The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1504 Cannon Fodder

Chapter 1504 Cannon Fodder

It is absolutely impossible for you to undermine us.

Not allowed either.

Seeing the crazy postures of the formation masters, the talisman masters naturally retreated again.

We are just saying that.

In fact, if there are too many formation masters, it will be like a talisman master, and if there are too many talisman masters, it will be like an array master.

Although many formation masters were taken away this time, there is actually no need to worry about continuing the inheritance of the formation masters.

There are many capable people.

It's just that he is still wearing the vest of a talisman master.

In addition to painting talents, the Chu family also has talents in other aspects this time.

For example, if you are a genius in assembly, your hands are like magic hands. No matter how difficult the parts are to assemble, we can assemble them into the appropriate array parts for you.

There are also hearing geniuses. People can tell which part you have installed incorrectly with just their ears.

When you put the array in someone's hand and tap it, you can find out which parts are of poor quality, which hinders the operation of the array.

Lin Changge said: I never knew there were so many hidden talents in my family before.

No, these precious talents must be listed in a separate book, enjoy the best treatment from the family and continue to be cultivated.

Even Qingmei and Jun Lan have been sighing frequently recently. Our family is really talented.

"Why haven't we discovered so many powerful talents before?" Qingmei sighed with emotion.

"Before? Where did the family have a stage for them to play their role before?" Lin Changge said the truth speechlessly. “The family is full of talents, but the talents who have been truly cultivated have not yet received a good enough platform to develop.

Where are their chances to get ahead?

Now the clan leader has taken away basically all the talents who were truly trained, and the rest are not enough for us and Jun Shu.

All localities have stepped up efforts to discover talent.

Only then do they have a chance to come forward. "

"Second uncle, you are saying that this opportunity is rare." Jun Lan said subconsciously.

"That's right. If they didn't have such an opportunity, they might not be able to get ahead in their lives. But with this opportunity, even if those formally trained formation masters come back, they have achieved enough for them to gain a foothold. No one can Erase their attacks.

Since then, he has gained a firm foothold and enjoyed the family's attention and resource allocation.

As for the future, it all depends on their own opportunities. "

Jun Lan listened thoughtfully.


the other side.

The Chu family's large fleet of battleships and transport ships formed a mixed formation, carrying a large amount of materials and people, quickly traveled through the void, and headed towards the assembly point provided by the military.

When they arrived at the assembly point, they realized that this battlefield was really huge.

The wall that their family was responsible for building was only the central section. The construction of other walls had already begun before their family members arrived. Some sections are already partially completed.

The total length of the walls that the Chu family is responsible for is hundreds of millions of miles long.

Including the 120 million-mile city wall and the defensive formations on it. It also includes six gates.

Six huge cities.

Hou Wanshan, the military general in charge of repairing and building the army's defense line, ordered a meeting with Chu Taohua and his wife as soon as Chu arrived.

He is sitting in his office lobby. There are either sand tables or maps placed around the hall.

Key parts are marked everywhere.

As soon as Hou Wanshan raised his head and saw the couple, he immediately said, "You guys are here. Come quickly and take a look at the area you are responsible for. There are six city gates in total, and there are 120 million miles of city walls and defensive formations."

Taohua and Chu Shinian walked over together.

Taohua looked at the map and thought for a moment before asking, "General, are six gates too few?"

"Have you not seen the area of ​​six gates? If you can't defend it, what is the difference between six and six hundred? Hey, the battle on the front is fierce and long-lasting. Don't look at the six gates arranged here. Even if the city could be defended, tens of millions of people would die every year.

In such a large battlefield where two realms are at war, hundreds of millions of casualties are suffered in each war.

If the city is built too small, it will not be big enough for people to carry away the pot.

The city is built larger and more troops are garrisoned. If the defensive area is too small, our military's resources will be wasted. "

Taohua and Chu Shinian were stunned after hearing this.

"I understand, then starting from tomorrow, our Chu family will enter." Taohua said decisively.

"Well, the general manager's attitude towards you, whether it is suppression or anything else, has nothing to do with the military. But as long as you can complete the tasks assigned to you by the military, then the military will stand up for you.

As for the various materials needed to repair city walls, build gates, and repair formations. The military can also solve some of the problems for you. I can order you to take away some of the materials.

However, our military's reserve of materials is not very large, so you can only solve the rest by yourselves. "

Taohua and Chu Shinian nodded in unison.

"Okay, I have nothing to do here, you can go."

After leaving Hou Wanshan's office, Chu Shinian couldn't help but sneered, "This Hou Wanshan is quite good at playing with people's hearts. If I hadn't sensed the malice in his tone, I would have thought that he was planning to fight against the General Manager's Office and become our boss. Backed up."

"Just know it. Just see through it without telling it.

If you asked someone to get the other party's warrant, I guess there won't be much left. "Peach Blossom said with a slight smile.

"Why do you think he said those things to us?" Chu Shinian said.

"Someone should have told him. There are people in the military who have a good attitude towards us. At least they don't have any ill intentions, and they are not afraid of offending the General Manager's Office."

"The military factions are complicated, so this possibility is very high." Chu Shinian said.

"I heard that the military's major counterattack is now a series of battles and victories. It has broken out the originally fallen Suifeng Mountains front line, and is now confronting the demon army on the plains outside the mountains?" Taohua asked.

"Well, this is the news Yang Yuan sent me."

"Hey, I've been plotted by others. I know clearly that this is a way to weaken the combat power of my human army, but I can't help but continue to fight and fight. Who made the Dragon Lord want to conquer the Sufeng Mountain Front?" Taohua sighed. said one voice.

"I think so too. They were defeated sooner or later, but they were defeated as soon as the human army counterattacked?

There are also powerful demons among the demons.

They are also very good at calculating people's hearts.

He knew his opponent and wanted to take back the battle line. Then they only need to stalemate with the human race on the Great Plains, delay the war, and then continue to eat the elite army of the human race. It would just weaken the overall front strength of the human race. "

"That's not it. Both sides have their own little thoughts and calculations.

The only ones who suffer are the cannon fodder sergeants at the bottom.

Not many people really care about their life or death. "

(End of this chapter)

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