The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1487 Chu Shin is now at level 6

Chapter 1487 Chu Shin is now at the sixth level

The big guy dragged on the ground had a pair of bat wings and only covered himself. What does it look like if it's not a big bat?


When the people who dragged the big bat around heard it, they burst into laughter.

"New monster." A young sergeant immediately reported. "It's not a real big bat, it's like a human and furry." He ran directly to the big bat and spread its wings to reveal the inside of the plush face.

The sharp fangs were bared out of his mouth.

The hairy face is uglier than the monkey. Like a primitive ape that has not evolved, but it also has bat wings.

In addition to the black bat wing appearance, this thing's fur color also has light brown, dark brown, and grey-brown body hair.

"Is this the new group of void beasts?" Chu Junshu asked.

"No, this is the thing that controlled the herd to attack us before. We have vaguely discovered them before. But we haven't caught any of them, and I am embarrassed to come and tell you. This time I specially sent people to set a trap, and I just caught them. This one is still dead," Chu Zichun said a little depressed.

"This thing is so awesome, how can it control a herd of beasts?" Chu Junshu asked in shock.

"Oh, this thing is awesome. It can send out a kind of spiritual wave, constantly transmit messages to the beasts, and control them to attack us." Chu Zichun said.

"Spiritual fluctuations? It's amazing. The monsters are so awesome. Hurry up and find the weapon refiners to study and see if you can design a special detection weapon that can specifically find these things?" Chu Junshu said.

"I've already told them. But they said it would be best to get a few live ones so that they can conduct experiments."

"Then ask the pharmacists to get more anesthetics. If the medicine falls out all at once, you might not be able to catch it." Chu Junshu said immediately. Anyway, they also use this trick to catch demon monsters. No matter what kind of monster they are, one trick is enough.

"Hey, I forgot about this trick. I'll contact the pharmacists right now. I'll catch a few more and send a few to the pharmacists for research."

"You can contact Chu Xiang's father. He really has something in store. You will definitely be happy if you give him one or two more experimental products later." Chu Junshu gave him a bad idea.

"Okay, I'll contact him."

"This bat-haired monster is so incompetent in combat? Can it be beaten?"

"The combat power is relatively weak. It looks like a weak golden elixir. But it is very good at running. It has an escape method that can flash and teleport short distances in the dark. It has a spiritual attack method, and its spiritual power is very strong. It can control the herd of beasts to attack us. .

Once caught, he was quite brave and committed suicide directly.

By the way, as soon as they died, the herds of beasts they controlled dispersed. "

Chu Zichun introduced Chu Junshu. He has been studying this new monster in the past few days. Hahaha, bat hair monster.

"The teeth of these things are poisonous. When they bite people, they inject some kind of blood poison. Several of our young sergeants were bitten, but luckily we brought detoxifying pills. There are all kinds of detoxifying pills. Just eat a few pills to get rid of them. Poisoned.”

"Does the toxin on their teeth act quickly?" Chu Junshu asked.

"Soon, the bite wound became numb. Soon half of the body was numb, and finally even the brain was numb. The antidote pills were given to me by others, and I didn't even know it myself." A bitten child The sergeant expressed his experience personally.

"Then you guys must be careful when you encounter this thing in the future."

"That's for sure. When I see this thing in the future, I will throw a detoxifying pill into my mouth and chew it first." said the young sergeant.

Chu Junshu: No need.

"Is there anything special about this thing?"

"This thing still has this." Chu Zichun also handed something like a small conch to Chu Junshu.

"what is this?"

"I don't know." Chu Zichun shook his head. He had studied it before and didn't find what it was.

"Is this a trumpet, a horn or something?"

Chu Junshu asked casually.

Everyone shook their heads together. Who knows. Chu Junshu: OK, I’ll keep it first.


Is the third wave of storm coming?

But the storm is coming. Why does he feel that the base is moving?

Is this third wave of storm so strong?

In fact, not only Chu Junshu's base, but also the suspended continent, Lingshan Cave, Qingzhou Island, and the Qingze world are shaking. It is not the shaking caused by external force, but the shaking caused by regular force.

Something huge with powerful rules has arrived.

On the other side, in the mid-air above a certain mountain peak in Qingzhou Island, Chu Shinian looked at the core of the earth that had been worn away in his hand until it was only the size of a human being, and he was extremely satisfied.

He then threw the last core of the earth somewhere into the sky.

A huge world of flames that seems to be entrenched in another dimension of space is slowly rotating, and it seems to be coming to the present world.

The core of the earth suddenly collided into the core of the great world of flames, and the flames inside the great world suddenly burned violently.

The whole world is constantly changing between illusion, reality, reality and illusion.

Finally, it transformed into a huge red light that directly broke through the space barrier from another space and rushed into Chu Shinian's body.

In less than three breaths, the red light completely merged with himself, from soul to body, perfectly integrated.

What he controls is not the world, but authority.

The authority of a world, the authority of fire. From now on, his power is back again.

The hearty laughter couldn't stop bursting out of his throat.

Humans are really amazing animals. They can actually invent such amazing ways to transform themselves from ants drifting with the crowd into powerful chess players.

Awesome, awesome.

"Sixth level?" Taohua flew over and gently stood beside Chu Shinian.

Chu Shinian looked sideways at her with a smile on his face. "It's level six, pretty good."

I always feel that what you say is good is not quite similar to what others say.

But Taohua doesn't care very much.

"As long as you make it through safely."

"It must be safe, and I must be safe for you." Chu Shinian, who was becoming more and more casual in doing things and speaking, said.

"Well, that's right, it makes more sense to think like this, and I will think like this in the future." Taohua said with a smile. "If you think so, I feel relieved."

Chu Shinian took her hand and said, "Don't worry. I'm fine."

"Well, hurry up and take your little son away for a few days. I'm almost tortured to death by him." Taohua grabbed her husband's hand in reverse, Emma, ​​the little ancestor who cheated her, hurry up and take him away.

I'm so annoying.

Seeing the suppressed depression and irritability in his wife's eyes, Chu Shinian pursed his lips and wanted to laugh.

He remembered that when Chu Junshu was a child, his wife almost threw the baby out several times.

"I'll take care of you. I'll take care of you. Have a good rest for a few days." Dad came back online. Alas, there is nothing I can do. I can’t live without me at home.

(End of this chapter)

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