The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1469 Dried meat

Chapter 1469 Dried meat

After dumping it out and re-packing it, the weight was no problem, and there was even a slight surplus of one and a half kilograms in each bag.

The quality of the grain is also the same inside and out, and it looks like new grain from the same batch.

Most bags are made of spiritual rice, spiritual grain. There are also a small part of Lingdou and Lingmai.

Because they have to offset the tax, and the tax is 30 billion spiritual stone copper coins, even if they work overtime, it is estimated that it will take a month to inspect all the grain.

This is really hard work.

The soldiers of the Chu family helped to carry it, and after the inspection was completed, they were shipped to the family's transport ship, and one was quickly filled. Then change to another outfit.

"Oh, my mother, when all the grain is finally inspected, 10,000 large transport ships will not be loaded." A small official responsible for inspecting the grain said to his companions.

"In the past, everyone came here to collect spirit coins. There were a lot of them, but not as much as this." The friend also said in shock. "It's scary."

"You don't see many of them. I've seen people who pay grain taxes before." An older official held a pen and was responsible for recording. "Work quickly and don't get distracted, otherwise we won't be able to finish it in a month."

huh huh...

The other two young colleagues burst into tears.

What a lot of work.

They were busy inspecting the grain.

Chu Shinian asked Sun Ren again, "Do you collect taxes on dried meat and military rations?"

"What? Dried meat? Dried meat military ration?" Sun Ren immediately jumped up and woke up as if he had been soaked in ice water. "You also cooked a large amount of dried meat for army rations?"

"The main reason is that there are too many livestock and poultry, and there is no way to process the meat, so they are all made into military rations. I heard that people in the war zone collect dried meat?" Chu Shinian said with uncertainty.

"That's right, collect it, collect a lot of dried meat." Sun Ren said immediately.

"So I want to ask, can the dried meat we have on hand be used as a tax instead of food?"

"Yes, it can be offset. How much dried meat do you have?"

"Look at the warehouses to the east. There are a total of 8,500 large warehouses filled with dried meat." Chu Shinian said. "You should collect the dried meat first. With the remaining taxes, you can pull out some more from the grain warehouse here. It will probably be enough."

"Okay." Sun Ren agreed decisively. He also directly sent two-thirds of his entourage to the dried meat warehouse for inspection. As soon as the door of the warehouse over there was opened, the rich smell of dried meat overflowed.

The whole port is filled with the aroma of meat.

It's so fragrant that people who smell it have their mouths watering.

Opening the bag, I found the whole bag filled with strips of dried meat, the strong aroma...

The clerks couldn't help but secretly pinched one or two to taste.'s so delicious.

So chewy.

It's better not to have another one.

It's a pity that I couldn't eat more than a few pieces. Although the dried meat is not very big, one piece weighs a full kilogram. How many can your stomach hold?

Sun Ren couldn't help but eat a few.

Very supportive.

too delicious.

"What kind of meat is this?"

"It's the poultry and livestock meat raised at home." Chu Shinian said. "I don't know which one it is, but it was all made into dried meat in the end." "This kind of dried meat is really a military ration. You've got your heart set on it." Sun Ren was so satisfied with what he ate. Besides, dried meat military rations are much more valuable than pure new rations. Now the General Manager's Office is purchasing it at a premium every month.

The key is that they have many flavors and the food is delicious.

"There is a shortage of this kind of delicious food in the war zone now. It can also fully replenish the physical strength and blood of the soldiers when they are hungry." Sun Ren discovered it when he was eating dried meat. After a few mouthfuls, the blood started to rise. churned.

The physical strength is also increasing fiercely. If you eat a few of them on the battlefield, you will definitely be as ferocious as a murderous god when fighting.

"In addition to the dried meat from the 8,500 warehouses that you plan to deduct taxes on, do you have any more?" Sun Ren asked kindly. “Can we still have a batch available next month?”

Chu Shinian immediately shook his head, "It can't be done. Even if we raise a lot of poultry and livestock, it will take some time to make a batch of dried meat."

"Then you can make a batch of dried meat in about a month?"

"About six months. The main reason is that the people in our territory also need to eat meat. So we can only make the surplus meat into dried meat. The dried meat that is now used for tax deductions has been saved for nearly a year. of."

After hearing this, Sun Ren pursed his lips with infinite regret.

What a pity.

"There are so many territorial families in our Wenlan Tianyu, so there must be a lot of people who can make dried meat. I think there shouldn't be a shortage of dried meat in the war zone, right?" Chu Shinian asked suspiciously as he didn't understand the situation.

"The main reason is that they don't raise enough, and they don't listen to orders no matter how much they are asked to raise more.

The spiritual beasts raised by the family and other sect forces generally only meet the daily needs of the monks of the force. It is absolutely impossible for the people under his command to eat the meat of spiritual beasts. Because they raise less, they still need to consume it themselves, and in the end, there is naturally very little dried meat that can be taken out and sent to the war zone. "

"Why not raise it? Hand in hand?" Chu Shinian was still puzzled.

"Raising spiritual beasts also requires occupying spiritual land. If you have that spiritual land, you might as well open it into a medicine garden or an orchard." Sun Ren sighed.

"Wouldn't it be the same to use more low-level spiritual grasses and raise spiritual beasts in ordinary pastures?" Chu Shinian asked.

"No, if you don't keep them in the spiritual land, the spiritual beasts will degenerate into ordinary beasts." Sun Ren said and then asked, "Are your spiritual beasts raised directly by planting spiritual pasture? Are they placed in ordinary pastures?"

Chu Shinian nodded.

"Then the spiritual beast doesn't degenerate?"

"It shouldn't be too late to degenerate. It will be eaten when it is raised." Chu Shinian said.

"Then what will happen to your family next year? Aren't the citizens raising chicks?" Sun Ren was puzzled this time.

"We have a special brooding ground, which belongs to Lingdi." Chu Shinian said.

"This is a good idea." Sun Ren understood immediately. This is to separate brooding and feeding. This virtually reduces the difficulty of raising chicks for the citizens. I am not responsible for breeding, raising them up and down, and eating them if they don't suit me.

You can even buy it if you can’t finish it yourself, which is perfect.

Save yourself a lot of trouble.

"I will also mention your family's method to Sima and Chang Shi later. If every family is like your family, then they will probably raise more spiritual beasts." Sun Ren said excitedly.

Chu Shinian said nothing, thinking that Sun Ren was a bit too naive. Do you really think that raising chicks is that easy?

That's hundreds of broods.

Not to mention small poultry, which is at least tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands for brooding together.

Those big livestock, such as cattle, sheep, mules and horses, need to be more careful and cautious when raising chicks. The most important thing is that you have to have excellent skills.

(End of this chapter)

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