The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1502 Thoughts

Chapter 1502 Thoughts

"Oh my dad, who misses you so much? I clearly wrote about missing you. Missing is definitely missing."

"What's the difference? Doesn't it mean you miss me?" Lin Changge said.

Chu Moyan had an unlucky look on his face, "I'm telling you, I have absolutely no wrong thoughts towards you. If you dare to let your wife hit me, I will file a complaint with Uncle Chu Dashan. Just say that you are uneasy at home. Seduce me."

Lin Changge laughed loudly after hearing this. "Who believes it? I have a wife and a son, but you have nothing and are alone. If you want to seduce me, it's you who seduce me."

"I'm telling you, you just covet my beauty."

"What? What's so beautiful about you?"

"I am so handsome that countless girls and young women regard me as the lover of their dreams."

"You've blown yourself up to the sky. Why don't you just grab a girl and ask her to see if she can like you?"

Chu Moyan opened the door angrily, and when he saw a woman, he stopped her and said, "Little girl, do you think I'm beautiful?"

"Beautiful, you are so beautiful. But Uncle Yan, when are you going to get married and have children? Before I left, my mother-in-law told me that my elder brother and I should keep an eye on you. If I see any good ones, I'll catch them as soon as possible. one."

"Big...big niece."

Chu Moyan took a closer look and saw that it was Chu Junlan.

How embarrassing.

Hahaha, Lin Changge laughed at him mercilessly.

Chu Moyan ran away in despair.

"What's going on? I see why Uncle Yan feels guilty when he sees me?"

"It's okay, niece, why are you here? What's the emergency?" Lin Changge was in charge, but it was Chu Junlan who was in charge of the general affairs.

"Forget it, second uncle, we have several resources, but the warehouse has been exhausted. What should we do? Many places still need them to start construction."

"Why did it run out so quickly? When Peach Blossom left, she took a lot of it with her, right?" Lin Changge asked.

Jun Lan nodded immediately.

"Humph, I knew she wouldn't let me live comfortably." Lin Changge said angrily.

"Although Taohua left a mess, it was not out of necessity. Besides, she left you here to take charge because she trusted you, far more than me." Qingmei also came in about this matter.

She was here to talk about another matter, but she happened to bump into Jun Lan.

"She didn't send you to the top, and she used me as the top. In fact, she didn't trust me, she clearly wanted me to top the tank. This way you won't be too tired. I have already understood that girl's plan. ”

After hearing what her second uncle said, Jun Lan snickered.

This is really something that my own mother can do.

Qingmei also laughed.

She looked at her angrily husband and said, "Those who are able work hard, and those who are able work hard. Don't be angry. You are talented after all, and you are not inferior to Chu Shinian's Lin Changge at all."

"Ahem, it's still a little inferior. But just a little bit." Lin Changge said. Chu Shinian is the kind of guy that the more you come into contact with him and get to know him better, the more terrifying you find him. In other words, that girl Taohua can be herself as she pleases around him. They were all somewhat suppressed by that someone's momentum.

Jun Lan laughed so hard that her shoulders shook even more.


When Chu Junshu received a letter from his family, he said that his parents had gone away and the younger brother had been kidnapped, leaving the two older ones working at home. He has decided to completely screw it up. Love as much as you like. He just took care of those bat monsters by the way.

As a result, before the results of his failure came out, his parents sent him a counselor.

My own Chu Mo Yan, Uncle Yan.

Chu Junshu, who wanted to take a break from work, said to himself, Uncle Xianyuyan should be able to speak a lot in common with him, right?

Soon Chu Moyan arrived and brought a large amount of supply resources.

But... why did he see a large number of weapons, talismans, and elixirs?

What does Uncle Yan want to do?

Chu Junshu suddenly had bad thoughts in his heart.

As a result, Chu Moyan immediately summoned various supervisors to meet him.

Then everyone has a meeting together.

"Everyone must know that this time the clan leader and family leaders were forced to go to the front line, and a large number of the family's formation masters and craftsmen were also taken away. Now many projects in the family have been stopped, including various unfinished projects in Qingzhou. Chu Mo said in a serious tone, "Our family is still weak. If we were strong, who would dare to take away so many formation masters from our Chu family at once? If these formation masters were all killed on the front line, we would be in trouble." Our formation master system will soon be in ruins.”

The eyes of all the governors and generals present showed chills.

"That's not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is that those shameless people actually asked us to provide materials, build city walls, and build formations. How unethical. We don't have to pay for it ourselves, so we have to provide money for people. Supplies.”

Chu Moyan's words made Chu Junshu change his expression instantly. He knew that his parents were wronged, but he didn't expect them to be so wronged.

"But where do we have so many resources?" Chu Junshu reacted immediately. "I heard that at least 10,000 miles of city walls need to be built on the Sufeng Mountains front line, and a large number of formations need to be repaired. Where can our family go to buy and replace these many resources?"

"There is definitely no place nearby. After all, we even need soil." Chu Moyan said.

Chu Junshu immediately realized, "Uncle Yan, you mean to let us dig up the ruins and package them into a resource package as a whole?"

"Besides this method, is there any other way to accumulate so many basic resources for the family? It's just that the weapon refiners will be burdened a lot. And the craftsmen as well. The key is that we are temporarily short of space, and the craftsmen have to continue to train a large number of craftsmen."

"This is not difficult. Our family does not lack population. I will try to find a way for the family to recruit a wave of folk craftsmen and train a group of new young craftsmen. As long as the age requirement is relaxed, training craftsmen will not be a problem."

"The skills of craftsmen are all based on actual materials. Don't be afraid of waste or mistakes. Just train them and practice them. The skills will be better after you practice them more. Find some older craftsmen to come over and give them a try. Master. Just teach me every year.”

"Okay, if you improve the master's salary, everything will be fine."

"Then let's do this. Let's try to send a batch of basic resources to Taohua and the others within a month. Especially the basic array equipment."

"Okay, if the family is abandoned, the spare weapon refining workshops can be moved to the base here. The base here is still very open, and it won't take up much space to house the army. It can still be used to build the weapon refining workshop. Welcome the weapon refiners."

"Yes, a batch of craftsmen's camps and various workshops will also need to be relocated. Craftsmen's workshops that are not used by the private sector can be bought and then relocated as a whole."

(End of this chapter)

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