The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1488 Little cub

Chapter 1488 Little cub

Is the little one who has just turned one month old worried? Just watch him make trouble with you, but you still feel aggrieved. You get it.

This is an ancestor.

Chu Shinian put the baby, who was uncomfortable lying down, holding, and lying upright, into a small bamboo basket and carried it away. While expressionless, he continued to summarize the damage caused by the storm with the elders of the tribe, and how to strengthen the strength of the formations everywhere.

The bosses looked at Chu Shinian for a while, and then looked at Wa'er who had a pair of big round eyes. They couldn't see anything in the distance at all, but they wanted to look at Wa'er.

This kid is so good at fighting at such a young age. The family will be very busy in the future.

"There is always an illusion that I see Chu Junshu when he was a child." Zi Xiang said.

Zigong also smiled.

This little kid looks energetic.

"Does this kid not sleep much during the day?" Zigong asked.

"Well, I can be naughty and make trouble during the day. I sleep like a little pig at night. I'm full of energy and messing around." Even if he is his own little boy, Chu Shinian feels that his wife is going crazy and annoying him. In the end.

This guy is so unique.

In his mother's words, he is just as annoying as Chu Junshu.

His father-in-law and mother-in-law loved him very much. It's a pity that the second elder has not taken care of the children for a long time, and the young ones have an emotional breakdown and are looking for trouble on their own.

Taohua couldn't stand it anymore, so she simply asked them to put down the little cub and take care of it herself.

Of course, she doesn't take one herself now, because Chu Shinian takes care of the baby.

"That's not bad. It's better than having day and night reversed and being more noisy at night." Zi Gong said.

"No one can say for sure. Chu Junshu was normal at first, but within a few months of age, he changed to sleeping in the day and sleeping at night. He is more flexible than a night owl." Chu Shinian complained.


"When a child is at this age, it's not him who adapts to you, but you who adapt to him. He can grow as long as he wants. Just bear with it." Chu Shinian sighed.

woo woo woo...

Hearing Chu Shinian speak, the little boy also called out. It's just that you don't understand what he says.

Chu Shinian casually summoned an attendant and asked him to accompany the little guy.

If you don't deserve him to talk, he will burst into tears.

But even if there was someone to talk with him, after a while, before Chu Shinian had even finished processing half of the matter, he started crying again.

Ow ooh.

What can Chu Shinian do? I had no choice but to comfort him first.

In short, when the little cub gets tired, he doesn't start fussing immediately, and only when he falls asleep can he be quiet for a while.

"How long can I sleep here?" Zi Yan asked in shock.

"At most an hour. Often half an hour. When you wake up, you can continue playing." Chu Shinian asked the nanny to take the little guy to sleep next door. "Let's move faster, lower our voices, and get these urgent tasks done quickly. We don't want to delay things until our ancestors wake up again."

Zi Yan burst into laughter.

True ancestor!

"Zi Yan is still happy. His wife takes care of his children." Zi Gong said. Two hundred years have passed, and almost all the elders present have families. There are even more descendants.

"I often go out to do things, and my mother takes care of the children at home. My wife often complains to me. I just show my hands, so what do you say? I have to go out. In the end, I will be hammered." Ha Ha ha……

All the elders lowered their voices and laughed like-minded.

Anyway, that’s just getting hammered!

"Haven't you contacted Jun Shu yet?" Chu Shinian's lips curled up. These guys were determined not to have children.

"We reconnected last night. Battle damage was reported over there. More of our people died in the battle this time. The loot was even more depleted, but it can't be hauled back. The fighting over there was too fierce, and there wasn't enough. The convoy can help the transport ship return."

"Ask the formations from Qingzhou Island to serve as escorts. By the way, we will replace the small formations of battleships that have suffered greater losses."

"That's okay. Originally we wanted to send people from the Suspension Continent."

"We also need a fleet there. We should mobilize it from Qingzhou Island." Chu Shinian decided.

"After the second wave of storms passed, a lost caravan wandered near the floating continent and wanted to apply for parking. Apply for trading various supplies.

Trading supplies we agreed. However, their application to berth in the floating continent was not allowed, and they could only berth in a floating outer port. "Another elder spoke up and reported.

"They stopped for two days and then offered to trade bulk items with us. The main item turned out to be grain. I don't know where this caravan came from."

After hearing this, Chu Shinian immediately said, "Don't worry about where they come from. We lost a lot of floating islands in this storm. It doesn't cost money to rebuild. If the price they give is reasonable, just sell the grain to them.

Both coarse and fine grains are fine. "

"Then let's settle with them using spirit stone coins?"

"Don't settle it like this. Let them settle with spiritual stones. We can polish the spiritual stones ourselves if we give them raw spiritual stones. But if we give them raw minerals, we must ask for more spiritual stones. After all, polishing spiritual stones also involves losses. " Chu Shinian said.

The elder who sat down nodded to express his understanding.

"If they have various low-level spiritual ores and mid-level spiritual ores in their hands, they can trade with them at a preferential price. After all, these are what our family lacks the most. The spiritual ores on Qingzhou Island are all in the development stage, and mining is currently at a loss.

There are some spiritual mines over there in the ruins, but they are occupied by beasts all year round, so it is not that easy to mine them. "

Therefore, the mining cost of opening the edge is too high.

If it hadn't been for the appearance of a spiritual stone mine over there this time, they would never have been fighting the beasts until now.

"How is the mining of the spirit stone veins over there?" Chu Shinian asked again.

"I heard the news from over there that half of the excavation has been done. This speed is quite good. I heard that the beasts over there have been gathering together and constantly attacking the spirit stone veins." Zigong said. He is the person responsible for various connection work on the Lingshi mine.

"What is the quality of the mined spiritual stones?" Chu Shinian asked hurriedly.

"Not only the quality, but also the quantity is quite good. Low-grade spiritual stones are very rare, and about 1.5 million pieces have been mined. There are more than 50 million pieces of medium-grade spiritual stones, and more than 6 million pieces of high-grade spiritual stones. The top grade ones are There are also 1.7 million pieces of spiritual stones.

I also discounted the wear and tear of raw ore. "

In other words, what Zigong reported was the actual production in the future.

Low-grade spiritual stones, medium-grade spiritual stones, and high-grade spiritual stones are all exchanged at one hundred to one.

However, high-grade spiritual stones and top-grade spiritual stones are not circulated in the world at all. They are all used on special occasions.

"The current harvest of high-grade spiritual stones alone is enough to cover our total tax value for two years."

(End of this chapter)

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