Chapter 1505 Fear

"We can only protect ourselves now." Chu Shinian said.

Taohua nodded.

"Let us people start to enter the field and repair the camps in various places first." Taohua said.

"it is good."

The Chu battleships and transport ships immediately headed to the end, end and middle point of the area they were responsible for. Construction of the formal camp began from head to tail.

They dragged a large number of city wall modules out of the large warehouse of the transport ship and built the camp directly.

After forming the city defense mode, all kinds of large-scale equipment for city defense were immediately installed.

Before nightfall, the city walls were covered with various large-scale defensive and offensive equipment.

The demon army lurking in the heart of the mountain not far away was so angry that it almost died.

How could this make them sneak attack at night?

The interior of the stacked city modules has long been filled with small caves placed one after another.

In the past, the Chu family's main business was selling small caves. Later, they came to the new realm, but the new cave business has not yet had time to start. The existence of so many cave dwellings happens to be placed in this kind of camp.

As soon as night fell, the people of the Chu family packed up their luggage and got into the caves with a very high defense level.

There is no such thing as a sneak attack.

How else do you want to attack the city built out of the whole cave?

After attacking the city wall, do you want to attack each cave?

The leading young general of the demon clan left with his subordinates without saying a word.

Damn, the turtle's shell is too hard and it won't move.

Chu family, he remembered this family.

From early morning on the second day, the Chu family began to build the city wall. It is better to go directly to the city wall module, and then splice it into segments one by one, and then copy it segment by segment to the location specified by the array master's reconnaissance.

Before the city wall fell, the former city wall was also demolished in large areas by craftsmen. The dismantled materials are then immediately remanufactured.

Even dirt and stones can be used, which is perfect for refining new city wall modules.

Huge refining furnaces were built in the reserved areas of the city.

The whistling black smoke rose upwards again.

As for whether it will pollute the environment or not, who cares? !

Human beings are like little ants, constantly assembling sections of city walls.

The speed was extremely fast, covering sixty miles in one hour.

However, this speed is not satisfactory to the master craftsmen and formation masters who are in charge of the construction of this part of the city wall.

But this is the first day, and the first three days are for everyone to adapt to the place and become familiar with the land.

So even though they were dissatisfied, they didn't plan to speak out.

Anyway, soon, as the refining blast furnaces are assembled more and more, more and more materials will be produced.

Sure enough, at the next hour, the city wall suddenly increased by two hundred miles.

At the third hour, it increased by eight hundred miles.

The pace of construction is getting faster and faster.

The demon army squatting aside and watching them were frightened. Crazyly reported to the superiors the miraculous speed of the Chu family's construction of the city wall.

It's simply terrifying.

Moreover, at this speed of construction, it was still during a period when a large number of Chu's manpower was reassembling large equipment one by one.

Quickly and efficiently, the Chu family repaired the city wall while also installing the defensive formation.

They also activated the defensive formation every hundred miles of repairs.

In one day, from morning to night, people completed three thousand miles.

This is three thousand miles. Not only did they build three thousand miles, but they also built additional towers every thousand miles. It's said to be a city tower, but it's actually a small space military camp. There is no problem at all for occupancy of 10,000 people. That night a sergeant asked if he could stay now.

A certain great ingenuity said that the city towers had been repaired, so there was nothing left that could not be accommodated. As long as you can prove your identity, you can live there.

This saves them the number of people guarding the city wall.

As a result, three sergeants from the 10,000-person battalion walked directly into the building.

The demon soldiers and horses made a sneak attack in the middle of the night, but were directly beaten away by the sergeants of the three-thousand-thousand-person battalion.

In the end, sergeants from the three ten thousand battalions also commented that the new tower was very useful.

The great craftsmanship says it can be used easily, and a lot of materials are used.

I don’t know why the clan leader drew the drawings like this.

The original request did not allow them to build an additional city tower every thousand miles.

But this is the clan leader’s wish, and he can’t go against it.

Then fix it.

On the second day, Chu's construction speed further accelerated. On the third day, the city wall built exceeded 10,000 miles.

A full ten thousand soldiers from the battalion came to stay.

This time they were all smarter. Even if the city tower was not finished yet, they were still guarding it outside. You can move in directly as soon as the tower is completed.

This prevents the brother troops from occupying the new territory chosen by them.

The city walls being built are getting longer and longer, and the master craftsman also realizes the benefits of the clan leader's idea.

Their clan leader is still smart. Having so many sergeants here saves his own manpower.

Otherwise, they would have to be responsible for protecting the city while building the city wall, which would be too tiring.

And for the sergeants who are responsible for each battalion of ten thousand people who are patrolling in the mountains and plains to fight against the demons, it is really important to have a very stable city tower. At least with it, there is no need for demons to make sneak attacks at night and cause heavy casualties to one's own camp.

It didn't take long for several generals in the human army camp to feel strange. In the past, there were very few ten thousand people in the camp who were willing to go out and fight against the demon army. Even if you are given a task and go out for a cruise. Every one of them looked unwilling.

Now even if someone gets the cruising mission, it won't be a shame.

Instead, he happily grabbed the command arrow and left.

"What's going on recently? I think everyone loves doing dangerous missions like cruising. In the past, no one was willing to take on such missions." A general asked.

"The Immortal Chu Family recently came in to repair the city wall. They started repairing it from both sides and the middle, facing each other.

It is said that the construction speed is quite fast.

But the most interesting thing is that this family built an additional tower every thousand miles. It is said to be a city tower, but in fact, it is a small space garrison camp that can easily accommodate 10,000 people.

Isn't this just a free camp for the cruising team? The guys were instantly amused.

Living on the city wall, as long as you guard some important points on the city wall, you can completely defend the entire city tower.

It's much safer than camping outside in the wilderness.

In the future, we will let the sergeants patrol the city wall. If it is too far away, they will probably live in it.

I heard that they are all built according to standard campsites and are very suitable for accommodation. "

A bearded general opened his mouth cheerfully and said.

The other generals all looked surprised when they heard this.

Hou Wanshan's expression changed slightly.

He really didn't expect that the Chu family had just started building the city wall and would already have a good impression from the military.

(End of this chapter)

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