The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1506 Flame Tiger

Chapter 1506 Flame Tiger

At this time, Chu Xunan was accompanying an old man with wild hair, flying in the wind, and strange tiger stripes on his body. He was also tall and sturdy, quite old, and had a gray beard. He stood on a hill and stared at the people below. A camp city above a steep ravine.

"Look, this is the camp we just built. It's better to say it's a camp than it is a city." Chu Xunnan said.

The old man nodded. Behind him were five or six tiger-striped men with even more muscular builds.

"Is your family really planning to donate this city to us?"

"Yes." Chu Xunan nodded seriously.

"In addition to the thirty-foot-high city walls that are not enough for defensive formations, there are also 86,900 large and small caves here. All of them will be donated to you."

Including the old man and several other big men, they all gasped.

Although I have long known how grand this city is and how expensive it is to build. But I didn't expect the cost to be so high.

That's 86,900 cave dwellings.

Cave! !

There are only two tribes in total, not two and a half caves.

Or take advantage of the trophies picked up from the battle between the demons and humans.

There are two caves that are very good. Only the witch doctors and elders who have made the greatest contributions to the tribe can live there. Not even the clan leader can live there.

(That's for sure. What is a clan leader? The clan leader is the son or grandson of the great elder. You are so arrogant, my father and my grandfather are even more arrogant.)

And now the person in front of Chu Xunan is the great elder of the Yanhu tribe.

There are more than 200,000 tiger-striped warriors under his command. This does not include the entire Yanhu tribe's young and strong men and women.

There were two hundred thousand soldiers alone.

This is a fairly large indigenous tribe in the area.

"What do you want by giving us such a good city? Just tell me." The old man's voice was low and full of majesty.

"First, we are only responsible for building the front wall and defensive formations. As soon as you see it, more than a hundred miles in front of here is the front wall. To put it bluntly, this camp is not safe at all in our eyes. We are always facing sneak attacks from the demons.”

The old man nodded.

"Our family is good at construction and growing food. To be honest, we are not good at fighting." Chu Xunnan added.

The corners of the old man's mouth curved slightly.

"If the demon army comes to sneak attack, we can't defeat it. We will face huge losses. Of course, it is also possible that 250 humans will also want to pretend to be demons and sneak attack us. Earn a lot of resources."

The big men around the old man laughed.

What two hundred and fifty is actually greed.

This is not uncommon on this battlefield. Whoever has the bigger fist is right.

"Although our family can't defeat them, we can hire people to defeat them." Chu Xunnan said.

The old man couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.

"Your clan leader is indeed a smart man."

"The intention of our clan leader is to give this camp to Yanhu as a sign of our Chu clan's sincerity. As long as the Yanhu tribe is willing to help us guard this place and prevent anyone from maliciously destroying the city wall here, we will give another 500,000 yuan as a gift. Bring food to the Yanhu tribe."


"How many?"


"Fifty million pounds?"

The old man couldn't help but twitch his face, and his eyes flashed for a while.

In a poor place like theirs, what matters is food.

The human race does not lack food, but it will never be sold to them in large sums. Because they have food, they raise more cubs. The number of tribes will also increase dramatically in just a dozen years. "sure?"

"But this is a secret deal." Chu Xunnan said. "After we deliver the food to you, we will never admit that we have delivered it again."

The old man gave him a meaningful look and said, "Don't worry, no one dares to betray our own tribe. If anyone dares to betray, I will scratch him with my own hands."

"Then do you think this deal is okay? If it is okay, we will set off to build the next camp tomorrow. In about five days, our people will be able to completely evacuate." Chu Xunnan said.

The old man nodded seriously.

"We, the Yanhu Tribe, are not afraid of fighting. The demons are not afraid, and neither are the humans. But you really will give us that kind of food. Do you really have it?"

"Our family started by growing food and elixirs. Our family's tax of 30 billion spirit stones and copper coins this year was all paid for with food. Do you think we can afford it?" Chu Xunan said equally seriously. .

The old man gasped again. There was no covering up at all this time.

Your family is so awesome.

"Actually, how can we cooperate well? When we are responsible for building the city walls and formations, you can help us with a little help. You can also do some moving and transportation work. My family will definitely be rewarded in the future, and we can try to contact you in the future. Doing food business or something."

The old man immediately became energetic.

This can be done.

"It's just that the power of our Yanhu tribe cannot reach the human race. They will cut off our transactions."

"Think of a way to secretly build some private large-scale material transmission arrays underground. This shouldn't be difficult." Chu Xunan said.

"No, it's too difficult. There are no formation masters in our tribe at all."

"Then, do you know how to maintain the formation and install spiritual stones? If you can protect the formation and install spiritual stones, we can secretly repair a few for you." Chu Xunan said.

How many more need to be repaired?

Everyone is taking advantage of them.

The old man smiled secretly in his heart.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curve. It seems that this new Chu family has none of the fear and caution that the human race has towards them. Do everything.

That's also good. The Yanhu Tribe especially likes to associate with this kind of human race.

"It would be great if you could really help us build a few teleportation formations."

"Can you just keep it a secret?"

"Of course it can be done. Don't worry, as long as the old man is still here, there will definitely be no problems on our side."

"Then I will promise you on behalf of our clan leader. I can support you with several teleportation arrays." Chu Xunnan said.

"That's great. By the way, our tribe can provide a lot of young men, and the old men can help you build the city wall and move it. But you have to prepare their food rations, right?"

"Yeah, no problem."

"Then their work is not in vain, right? How much food can you give them every day?"

"Thirty pounds of fine grains or fifty pounds of coarse grains. It all depends on your choice."

The old man secretly calculated in his mind that this amount of food is enough.

It's not too dangerous, you can bring the disabled one up there too.

It's all about earning food, not complaining.

"Then we will start handing over this camp tomorrow and send workers to the site to help you build the city wall."

"Thank you." Chu Xunan cupped his hands and thanked him.

(End of this chapter)

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