The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1498 Forging private messages

Chapter 1498 Forging private messages

"Okay, you can think about it slowly. I'll go see the people in Yanghui and Yangyuan first."

Sun Ren immediately understood that the Chu family's back-up man was not only himself, but also the Yang family.

After Chu Shinian left, the secret guards dragged Gu Zhizhang away.

"Hold on, his body is very important, I can't help but take it back." Sun Ren immediately stopped them from dragging the person away.

"Instead of dragging him out to feed the dogs, you can find someone to seal his body and beautify it. It will look like he is alive. I will make a fragrant coffin for you later. It is guaranteed not to rot for thousands of years, and the fragrance of the corpse will be fragrant."

The little secret guard dragging Gu Zhizhang's body listened to Sun Ren's words, thought about it and replied.

Sun Ren: Do all the dead people in your family enjoy this? !

"What kind of wood is the incense coffin?"

"It's very useful. It's top-quality wood for making coffins." The little secret guard said.

This low-level spiritual wood was actually discovered by them in an ant nest. Giant ants are used to increase the shelf life of food. The Chu family simply grew it to make coffins. Sold to countless countries around the world. Famous stuff.

Sun Ren's expression was strange after hearing this.

I didn’t know what to say for a while.

"Don't worry, I'll bring it to you as soon as it's taken care of." The little secret guard called the maids to come in and clean up the blood stains on the ground.

Also remove the smell of blood.

The little maid came in with a mop dipped in some kind of potion, and quickly mopped up all the blood stains on the ground.

There was also a little maid who came in and took care of the blood stains on the furniture.

Later they brought a vase with flowers.

The scent of flowers with a hint of medicinal scent quickly dissipated the smell of blood in the room.

This processing speed is too fast and too tacit, right?

What do you usually do?

Sun Ren looked at the maids around him suspiciously.


Chu Shinian strode towards the yard next door.

This place is more spacious than Sun Ren's courtyard, with a low-key luxurious tone, which is very suitable for the appreciation of the royal family.

This is the compound where Yang Yuan stayed last time. Not satisfied enough.

The only thing that didn't satisfy Yang Yuan here was that there were no exotic beauties that he loved so much.

There was really nothing Chu Shinian could do to provide this.

It's not that the Chu family doesn't produce beauties, it's that the looks don't meet the requirements of Yang Yuan's exotic beauties.

Yang Yuan is a child of the royal family and has seen too many beauties.

In his eyes, the Chu Taohua sisters, as well as some of the legitimate daughters and concubines of the Chu family, are all good-looking. But it's just good. It can't be called experience in his sense.

In Yang Hui's words, Yang Yuan is a beauty hunter and has good taste.

By the time Chu Shinian felt that Yang Yuan was someone who deserved to be whipped, he could be whipped a hundred times even if he was a sow.

After hearing this, Yang Hui laughed so hard that his intestines ached.

Xu Jie and Du Miao had already received the letter and were already waiting in the living room.

As soon as Chu Shinian arrived, he exchanged greetings with the two of them.

Although both Yang Hui and Yang Yuan introduced these two people in their letters. But Chu Shinian had to talk to them in person to confirm whether what Yang Yuan and Yang Hui said was true or false.

"You two must already know that the General Manager's Office has given us a big problem." Chu Shinian said first after the greetings.

They both nodded. "This problem is really difficult to solve."

"Rebuild the battle line, and also repair and install the formation. This is not a small matter. If nothing else, even if there are enough formation masters, it still requires a huge amount of various basic materials. Can the General Manager's Office support us? ?" The two simply shook their heads.

"Perhaps I can verbally provide you with some. In the end, you will be able to get a little in your hands. This is because the General Manager's Office wants to lose face." Du Miao said. "Chu family order, you have to prepare for the worst.

It is very likely that not only do you not have a large amount of basic materials for building city walls, but you also need to provide a large amount of basic formation materials.

You have all figured out the formation master, building materials, and basic formation materials.

This is to drag down your Chu family alive. "

Xu Jie also nodded. "That's what I'm thinking too. The Chu family will definitely be seriously injured this time."

"Does the General Manager hate foreign families?" Chu Shinian asked puzzledly.

"See through, don't tell." Xu Jie said, "The entire Wenlan Tianyu only has this small space. The old forces and the new generation forces have taken up the space. Even the general manager who has taken up his post can't squeeze out much.

How could he hope that Wenlan Tianyu would squeeze in a few more well-developed families? "

Chu Shinian suddenly understood.

So that’s it.

"This time it's you, maybe it's someone else next time. As long as he acts according to the rules, even His Majesty the Emperor can't do anything to him."

Chu Shinian finally understood and nodded in understanding.

"Has the Chief Manager fallen in love with Qingze World?"

"You've taken over someone else's place. It's getting in the way, but they can't say it clearly," Xu Jie said.

As expected, it was still a melon brought by Qingze World.

"Then why didn't he think about taking Qingze World into his pocket before?"

"What's so good about an abandoned world? It starts when you revive the origin of Qingzhou Island and let him transfer the realization to the Qingze world." Xu Jie said again.

Du Miao listened and nodded frequently.

Sure enough, Xu Jie can find the key points every time.

After all, it is still a problem with Qingze World.

A world that is no smaller than the Yuanzhen World where the Wenlan Tianyu General Manager's Mansion is located is too conspicuous.

"Unless you change clan areas, this kind of thing will be inevitable in the future." Xu Jie said.

"Let's talk about it later. Let's get through the present first." Chu Shinian said with a good temper.

"Yes." Xu Jie nodded.

Du Miao asked again, "Then how do you, the Chu family, plan to overcome this difficulty?"

"I just killed Gu Zhizhang." Chu Shinian didn't answer anything else and told this matter first.

"Did you kill Gu Zhizhang? Did you know that he was Ma Hedong's son-in-law, and he was sent here specifically to cause trouble for you?" Du Miao said in surprise. "I originally planned to remind you to kill him."

"What?" Before Chu Shinian could do anything, Xu Jie over there had already exclaimed. "That's the person who represents the face of the General Manager's Office."

Du Miao smiled chicly.

Although Xu Jie is very smart, he cannot grasp the key points and the essence. But this guy is too preoccupied with too much and too many things to make a decision.

And I am better at making decisions. My lord Yang Hui sent him here because he was better at making decisions.

"It's also a good thing to give the General Manager's Office some perspective at this time. At least it can let them understand that the Chu family is not a complete soft persimmon!

But what reason did you use to kill him? "

Chu Shinian immediately expressed his thoughts and also expressed his intention to drag Sun Ren into the water.

"Yes, it's better than I thought. It would be even more perfect if I forged a private letter from Ma Hedong to his son-in-law. Even if Ma Hedong complains, the people in the General Manager's Office will never believe that he is innocent. In this way, I Here is a letter I asked someone to forge. Take it to Sun Ren, and he will eventually choose to board your pirate ship."

(End of this chapter)

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