The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1516 I dare not even think about it

Chapter 1516 I dare not even think about it

"How do you know that you will definitely not be able to pass the Sixth Realm?" asked the second child.

"Quickly wipe your tears. My father is much better than you. When I was six years old, I told my father that I wanted to be a great monk and a great hero like my father." The boss sighed. "Dad was silent for a long time before he said to me.

Boss, daddy is sorry for you.

If your soul is lacking, you will never be able to break through the six realms in the future, which means that you will not be able to become a true great monk in the future. It also means that I will lose my son in my prime years. But I haven't been able to do anything about it yet. "

The second child felt quite heavy after hearing this.

He also faced such a choice. The qualifications of my second son and second son are also very poor. Although the soul is not lacking, the lack of qualifications is still very frustrating.

it can not be helped.

"At that time, I didn't know what it meant to have a missing soul. Later, when I grew up, I understood. I also knew my parents' regrets. At that time, I was naturally dissatisfied and uncomfortable. I didn't want my parents to feel too sorry or sad for me.

So I became a little more lively.

I'm causing trouble for you, my second brother. "


"Hehe, we are brothers after all. I have been able to live so freely these years, thanks to you carrying the burden for my brother."


"Can't you say two more words?"


The two brothers talked a lot more. The second child also saw Dr. Feng and how he treated his brother. Seeing his brother crying for his father and mother after being punished, he rarely smiled.

The next day, he left with red eyes.

As soon as he came back, Ding Wuzhao held a pre-military meeting.

I mentioned it again in the past, and the first thing I talked about was the fierce battle between the demon army.

The two sides are on the Great Plains, you come and I go.

The losses are not small.

The human race has replenished its military strength three times. A full 150 more legions were pulled up.

"Today's topic is whether to recruit fifty more legions. Recently, many generals on the front line have mentioned that they are short of manpower and need support. Everyone has been leading troops for a long time. Do you think they are needed?" Ding Wuzhao asked.

The generals below began to express their opinions.

Some say it is necessary, some say it is not necessary.

Some people say that we must recruit more legions so that we can change the guard appropriately and hold on for as long as possible until the defensive wall is completed and everyone stands on the wall to resist the demonic army.

Some people also shouted that the Chu family was still slow to build the city wall. If they expected their family, it would be better to let more families come in. In this way, the defensive walls can be linked together as quickly as possible.

There are people here too, so don’t talk nonsense if you don’t understand.

Some families don't know how to build city defenses at all. If they build such things, they will collapse when the demons attack.

How did the front fall last time? Didn't some sections of the city wall collapse directly, causing the entire army to retreat this time?

In short, there are always different opinions, and it almost goes straight to full martial arts.

Song Er also took this opportunity to get to know the military generals present.

Including another great general Hou Wanshan and others.

Song Er doesn't get involved too much now. He just wants to sort out his brother's strength. He had to know which ones could be used and which ones couldn't be used.

"General Song? What do you think?" Who knew that Ding Wuzhao wanted to pull himself out again.

"I was not very familiar with the front line just now. How about this, let's count up who is in favor of increasing troops and who is against it. Let's look at the number of people. If there are more people on that side, we will make a decision." Song Er said.

Ding Wuzhao's face stiffened immediately after hearing this.

Hou Wanshan's face looked a little strange after hearing this. At this point, the faces of the generals below all showed joy.

Great! !

This is a good idea! !

"Whoever is willing to increase troops, please raise your hands." Someone yelled, followed by almost all the generals raising their hands.

"It seems that everyone is willing to increase troops." Song Er nodded and said to Ding Wuzhao with a smile.

As for the final decision, it's up to you.

Ding Wuzhao was almost unable to get off stage.

Is this really decided?

Are you the general, or me?

Are you the general or me?

A bunch of bastards will cause trouble for me.

"Okay, the secretary will twist up a notebook and send it directly to the Grand Controller's Mansion." If you increase the number of troops, just increase the number of troops! !

Let you see if the Grand Steward is happy or not.

As soon as the meeting ended, Song Er went directly to Lao Song's camp without staying any longer.

In Lao Song's camp, everyone stood in line nervously. There was no way, Lao Song went in, cough, cough, cough, to recuperate, but the second general Song came.

Is there any chance that the camp owner is more powerful?

They are a little scared.

Song Er walked in with great dignity and authority.

Followed by a group of personal guards.

Lao Song's eldest son and second son rushed to greet him.

"Second uncle."

"What happened? Your own father is so sick. Didn't you realize it before? It really disappoints me."

The two young generals in their prime shivered. I dare not speak anymore.

Fortunately, Song Er was followed by two young men who looked similar to the two major generals.

Seeing them keep winking at the back, the two major generals calmed down.

"Actually, a month and a half ago, my father said that his left arm felt uncomfortable and he couldn't lift it," said the second son. "At the beginning, I told my father not to show off and just take a leave of absence. But my father refused. For this matter, I also asked my eldest brother to persuade me, but my father refused."

"Why is he unwilling? He knows I'm coming." Song Er said speechlessly. "Okay, let's deal with things in the camp first, and then you can each ask for leave to take care of the boss. Staying there alone, with no one close to you. What does it look like?"

The two major generals couldn't listen to such words. Song Eryi said that their eyes were red.

"Yes. After everything in the camp is handed over, I will go and serve dad first. The eldest brother is more familiar with everything in the camp than me. Let him help the second uncle here first." The second boy volunteered.

This was something the two brothers had discussed before.

There is no way, with the eldest son here, many things are easier to do.

"Sure. Let's do it."

Song Er agreed immediately, and then began to clean up the mess left by the boss.

Now let me see, what the hell are you all?


As for the Chu family, Yang Yuan had only been there for a few days and was completely shocked and couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

The speed of the Chu family's city defense construction surged again.

Facts have proved that as long as you give me enough people, no wall can be built!

The strangest thing is that building a city wall is an extremely difficult task. However, the employees who were responsible for the heaviest physical labor burst out with great enthusiasm, and they began to apply for overtime every day.

Work overtime! ! !

Yang Yuan had never dared to think before that these demi-humans would actually want to work overtime if they didn't cause trouble? !

(End of this chapter)

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