The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1501 Poison Scheme

Chapter 1501 Poison Scheme

This damn thing, every time you make an elixir, you have to bring a five-color elixir cloud with you, making it look like a heavy treasure has been born.

It would take many formation masters to set up a large formation to cover it up.

It also likes to vibrate. Whenever I'm happy, the ground somewhere shakes and shakes.

I'm just afraid that others won't notice it.

It's a pity that the Chu family is very guarded against it.

Its existence has always been concealed. No matter how noisy it was over the years, the Chu family never went outside.

The only two people in the Chu family who could watch it were Chu Moyan and Taohua.

Taohua suppresses them directly. She has the Taiyin Stone Tower to suppress anyone she sees.

Chu Moyan is a perfect match. Honey, you must have a spokesperson and someone to chat with.

Chu Moyan then took up this important position.

He simply stayed at his position and became a salted fish with dedication and dedication. It has been salty for so many years.

Really cool brother.

Every time he is assigned a task, he has a reason to go back to being a salty fish.

Look, baby, it's making a fuss.

Look, baby, it misses me again.

Look, look...

All the way to Qingzhou Island, he directly used the torrent of rules to wash away the Hunyuan Divine Refining Cauldron and other important treasures.

Then refining the divine cauldron became difficult.

Qingzhou Island arranged a blessed land and completely transformed it into a shape suitable for the Hunyuan Divine Refining Cauldron.

Then he moved the Hunyuan Divine Refining Cauldron over.

As long as Taohua doesn't give orders, it can't run away. And I can't get out.

Although it has evolved, it even has many more pill recipes. And it can now talk to many people in the blessed land.

The problem is that I can't get out, this place is just a big cage.

The chatty Hunyuan Divine Refining Cauldron started to cry, knowing that Chu Taohua would not let it go. Will definitely clean it up.

The cruel and vicious Chu Taohua is simply inhuman.

However, the Divine Refining Cauldron was trapped in a blessed place, and Chu Moyan was liberated.

But this kid didn't want to work and wanted to continue working. Recently, I have been avoiding Taohua and his wife, just because I want to stay at home more.

hehe! !

How is that possible.

"Lin Changge just needs to be responsible for the family affairs. He can act as the family leader.

Chu Moyan will be sent to Jun Shu as a military advisor. Anyway, he does a good job every time.

As a counselor, he used to be very evil and would always come up with poisonous plans for me. "

"Poison plan, he still has this ability. Then I really underestimated him. It's good, it just allows Jun Shu to practice his skills. He has little experience in commanding an army." Chu Shinian said.

"Bring both Zihan and Zizhou with you. These two can also be used as counselors. Not only can they be counselors, but they can also be used as generals when needed." Taohua thought for a while and decided to leave the other two at home. If a guy who can't do much is retained, for the clan leader, the elders can't be idle. Unless you lie down in a coffin and rest completely.

So Baby Chu was packed away by his parents, and Zihan and Zizhou were also packed away.

Finally, a large number of warships left Qingzhou Island, and Taohua Niang Chu's mother burst into tears. "Chu Taohua, the murderer of a thousand swords, you actually abducted my little grandson."

Chu Dashan didn't dare to say a word.

He was afraid that Chu's mother would vent her anger on him again.

But when she returned home, the angry and helpless Chu mother picked up the hammer and gave Chu Dashan a severe beating.

Chu Dashan: My little girl kidnapped my little boy, what can I do? It can only be used as a sandbag.

Hey, hey, being a father is really hard.

The old brothers Lin Changge and Chu Moyan were also confused.

"Why did you sneak me out? My good wife and children are on the hot bed." Lin Changge said bitterly.

"My good Qingfeng Mingyue doesn't have a bottle of wine anymore." Chu Moyan also looked very depressed. "You said what did you do recently to piss her off? Otherwise, how could you have thought of sneaking us out?

I haven't worked for many years. "

"What are you talking about? You can still be miserable like me? I still don't fully recognize the powerful elders in the family. Now that I'm suddenly asked to take charge, I'm worried that those idiots below will deceive me."

"Isn't it even worse for me? They asked me to help my nephew fight monsters. I don't want to go at all. It's so nice to just squat at home."

"Haha, we are both unlucky. I hope we can get through well this time." Lin Changge said with a smile.

"According to my experience of being at a disadvantage for many years, if you are not satisfied with the sex, she will keep letting you do it until you want to vomit." Chu Moyan gave Lin Changge a warning look. This guy has been living too comfortably in recent years.

I kind of forgot about Demon Xi's punishment methods.

This is not good, please don’t burden me.

Lin Changge was suddenly excited after hearing this.

Damn it, I forgot about that person's methods.

"Ahem, I will definitely do the general affairs of the clan well. You must also expand the territory for the clan and try to annihilate all those bat monsters. It is best to raid their lair. The nearest family warehouse The shortage of floating stones has affected our construction of the second floating continent."

"Where is the second floating continent built? Why haven't I heard any wind before?"

"You've been doing nothing all day long, and you still care about this? This was a plan that was made when we built the first suspended continent. The original construction site was here." Lin Changge spread out a large map of the nearby starry sky and placed the location Pointed it out to Chu Moyan.

"The Seven Wounds Storm happened later, so this second location was not suitable. The main reason is that the Seven Wounds Storm at this location was very fierce. It is better to move here." Lin Changge changed his position again. He said, "This place is closer to the ruins. Although there are currently more beasts, it is not very safe. But it is close to the ruins, and it is more cost-effective to collect various resources nearby. And there is no shortage of soil here, which is also a good condition for building a suspended continent."

Chu Moyan observed carefully. "It's the same principle." Then he pondered for a while and said, "I thought that after the clan leader developed Qingzhou Island, he would also try to develop the second big island in Qingze World. After all, Qingze Island The world has five supercontinents and ten small continent-like islands.”

"I heard from Taohua that there are too many people eyeing Qingze World. We can't do it for the time being. We have to wait for the opportunity." Lin Changge said seriously.

Chu Moyan sighed silently in his heart.

Sure enough, the family is still too weak.

"Okay, this time Jun Shu asked me to take the supplies with me. Let's see when they can be shipped to me and let me leave." Chu Moyan handed a thick booklet to Lin Changge.

"I knew you old boy had no good intentions. Why did you come over to chat with me? To relieve my lovesickness. In fact, you just came to ask for supplies." Lin Changge's face changed instantly. Chu Moyan, this boy is really not something.

(End of this chapter)

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