my mother-in-law, I made my mother-in-law suffer a lot again. Don't beat him yet.

Right, nothing wrong.

So Chu Junshu was caught and beaten by his father as soon as he entered the door. His head was so big that he couldn't even speak.

Taohua's tone was enough. I quickly called a doctor to give my son a plastic surgery-like treatment.

Even the pretty face, which originally had some skin problems due to overwork, was made to look like fine porcelain.

"Mom, why are you watching dad beat me?" Chu Junshu felt that he had died unjustly.

"Why do you think I asked your father to beat you? Do you still remember the little tree you gave me?" Taohua said coldly.

Chu Junshu's thief eyes rolled around. Then he asked with a look of surprise and clarity, "Hey, dear mother, you haven't practiced the trumpet yet, have you?"

Taohua took a breath, this was his biological son and he couldn't be beaten to death directly.

The brat really still needs a beating.

"Tell me, how did you get this tree? And how did you plan to plot against your mother?"

"I found that small tree from the ruins of the foreign land we occupied. Later I found that its ability was a bit strong. I just thought, our family is just me and my sister, and there are still too few brothers and sisters. How about I Help mom and dad have another baby?"

"I can't do it anymore, Shi Nian, please give this little bastard another beating. Let him stay in bed for at least three months." Taohua said angrily.

Chu Shinian quickly said, "Taohua, don't be impatient or angry. I will definitely deal with this little bastard."

"Help." Seeing that things were going badly, Chu Junshu quickly ran out of the house. It's a pity that his ability to run away is far different from his father's.

So Chu Junshu was completely tragic.

When his sister went to visit him, she almost burst out laughing when she came out. Ouch, I really sacrificed my brother to have a happy family.


Taohua is pregnant again, the older two are almost laughing their heads off, and they can finally relieve the pressure.

Finally, there is a new unlucky person to share the burden with.

Zhonghe and his party left anyway. Once they left, all the hidden things of the Chu family could be openly displayed and used.

A large number of third- and fourth-level spiritual fruit trees and spiritual medicine seedlings were taken out and began to be planted on third-level spiritual lands and spiritual veins everywhere. Many third-level spiritual pulse cultivators should be able to advance to the fourth level.

Some secret realms that are easy to access and develop have also begun to be cleared, and third-, fourth- and fifth-level spiritual fruit trees and spiritual medicine seedlings transplanted from various spiritual mountains and secret medicine gardens in the Chu family have been planted.

The young seedlings are initially planted densely in the garden. When they grow to a certain level, they should be transplanted and rearranged.

These seedlings will be able to bloom and bear fruit normally if they grow in a high-level spiritual land for a few more years.

The wasteland reclaimed by the Chu family adds a lot of green every day.

The layout of the Chu family is almost blooming in many places, spreading across the entire continent. And the sky is being transformed just as quickly as the earth.

The entire Chu family was busy racing against time.

Even the military is not idle. The generals designated a large ruins development plan close to the great world of Qingze.

Starting from one side, gradually clear all the star beasts on the ruins. Then we will conduct a thorough survey of the ruins to see if there is any value for further development.

Their plan was very much approved by Chu Shinian.

However, Chu Shinian can't go over and take charge of development now. The first reason is that Chu Taohua is pregnant again and needs to be taken care of. The second is that his cultivation level is almost unbearable and he must break through the sixth level in a short time. Therefore, several fleet commanders took the lead in the army and cooperated in sending troops.

Since Zhonghe left, the caravan of Sun Ren and the Sun family that was said to be coming did not come, nor did the caravans of other families.

Half a year has passed, and there is not a single local force that wants to contact the Chu family.

The Chu family is also silent. If there is no contact, there will be no contact. If there is no business, there will be no business.

A posture of being invincible and self-sufficient.

In the blink of an eye, the day is coming to give birthday gifts to His Majesty the Dragon Lord. You can't wait until His Majesty's birthday before you give gifts. Gifts must be given in advance.

Yang Yuan and Yang Hui brought people here again.

This time they had just approached the outermost void area of ​​Qingze World. Before they saw Qingze World, they saw a huge suspended continent. Surrounding this suspended continent are countless void islands and continents, large and small.

Countless ships, large and small, moved in and out like ants between the suspended continent and various void islands.

It looks like the scalp is numb.

So shocking.

From a distance, it seems as if a new world has appeared out of thin air. At least it's the new world at the pinnacle of medium size.

The formation defense shield on the outermost edge of the floating continent looks similar to those space barriers in the real world. It's just easier to get void ships, big and small, in and out.

"What the hell is this?" Yang Hui cursed when he saw the mainland in the distance on his battleship.

Dong Chuan, a close advisor, also looked at the huge creature in front of him in surprise. "No wonder the Chu family said that if the whole Qingze Great World is not revived, it will not be revived. There is no need to work hard to revive the Qingze Great World. They have created an artificial world by themselves.

This suspended continent is too big. "

"Then should we stop and take a look?" Dong Chuan asked.

"What do you say?"

"It's best to go and take a look." Dong Chuan said.

Yang Hui was also a little moved, but after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "Contact Yang Yuan, and we will go directly to the Chu clan in Qingzhou Island to meet Chu Shinian."


The two warships bypassed the huge suspended continent and flew for a while before re-entering the great world of Qingze. Originally, the world of Qingze was completely silent. But after Qingzhou Island fully recovered, the world of Qingze also gained a vitality hidden deep in the earth.

The most obvious change is that the world barrier that originally disappeared in Qingze Great World has been slightly restored to a thin layer.

With the world barrier in place, air, flowing wind, etc. begin to flow inside the Qingze Great World again.

Maybe if they come again in a while, it will rain and snow in Qingze World.

No matter how difficult it is, the world still wants to survive.

"Maybe after ten thousand years, Qingze World will be able to recover on its own without anyone's help." Yang Hui said optimistically.

Dong Chuan didn't think that would be the case.

"Now Qingzhou Island has recovered, because Qingzhou Island has driven the Qingze Great World and slowly restored a trace of vitality and vitality. But for the Great World, this glimmer of vitality is still too small. Unless it can continue to gain void like Qingzhou Island Otherwise, it will be difficult for Qingze World to recover in the end, and it may be stuck at a certain critical point.”

(End of this chapter)

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