The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1468 New Food

Chapter 1468 New Food

"You won't let the formation master go into battle lightly, will you?" Chu Shinian looked at him in confusion. "Not all formation masters have assistants, such as those who assist craftsmen in setting up formations. When you see the team of craftsmen lined up over there, they are all special craftsmen specially trained by our family to cooperate with the formation masters in setting up and dismantling formations.

With the cooperation of the craftsmen, twenty craftsmen and one formation master plus a few assistants can assemble and disassemble three small formations in one day.

Absolutely fast and neat. "

"You actually assigned special craftsmen to the formation masters?" Yang Hui was dumbfounded. "And with the help of special craftsmen, the formation master can actually play such a big role. How many small formations can be combined in one day?"

“Isn’t this to improve the speed and quality of formation layout?

Otherwise, why should we train so many special craftsmen who are familiar with formations and various formation tools?

The main purpose is to liberate the formation masters and let them only be responsible for supervision. If there is a certain formation, every corner is handled by the formation master, and the formation master will be exhausted. "

It is said that it is not difficult to cultivate craftsmen who are exclusive to array masters. As long as you have the foundation of a craftsman, can read, and can read pictures, and then practice using various array devices and array materials, for half a year, you will spend a lot of array materials and destroy more arrays, and you will become a good friend of the array master. .

Chu Shinian's rhetoric was all instilled by Chu Taohua. So he spoke very smoothly, and those who listened were in a state of admiration and awe! !

Even Han Xiangzhi and Dong Chuan felt that Chu Shinian was a very talented person.

The idea is so refreshing and unusual.

"We have to take a closer look at the cooperation between your mage, assistants and special craftsmen. If it is feasible, you can train us a group of special craftsmen. Everyone knows the assistants, and everyone knows how to train the formation masters." Yang Hui Hui became more and more jealous and made a request directly.

"Yes. But it's not difficult if you ask my family to train a group of craftsmen on your behalf. If you want us to train a group of special craftsmen to teach craftsmen on your behalf. Then I have to put forward conditions."

"What are the conditions? You can tell me now." Yang Hui laughed.

"Okay, I'll say it then. I have a batch of wine stored at home, and I hope you can help me sell it on my behalf."

"What kind of wine is it? Health wine, spiritual fruit wine, rice wine, rice wine, etc.?" Yang Hui asked with a smile.

"No, it's some drinks made from coarse grains. They're all spirits. The taste is so hot that even a monk can get drunk with that kind of spirit." Chu Shinian said. In fact, wine is made from potatoes, sweet potatoes and other whole grains.

Although it is coarse grain, it is also a mutated and improved variety, and they are all low-level spiritual grain.

If sold in large quantities, although they are all spiritual food, coarse grains are the lowest grade among the spiritual food and cannot be sold at a high price.

The cost of trafficking is also too high.

So Chu Taohua asked the Chu family's winemakers to use whole grains to research new wines.

Later, some mutant void varieties were added to these coarse grains to brew a batch of spirits with extremely strong taste.

This batch of spirits was well-received when it was tested by the Chu family (no wonder! It is the favorite of wine maniacs.) In short, many people who love wine like it.

This time, the Chu family's coarse grain production increased sharply again, and the grain and spirits stocks were overflowing. For a time, there were not enough warehouses to store these spirits. The peach blossoms made me want to sell a batch.

"Let's talk about it later after we have a drink tonight." Yang Hui is an old wine taster. He can tell whether a new wine has a market by just tasting it with his tongue.

"Sure. It just so happens that I'm going to give Zhonghe and the others a reception banquet tonight," Chu Shinian said.

Zhonghe smiled slightly. Okay, at least he brought back 25,000 formation masters.

Ahem, there may be more than one. There is one formation master and several disciples and servants who use the formation. Stop it. Besides, there are so many special craftsmen. All of these people are treasures and must be protected.

Next, we will get to know these formation masters in detail. How to divide them? Yang Hui is in agreement but also has conflicts. Yang Yuan is still messing around, helping this one and helping that one.

Chu Shinian's head was so big when he saw it.

"You guys talk first, I'll go see the officials from the tax collection side."

"That's easy to say, just pull out the grain and let them count it and take it away." Yang Yuan said.

"Then we have to meet. You guys can stay here now. I'll take care of paying taxes." Chu Shinian said.

After all, it would be better for Yang Yuan and the others to have less involvement in the affairs of the General Manager's Office.

Yang Yuan and Yang Hui nodded in unison. Then waved him to get out early.

Chu Shinian: "..."

When he came out of Zhonghe's courtyard, he immediately called a secret guard, "Ask Chu Junshu to prepare two copies of three thousand people for me. It's best to have more girls. I don't have any worries at home. I'm a little talented, and I'm pretty good at it." People who are among the 50,000 Array Master Apprentices selected this time.”

"Yes, family order." The secret guard left.

Chu Shinian was silent for a moment, then returned to the clan and went to another courtyard.

As soon as I walked in here, I saw an old acquaintance in front of me. Oh, Sun Ren, this grandson.

"Isn't this the Master Sun who said he was coming with a caravan?" Chu Shinian immediately became angry when he saw him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I really didn't expect the pressure to be so great, and my family didn't want me to take the risk, so I didn't pull out the caravan. My fault, my fault. I'm sorry, Brother Chu." Sun Ren apologized directly and humbly, saying It's pretty good.

Chu Shinian rolled his eyes angrily and said, "Come on, let's not talk nonsense. The tax we pay this time is grain. When will you start the inspection? After the inspection, we will ship it. But it will be loaded on our ship." ”

"Actually, after we inspect it, we can just load it directly into our transport ship. There is no need to go to the General Manager's Office for a second inspection."

"That's okay, it's up to you." Chu Shinian looked at Sun Ren and didn't want to be more verbose. "Then let's leave now. Go to the Suspension Continent, and let's inspect it at the Nansan Airport Grain Depot. . Your ship is anchored there as well.”

Sun Ren suddenly understood. He asked them to park their big ships there this time. He originally thought that there was a parking port specially reserved for them, but it turned out that the grain depot was there.

The two of them took their entourage to Nansangang.

These are all grain warehouses, and they look a bit desolate and remote.

But that's normal. The grain depot area needs to be lively.

The large iron doors of warehouses were opened one after another.

The clerks worked in groups and began to pull out bags of grain. When they opened the bags, they saw that they were full of new grains. Each one has plump grains and is very dry in the sun. The grains all have a special fragrance and are undoubtedly serious spiritual food.

(End of this chapter)

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