The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1499: Forced

Chapter 1499: Forced

Xu Jie's eyes almost popped out of his head.

You guys are too lazy at work.

Gu Zhizhang, that arrogant and foolish boy, actually died at the thought of death. This was beyond Xu Jie's imagination.

He has always been a steady person.

Don't like to take dangerous paths.

Xu Jie could also see that Chu Shinian obviously liked Du Miao more and was ready to collude with him. This is simply...


"I think you should think about the worst and ask the two young princes to help you in advance and come forward to make peace."

"Okay, I'll write to them when I get back." Chu Shinian said calmly. Anyway, Yang Yuan's mark on him shouldn't be too obvious.

The royal scoundrel is talking about him.

"What about the massive array materials and array base materials?"

"Actually, this matter is not difficult. We already have a solution. But there are also difficulties. Our difficulty is how to send things to the front line in an honest manner." Chu Shinian said.

"What do you mean?" Xu Jie and both looked at him suspiciously.

Chu Shinian explained the method his family had thought of.

Xu Jie and Du Miao were both shocked.

Du Miao thought for a moment and immediately said, "Let the two young princes use business as an excuse to bring the fleet out for a walk."

"Then I'll trouble you two." Chu Shinian was not polite. Anyway, he didn't plan to take care of the matter of contacting Yang Yuan and his fleet.

How can two counselors not even be able to do this?

Then it's better not to follow Yang Yuan and Yang Hui, so as not to burden them further.

They both nodded. This matter is easy to handle.

"The other problem is manpower. No matter how many formation masters and craftsmen our family produces, it will not be enough when we get there. We must recruit a large number of helpers. As long as you are healthy, can understand simple commands, and can work hard The person becomes.

This is the biggest guarantee we can guarantee the construction period. "

"Is it possible to become a demi-human?" Du Miao asked.

"What kind of demihuman?"

"There are many demi-humans over there?" Du Miao immediately reacted and asked.

"Yeah, quite a bit."

"There are many demi-human natives in the front area. They are all special demi-humans with dark skin and tiger stripes on their faces. They are unruly and disobedient. They fight with our people and also with the demons.

It is difficult for demons to demonize them.

Even if they are demonized, as long as they eat enough. Also able to maintain sanity. It is said that they worship the tiger god of their own race.

The demonized demihumans can only grow a pair of fleshy wings from their backs. The combat effectiveness can continue to rise a lot.

They are very xenophobic, so it would be difficult for people to recruit them to work. And their tribes are housed underground. Hard to find. "Du Miao explained to Chu Shinian.

"If we can't use these local demi-humans, we can only recruit demi-humans from other worlds from other places. There are all kinds of demi-humans, so it's easy to recruit. One hundred kilograms of grain can be used to recruit one. But from the beginning of recruitment, people will eat and drink Everything is yours," Du Miao said. “Demi-humans are different from ordinary humans, they eat a lot.

A demi-human consumes at least three thousand kilograms of grain every year. The key is that if they complete the task, you have to reward them with one thousand catties of grain. I said that 100 kilograms was for recruiting Asians and providing them with settling-in allowance. It is not included in the reward of one thousand catties. "

"Do they care about coarse grains and fine grains?" Chu Shinian asked.

"As long as it's spiritual food," Du Miao said.

"Then please Mr. Du find a way to help us recruit more demi-humans. As long as they can work, it doesn't matter race. It doesn't matter if they can eat." Chu Shinian said.

Du Miao nodded, "I will write a letter later and ask the Lord to send someone to recruit."

"Let Yang Hui help me with the food first. I will definitely not treat him badly." Chu Shinian said. Du Miao smiled slightly.

"How many people will be recruited?"

"Recruit as many as you can." Chu Shinian said.

"The first batch of people will probably arrive in half a month." Du Miao added.

"Don't worry, we can't set off so fast. We might even fall behind them. I'll send people to build a camp on the other side of the battle line in advance."

"This is a good idea. Before the troops and horses are moved, food and grass go first." Du Miao said.

Chu Shinian handed the private message to Sun Ren, and Sun Ren finally sighed. Choose to cooperate.

Gu Zhizhang's coffin was also sent back in advance by Sun Ren, along with Sun Ren's letter. Explained the cause of Gu Zhizhang's death.

After receiving the coffin and the letter, the Grand Steward's Office was immediately in a state of uproar.

Is there anyone who dares to kill the officials sent out by the General Manager?

This is simply unreasonable.

Punishment, must be punished, and the murderer must die.

At this time, Yang Hui and Yang Yuan came to the manager's house again.

Last time, the General Manager made a decision to let the Chu family take the lead. He didn't expect the two people's face.

Now that everyone has appeared, the General Office must not ignore them again.

Why, your general manager's office still wants to take advantage of our royal children?

On the surface, the General Manager's Office is not easy to deal with.

Besides, everyone has made it clear, so the chief steward should give them some face no matter what.

The chief steward's expression remained calm until the person left, and then his expression became gloomy.

"Go and send a message to the Chu family to hand over the murderer. If not, the family will be exterminated."

The Chu family quickly received the text, and the fleet that was already about to set off immediately hunkered down.

They are also very active in preparing for war.

Isn’t it genocide?

We must keep fighting until we are destroyed.

Chu's reaction immediately made the chief steward's face gloomy for several days.

For ten days, the Chu family was preoccupied with preparing for war and had no plans to send troops at all.

At this time, the clarion call for a major counterattack is about to sound. The seed team to repair the city walls and formations has not yet been recruited. It is said that they will be exterminated.

The military immediately quit.

Damn it, Chief Manager, are you a dead man?

Can you solve this problem?

How about we ask His Majesty to replace him with a general manager? There are many people in Longting who want to go out and work as the general manager.

What? Do you still want to change the clan to build the city walls and formations?

Are you kidding me?

The ability of Chu's formation masters is obvious to everyone. The military is not stupid either. If anyone in the Wenlan Tianyu can complete this impossible task, then only the Chu family still has a chance.

At least the military bosses still take it seriously.

So stop talking nonsense, stop talking about annihilating the clan or not, and let the Chu family come up.

The general manager was forced by the military, and his face was gloomy every day.

I resisted for another five days. Obviously, a counterattack force will be organized and launched tomorrow. There is no point in keeping the Chu family in custody anymore, because other families are not willing to be this scapegoat.

So the general manager had no choice but to compromise.

"The murderers of the Xingwen Chu family paid five billion spirit stones and copper coins to pay for their crimes. In addition, they were asked to repair the city walls and formations on the front line, and they paid for the supplies themselves. The general manager's office didn't get a cent."

(End of this chapter)

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