The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1503 Fighting

Chapter 1503 Fighting

"We will try to conquer the city within twenty days. Prepare a batch of basic materials for the clan leaders and then find a way to transport them to them." Chu Moyan said.

Chu Junshu thought for a moment and then agreed.

It is said that my parents took away a lot of materials, enough to last a month.

So the two of them and the other governors began to gradually perfect every detail of the plan with each other.

Wherever there was a problem, objections were raised immediately.

After the meeting, everyone showed their perseverance and indomitable spirit. start.

Under the auspices of Chu Junshu, all but two of Chu's ten battleship formations followed Chu Shinian. The remaining eight fleets have all sailed through, while helping to hunt down the herds of beasts and open up ruins. While protecting the family's territory, battleship bases, floating islands, and suspended continents.

The new suspended continent has not been built yet. But the architectural details are already being planned.


Lin Changge received the plans and arrangements from Chu Junshu and others.

His brows furrowed slightly. "Even Jun Shu is starting to exert his strength. I can't just keep chatting with these old guys."

Qingmei listened and was speechless. "Who is the one who insists on fighting with others?"

"Then we, as a couple, have a plan, a plan. We can't wait to do worse than Chu Moyan.

Although I am not very good at planning, I am good at execution.

Wife, hurry up and make a plan for me.

Let me also drive away those old gangsters like sheep. "

Qingmei curled up her lips helplessly.

"Okay, I'll think of a way for you."

"Think carefully, we have to surprise Chu Taohua." Lin Changge laughed.

In fact, he is still very confident about his wife.

Many people say that the clan leader is good at all kinds of big plans. But in fact, my wife is also very good at this.

I can only say that my father-in-law is really a talented person.

The daughters are all very strong.

Ahem, there is a bit of yin excess and yang deficiency. Although the several brothers-in-law and brothers-in-law in my family are equally talented, they are not as stunning as our two daughters.

My daughter-in-law is so smart that I can’t explain it.

Qingmei is not only smart but also good at learning. And he is very good at summarizing and summarizing.

She knew the advantages and disadvantages of many of Taohua's plans. She even summarized it in a thick booklet.

Generally speaking, it is to prevent yourself from making the same mistakes.

In fact, she had discovered a long time ago that Taohua might have done similar things. Because she has never made a mistake again, no matter how small it is.

This is the main reason why Qingmei has this habit for so many years.

"Let me think about it carefully. Let's make the plan more detailed. At least we won't reveal too many obvious mistakes." Qingmei said.

Lin Changge nodded.

Soon, Qingmei came up with new plans and arrangements. After Lin Changge saw it, he began to recruit and prepare for work.

Soon all the elders in the family were brought out by him.

what? Work!

He quickly mobilized all personnel and compiled a new large network. Just to help him complete the overall plan.

His order arrived at the lowest level of the Chu family or in remote villages within three days.

One by one, the village chiefs got busy. Together with the village chief's elders, they mobilized all the spare young men and women in the village. Those who are able to learn how to make weapons should learn how to make weapons. This woman can do it too.

After all, as long as normal people can use a frying spoon, it can be done. After all, how difficult is it to grind various mineral materials, copy them, and boil various mineral powders?

As long as the work can be distributed to the lower levels, the upper levels will separate it and throw it directly to the lower levels.

Then each village has a dedicated official responsible for guiding work and monitoring quality.

While they are teachers, they also focus on quality.

But within a few days, many villages began to light up all night long. Carloads of standard raw materials were sent away by a horse-drawn convoy.

Continuously and piled up, various kinds of materials were washed into various refining workshops, forcing many refining workshops to start spinning. The originally clean and proud weapon refiners all turned into sloppy people.

It doesn't matter if he has an unkempt beard and disheveled hair, but he is distinguished by colorful robes all over his body.

Having just completed a wave of tasks, many weapon refiners simply fell asleep on the ground before the next task came. Just lie down and fall down, no need for any hypnosis at all.

In addition, the family held meetings and held various short-term training courses.

Specializes in cultivating a large number of practical talents.

Various craftsmen, material refiners, array weapon refiners, array assemblers, short-term array master apprentices, etc.

Everything is based on use.

It’s okay not to understand the principle, we can learn how to do it.

As long as you are a healthy person, you can participate in various training courses. It doesn't matter if you can't read. We can participate in training and learn literacy at the same time.

What? Do you think you don’t have enough to learn?

It doesn't matter. If you learn more part-time jobs, you will master more things.

When the family increased its efforts in cultivating craftsmen, weapon refiners and formation masters by clearing out its warehouses. The various resources lost like running water have also cultivated more practical talents.

With a large population base, all kinds of talents, talents, and geniuses can appear.

A very old-looking old man in his forties, who didn't even know his words before. But people just know how to draw. Draw various patterns.

As long as you let him take a look, no matter how difficult or complex the formation pattern is, he can completely and accurately draw it for you on any formation device.

This kind of talent is simply unreasonable.

I was born to eat this bowl.

Suddenly, the old man's reputation soared. Even Lin Changge knew about it and was directly recruited as a high-level formation mage. Enjoy the treatment of the family's high-level formation master.

He also changed from drawing small formation patterns to specializing in drawing large combined formation patterns.

Too bad I can’t explain it.

Others can do it.

You can draw it just by looking at it.

As long as the old man finished drawing the formation patterns, other craftsmen would re-carve various perfect formation patterns according to the drawn formation patterns, then put various basic materials and various special runes and inks into the formation grooves, and then seal the grooves. groove.

In this way, the large composite array will be completed quickly.

Finally, it was pulled to the front line for reassembly, and special nodes were buried to start it up.

Except for Mr. Shi, the genius who draws the formation patterns. This time there are also many members of the family who are illiterate or illiterate. But he is a genius who is good at painting.

The big bosses of the Fu Lu Master who came to help said that these talents could not be left to the Formation Masters, and they also needed them very much.

If you don't wait until the task is completed, you can share half of it with them.

The boss of the Array Master left behind said: Come on, let’s roll up our arms and have a fight. As long as you don't kill me, no one can be taken away.

This is our people.

(End of this chapter)

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