The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1489 Wei Family Caravan

Chapter 1489 Wei Family Caravan

"It's really a big deal this time." Zi Yan also laughed.

"That's right, we have only dug out half of it. When we get the other half, it will be equivalent to a year's net profit for us, right? We will make a year's worth of net income without doing anything." An elder said with a smile.

"It's not just that, our family doesn't have that much foreign trade now. Many workshops have simply closed down." Another elder said.

"Closing is also temporary. There will always be time to keep opening."

"No. After this Seven Injury Storm, we will go and explore the black market here. This is how everyone did it before. Back then, we even opened up trade routes in those remote small worlds."

"That's right, that's right. I have opened up 589 large and small trade routes by myself."

"That's a trick of yours. You first opened up one, and then let people extend it everywhere. As long as it branches off into a small branch, it is considered a trade route. Your quantity has gone up, but the quality has not. The trade routes you opened up , the annual revenue is the lowest.

It's not as good as me who only opened up fifty-one trade routes. "

"Tiger, you're not in the right stage to expose someone, you're unjust."

"It's not like you were the first to brag about your bullshit. I'm trying to make you sober up."

"Who are you asking to wake up? Tiger, let's practice outside?"


"Leave it all to me. Take care of the urgent and important things first."

Chu Shinian rolled his eyes angrily.

A group of people who love to work hard.


Wei Yan was sitting in the exquisite small courtyard room, listening to the reports from several tribesmen and confidants around him.

"We got lost this time, but unexpectedly came to the territory of Wenlan Tianyu. Here is a new family called the Chu family. The family's fiefdom was moved to this great world of Qingze, which is said to have been exhausted long ago.

The Chu family is very powerful. They not only revived the origin of Qingzhou Island in the Qingze world, but also built the suspended continent where we are currently parked outside. "

A capable and handsome young man stood in front of Wei Yan and reported.

He is the second son of Wei Yan's second brother, named Wei Li.

I'm not bad at reading, but I offend people outside. People stared at him and refused to let him become an official, so the second brother had no choice but to send him to him, asking him to follow him to take care of the family's general affairs and open up trade routes.

Wei Li has always done a good job, and he strongly recommends this new team. Suizhi knew that something unexpected happened when they were opening up a trade route. They lost their way to Wenlan Tianyu due to a storm.

It's really bad to say that it's bad. They directly crossed three heavens and wandered here.

As promised, they found a good space crack passage, which can directly cross from Cangwu Tianyu to Wenlan Tianyu through the crack.

There are billions of miles of starry sky roads across the three heavens in between.

This new road only needs to be exclusively in the hands of the family for a few years. Their Wei family is likely to develop explosively.

"The Chu family just moved from the outside world and settled in the local area. They are being isolated by the local families. They also have a tough temper. Even if the other families isolate them, they will not bow down. They just play by themselves. Their family is huge, and in a short time We can keep playing." Wei Li couldn't help but smile. "This family is good at planting. They own countless spiritual fields, spiritual medicine gardens, spiritual fruit gardens, etc. of various levels."

When Wei Li said this, he immediately heard the suppressed gasps of the tribesmen around him.

Cangwu Tianyu is short of nothing but food.

Cangwu Tianyu is a poor place with everything. The only bad thing is that there is drought and little water. The problem of food cultivation has always been a long-standing problem. After it became a border battlefield, the food shortage became even more severe. As long as the food from the nearby Tianyu reaches the Cangwu Tianyu, it can be sold at a high price.

However, it's still not enough.

It's a drop in the bucket, the food gap is too big.

"What does the Chu family lack?" someone asked impatiently.

"Lack of ore, lack of all kinds of ore. It is difficult to mine the ore here. Qingzhou Island has just recovered, and the underground veins are still recovering, so it cannot be mined for the time being. There are too many beasts in the void, which is too much trouble. The cost of mining is too high Big. The places inside the big world of Qingze are exhausted and there are no mineral veins.

The outside families resisted and excluded them. "

"If we can reach a long-term partnership with them, we can form complementary resources. In the future, we will almost make money on our own."

"Is this Chu family trustworthy? He won't sell us out, right?" someone asked hurriedly.

"They knew where we were from and the family caravan, so why did they sell us?" Wei Li said confidently. “Even if our trade volume increases in the future and the other party guesses our origins, they won’t make it public.

After all, all the local families are ostracizing and isolating them. "

"Then will their family covet our trade routes?"

"First, we have found that it is difficult to maintain this trade route for a long time. At most, our Wei family will have a head start for about ten years. After ten years, there will always be a second or third family that discovers this new trade route. Crack trade route.

Of course, our family has the advantage of the past ten or eight years. Even if other families get involved, we can still maintain our business advantage for a period of time.

Let’s make money during this period first and then talk about it.

Second, the Chu family is a small family and they do not have the ability to maintain a new trade route. If he betrays us, he will not only offend our Wei family, but also fail to please the local wealthy families. In the end, he will become a stranger inside and out. As long as their clan leader wasn't a fool, he wouldn't do this. "

Everyone was happy to hear Wei Li's analysis one by one.

"I'm so lucky this time. I discovered a new trade route."

"Weili, you are so lucky."

"Fifth Uncle, what do you think? Should we have a serious discussion with the Chu family and reach some trade agreements?"

The tribesmen all had smiles on their faces and started discussing enthusiastically.

Actor Wei sat at the top and listened happily.

They really didn't come in vain this time.

"Ali, I asked you to contact the Chu family about purchasing food. How is your contact going?" he asked.

"The Chu family has too much food, not only in stock, but also in variety. I was dazzled by it. I simply brought over the list of food and medicinal materials provided by their family. Let's take a look. I took a lot of copies, everyone. If you have any suggestions or suggestions, why not say them while looking at the list.”

Wei Li asked his entourage to bring up the thick list books one after another and gave them to everyone to read.

As soon as everyone opened the booklet, everyone hissed.

It’s too cheap. The prices of all kinds of high-grade spiritual food are too cheap.

"Is the price of grain in Wenlan Tianyu so cheap, or is the grain sold by the Chu family so cheap?" Wei Yan was also shocked and couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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