The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1511 Toothache

Chapter 1511 Toothache

"It's quite interesting who recommended this family in the first place. This construction ability is considered to be the best in Wenlan." An old general smiled and said to the generals in the military tent.

"They have been building it for nearly a month now, and they have only built three million miles of city wall. It's anyone's guess whether they can finish it within a year and a half." Someone said sarcastically.

"If they can't succeed, it's even less likely that others will succeed." The old general who just spoke immediately said to someone mockingly.


"Okay, Chu's construction speed is already very good. Besides, their construction speed is still improving. What are you so anxious about?" General Ding Wuzhao, who was in charge, said calmly.

"General, I am also doing it for the good of the army, but I am just telling the truth, and some people cannot listen." The guy who just spoke coldly said.

"Don't you just want your brother-in-law to come in and take charge of this section of the main city wall in the center of the cultivation area? It's a pity that it won't work. With your brother-in-law's greed, even a stone can squeeze out a lot of powder. I'm afraid our city wall hasn't been repaired yet. Get up, just because the material collapsed too many times." The old general did not give in. It makes people choke when they speak.

"Ahem, it's really possible." Another general in his prime also echoed at this time.

"I said Gongsun Yan, what do you mean?" Someone was furious.

But many of the generals around him were snickering secretly. He doesn't have any face left at all.

Ding Wuzhao looked at the other party's big face speechlessly.

My brother-in-law doesn't know what he does. He just strives for merit and earns a living. I don’t even think about whether my brother-in-law can do it.

"Okay, please calm down. If you are too energetic and can't vent it, then starting from tomorrow, you will be responsible for the main attack of the army."

"General, our troops have just withdrawn to rest." The man was also anxious.

"So shut up for now. If you cause trouble again, you will attack." Ding Wuzhao said.

The man immediately did not dare to speak anymore.

"It's said that Wanshan is good. He was the one who recommended the Chu family." Ding Wuzhao said.

Hou Wanshan's expression changed slightly. He didn't expect that Ding Wuzhao would choose this moment to expose him.

Others looked at him meaningfully.

"Wanshan still needs to make persistent efforts. I heard that Chu's materials are not enough. You have people drag some from the warehouse. If it is not enough, I will write back. In short, we must overcome all difficulties and we must repair the city wall. It's done.

Do you have any other questions over there? If so, please tell me directly. "

"I don't. When I get back, I'll have someone open the warehouse and deliver the materials." Hou Wanshan said seriously.

He didn't expect that Ding Wuzhao would suddenly intervene and escort him to deliver resources to the Chu family.

What exactly is going on?

We are all generals, and it was clear that we had always been indifferent before.

After the meeting was over, Hou Wanshan returned to the base camp and asked people to go out to find out the news. It didn't take long for the person to come back.

"I heard that Song Xiaosheng, the famous general of Wenlan Tianyu, has returned from the imperial court. He has also been transferred to the battlefield here. He has become Ding Wuzhao's deputy.

I heard that General Song, in terms of qualifications and ability, is not weaker than our general.

He probably sensed a crisis.

That’s why I started working hard to accumulate more achievements. "

"Song Xiaosheng, no wonder." Hou Wanshan said thoughtfully.

There are a total of five generals in the entire battlefield. They are fighting together, and no one is subordinate to anyone else.

Cooperation is the mainstream.

There are two flankers on the left and right, and one in the center. One guard in the rear. He is the one who is responsible for the logistics of the entire legion.

Now that Song Xiaosheng is here, the one in greatest danger is Ding Wuzhao of the Chinese Army. Although he is young and powerful, he is still slightly weaker than that one in terms of military merit.

This general is weaker than his deputy, ahem, it is indeed a bit troublesome.

It’s hard to establish prestige.

"You want to establish prestige, but you use me as a raft. This is not good." Hou Wanshan sneered.

"Then General, are we ignoring him?" a confidant asked hurriedly.

"If you don't believe it, go and do it immediately and do it yourself. Have someone open the warehouse and send the best basic materials and basic array equipment to refine the ore in the warehouse and send everything to the Chu family."

"Huh?" The confidant didn't understand.

"You know what. He is forcing me with public opinion. If I don't do it, or if I do it at a discount, he can blame me for not completing the project in the future. By then, he will still have outstanding military exploits. General.

But I became the scapegoat who held me back. "

"No way, is he so insidious?"

"Not yet, he is very insidious. I guess if you tell me this when many generals are present, you think he is not digging a hole for me. He is."

"I knew it was a trap and I had to jump out. I asked him why he let out the Chu family who was recommended by me. It turns out he was waiting for me here."

The confidant was still a little confused.

Hou Wanshan figured it out.

The imperial court suddenly sent another general, and he was quite capable of fighting.

If there hadn't been some changes in the imperial court, no one would believe it.

He could only hibernate for a while to see what was going on.

The next day, Chu received another batch of materials from the army. The quantity of this batch of materials is quite large.

Let Taohua happily decide to build another 400 weapon-refining blast furnaces.

Only with enough city wall modules can the city wall be built quickly.

Of course, it's actually quite difficult, because the defensive walls must follow the earth's veins. Only with the support of the earth veins and the spiritual veins above the earth veins can these city walls stick firmly to the earth.

Recently, due to unsatisfactory terrain, Taohua has revised several versions of the construction plan.

Fortunately, the final version has been confirmed.

"A floating stone is actually needed here?" Chu Shinian said in astonishment as he looked at a certain section of the city wall.

"There is something wrong with the water below. It seems to lead to another space, and the water is also mixed with the power of strange rules. It is absolutely impossible to build the base of the city wall in the water. There is also a problem with the earth veins here. It seems to be intermittently. Another space.

I have no choice but to choose to build it in the air.

In addition to floating stones, some precious space crystals are also needed, which can be ground into powder and integrated into the city wall. There are several sections of city wall, and the ability to pass through space is still required. "

"It's too difficult for the city wall to travel through space."

"Fortunately, the space barriers in these places are very thin, and there seem to be natural cracks. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to use them like this." Taohuaxin said with lingering fear. "This broken place is too difficult to repair. This is the solution I came up with after discussing with everyone for several days.

Give it a try, and if it doesn’t work, think of other options. "Peach Blossom sighed.

"This can only be like this for now." Chu Shinian thought with a toothache.

(End of this chapter)

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