Chapter 1517 One Twelve

"Why? Why did these people suddenly start applying for overtime work? They have only been here for less than seven days, right?" Yang Yuan felt incredible and ran to check it out for himself.

He went directly to the nearest large construction site.

Many demi-humans are responsible for clearing the site for building the city wall, and are also responsible for carrying various heavy stones, wood, various array materials, etc.

Just outside the construction site, small tents stood.

I saw a tired-looking demi-human walking into a small tent with heavy steps. As a result, he came out after a while, full of enthusiasm and vigorous steps. Then he went straight to the field and started doing it again.

Later, I saw another Asian man walking into the small tent with the same tiredness. In less than a quarter of an hour, he came out full of energy, and then immediately rushed to the construction site again. He even lifted up the heavier stones and moved them away with great strides.

In this way, within five or six minutes, a demi-human went to the small tent, and then came out again within a few minutes, or less than a quarter of an hour. The demi-humans who came out not only recovered their physical strength, but also returned to their peak mental state.

He continued to devote himself to heavy physical labor with full enthusiasm.

How did you Chu family do it?

This time he saw someone coming again.

Immediately followed him sneakily.

"Hey, Uncle Wang, you're here." As soon as the middle-aged man entered the small tent, he saw someone welcoming him out warmly.

"Uncle Wang, you do it. What would you like to drink this time?"

"Can you exchange it for me for a piece of physical tea?" the middle-aged Asian asked.

"Let me see your workload today. Have you completed all the tasks today? It's just past noon." The person in charge of the reception praised in an exaggerated tone.

A hint of anger appeared on the middle-aged Asian's face.

"Hehe, I can't do it anymore, I'm getting old. If it were twenty years later, I would be able to complete all the tasks today before it's time for lunch."

"Then Uncle Wang, you can just exchange the piece points for a cup of physical tea and a cup of energy tea set."

"No, no, the energy tea is too expensive. I also want to save more points and exchange it for a cup of blood tea. It can directly stimulate my blood vessels and increase my qualifications by one level." The middle-aged Asian said with a longing look on his face. If his qualifications rise by one level, his cultivation will also make a breakthrough. Maybe there will be a breakthrough in the future.

Become a little master who can dominate the world.

"At your rate, if you save for another seven or eight days, won't you be able to save a cup of blood-transfer tea?" the receptionist continued to say in an exaggerated tone.

You look like you are a powerful person, and the blood transfusion tea is not a trivial matter.

The middle-aged Asian obviously enjoys the admiration of others.

"No, no, you can't save it in seven or eight days. I have to calculate carefully, and it will probably take seventeen or eight days."

"Actually, Uncle Wang, if you choose the package, you will get a 20% discount. Think about it, if you have enough physical strength and energy, you can definitely work a little longer and do a few more things. Maybe seven or eight days. I took the time to save up the blood transfusion tea.”

The middle-aged Asian was stunned for a moment, and then he thought seriously.

That's really what happened.

"Sure, then I'll listen to you. Give me a set meal. I'll apply for overtime later."

"Okay, one set meal and two cups of tea. Just a moment."

After a while, the visitor brought a plate with two bowls of fragrant tea with different water colors.

After the middle-aged demi-human drank it, not only did his physical strength recover, his face became rosy, but his energy levels were also greatly enhanced, eliminating the previous fatigue. "I am leaving."

After saying that, he hurriedly ran to work.

After Yang Yuan read it, he ran directly to find Chu Shinian.

"Chu Shinian, I have something to do with you."

"What's going on?" Chu Shinian hugged his son, and the little boy stretched out his little hand to tell Chu Shinian that he wanted to go out and play.

If you don't let me out, I will howl.

"Anyway, it's a very important thing." "Does it have to be in the house?"

"That's not necessary."

"Then come with me. Let's take a walk in the yard, otherwise my little ancestor will make trouble again."

"Just leave it to the nannies to take care of you." Yang Yuan said in confusion.

"No, if this kid gets too noisy, my wife will have to be recruited. Then there will be another mother-son fight. It's better not to be so vicious." Chu Shinian said with a smile.

"Mother and son killed each other?" Yang Yuan was shocked. "How?"

"The little one pulled out more than ten strands of his mother's hair. His little buttocks were red from being spanked by his mother.

Then this kid cried and howled for a whole hour, which made his mother's brain go crazy. She was buzzing and uncomfortable for several hours. "

Chu Shinian talked about the tragic result of the mother-son battle.

How miserable.

Yang Yuan was speechless after hearing this.

"You kid should have been taught a lesson as early as possible."

"Forget it, if you beat him now, he won't remember it. We'll wait until he grows up and becomes more sensible." Chu Shinian was very patient.

"You really spoil the child."

"It's okay, this is my biological child after all. If it were someone else's child, I definitely wouldn't take a second look." Chu Shinian said honestly.


"Let's go, let's talk while walking in the yard."

"That's okay."

"Why did you come to me in such a hurry?"

"What's going on with your physical strength tea, energy tea and blood transfusion tea?"

"Oh, that's the water mixed with the basic body-refining potion after it was split." Chu Shinian said carelessly.

"Cough cough cough." Yang Yuan looked very strange after hearing this. "Body refining potion?"

"Yes, it is a basic body-refining potion. This potion is only useful for the lowest level of monks and mortals. Extract the ingredients contained in the potion that can not inflate Qi and blood, and it becomes physical tea. Add the ingredients that stimulate mental power. When it comes out, it’s energy tea.

The ingredient that stimulates the blood vessels to strengthen the body and strengthen the vitality is brought out, that is, blood exchange tea.

Comparing the costs, for our Chu family, blood transfusion tea has the highest value. So it is most difficult to exchange.

Find some talkative and talkative demi-humans to act as receptionists.

No, this will arouse people's energy and enthusiasm.

I heard from my daughter-in-law that one demi-human can now hold up to ten of them.

All because they burst out with great enthusiasm for work.

So our city wall is almost 10 million miles long. "

Yang Yuan was shocked and dumbfounded by Chu Shinian's words, and everyone was stunned. "You have only started building the city wall a little over a month ago, right? One-twelfth of it will be completed by now?"

"Why don't you say that what we are cultivating is the best part? The hard parts are all in the back. Don't be fooled by the speed in front."

(End of this chapter)

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