The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1510 Playing tricks

Chapter 1510 Playing tricks

The escort fleet that followed was immediately mobilized to transport the hired workers recruited separately.

That's really a battleship with the whole family.

Chu's battleship is really fast and has a lot of space. The accommodation allocated to everyone is also very spacious and has all kinds of facilities.

There are dressing rooms, toilets and everything.

And there is one cabin per cabin.

Very convenient.

This is much more comfortable than the simple tent outside.

And I heard that when you get off the battleship, you can take the toilet in the cabin with you.

This is simply...

It is the first time for many Asians to stay in such a well-decorated house, and it is better for relatives and friends to visit around.

However, after they had been running around for a long time, they were persuaded by the sergeant to go back. The employees began to be given new clothes, shoes and socks. Tools and other things will be distributed when they arrive at the place.

But all kinds of personal items are starting to be distributed now.

Except for clothing, shoes, socks, washbasins and other items. There are also quilts, mats, etc.

"They gave me so many things that I don't even want to go back."

"It doesn't seem possible. The clan won't agree."

"If we accept people here, I don't plan to go back. There is no one in my family. I think it will be good to stay here."

"The Chu family is really rich."

"If the Chu family recruits permanent workers again in the future, I will come again."

Everyone was happy after collecting their things.

The Chu family did give a lot.

Even the bedding looks thin, but feels great to the touch, especially soft and warm.

Although everyone doesn’t know much about it, this kind of fabric and the filling cotton inside look like spiritual things.

Everyone buys this kind of bedding lightly and plans to cherish it.

Pengpengpeng, a small battleship formation that had just arrived at the predetermined location encountered a sneak attack by the demon army. Everyone met at the top of a deep mountain canyon.

He didn't say anything as soon as he came up and just started fighting.

They also have battleships. Both sides come and go in the sky.

The unlucky guy exploded into fireworks in the blink of an eye.

Because it's night. This gorgeous scenery is particularly amazing. You can see it from a long distance. Several nearby human legions and several demon armies also came over and ended up encountering each other on the periphery and fighting together.

In the sky, the Chu family's frigates fought extremely tenaciously. Even if they were to fight, the soldiers of the Chu family would not be able to defeat the demons regardless of their cultivation or physical strength.

But we have battleships.

In the battleship duel, the Chu family was actually not weak.

The characteristics of Chu's battleships are also exceptionally outstanding.

The deck of the battleship is very thick.

It's easy for you to wear it.

Another thing is that the warships carry a lot of various attack weapons, including countless giant crossbows and arrows. Moreover, there are more large-scale weapons, various turrets, and ballistae almost all over the entire frigate, which is simply armed to the teeth.

As soon as the battle started, a volley of weapons, various artillery shells, and attack giant crossbow arrows were fired, directly killing four or five old and small warships of the demon clan.

The demons, who had a particularly tenacious fighting spirit, were almost stunned.

You guys are just kidding.

How can you guys fight like this? Isn't this a ground-washing shooting that only occurs during wars?

Are you using it now? Chu's battleships don't care how the other party reacts. Anyway, our side is attacking with weapons, and all the weapons warehouses we carry are open. It's just round shooting.

The demon warship was directly crushed, and they were extremely angry.

He simply used the ramming angle to collide with Chu's warship fiercely.

At first, Chu didn't expect the other party to fight so fiercely. As a result, eight or nine frigates were destroyed by their rapid collisions one after another.

Cruel, vicious!

These demon armies.

The angles at which they hit were very tricky. Not to mention the inconvenience, after the collision, there is still a slight possibility of escape. They exploded when hit, or were destroyed, fell into the canyon, and exploded.

Seven or eight frigates, with more than two hundred people aboard, were killed directly.

Chu's frigates also got angry, who was afraid of whom. Bump away.

They also began to adjust the collision angle and collide with the demon warship.

Boom boom boom...

No one on either side is afraid.

This brutal and daring attack shocked the demon army. They retreated secretly as they were beating.

After all, it was night, and Chu's warships were not familiar with the terrain, so they had no choice but to give up chasing them, return to their predetermined positions, and begin to release the manpower in the transport ships to build a new camp.

Chu's warships built the camp on one hand, and on the other hand they had to guard the surrounding areas. And on the other hand, they had to go down to the battlefield canyon to see if there were any survivors.

If it were other families, they might not care.

However, the Chu army has always been popular with various protective inner armors, modified battle armors and so on.

The personal protection capabilities are quite strong. Even if the battleship explodes, it may not kill people.

If he didn't die, he would be seriously injured and thrown back to the doctor.

Even at night, but with the help of experienced craftsmen, the newcomers built the new camp at a speed that surprised themselves.

Even if you build it yourself, the speed of building a city overnight is too scary, isn't it?

The people who went to search and rescue also returned, and more than a hundred people who were not dead were dragged back and thrown to the doctors.

The thirty-two who died had no choice but to put them in coffins and send them back to Qingzhou Island.

This does not include the unlucky frigates that were destroyed by the Demon Army warships in the first place. The team responsible for searching and rescuing those people has not returned yet.

After the camp was repaired, the newcomers and craftsmen, who had worked hard all night, and the sergeants began to eat and sleep.

If there are tasks, continue to do tasks.

Several human troops who had been entangled with the demon army nearby all night were also invited to enter Chu's camp to rest. There were hot meals and barracks here. It's really better than their Chinese army camp.

Ahem, now they are enjoying themselves.

There was a lot of military exploits throughout the night, and finally we were able to rest in someone else's camp. This job was so beautifully done that they almost envied themselves.

As the Chu family gradually opened new camps, new personnel were brought in.

The pace of wall construction accelerated again. This time it didn't speed up twice or twice, but it suddenly surged many times.

After only ten more days, the Chu family built the city wall again to more than two million miles.

And it gets repaired faster and faster.

If the Chu family can really build more than 10 million miles of city walls and formations every month, then it can indeed build all the 120 million miles of city walls within a year and a half.

The moment the big bosses in the army got the exact news, they felt they had seen the light.

This counterattack was well done.

If the battle lines are re-established after a year and a half, then even the Dragon Lord will feel that they are a very capable and capable team. Everyone will receive rewards at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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