The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1518 Sneaking

Chapter 1518 Sneaking

"It's normal to repair quickly in the first three months. The rest will be a big and troublesome job." Chu Shinian said to Yang Yuan with a very knowledgeable attitude.

"If I didn't know that your wife is responsible for designing and supervising the construction of your home, I would have thought you were a true master of construction." Yang Yuan complained in surprise and disdain. "The most you can do is take care of the children and coordinate the distribution of supplies."

"Our family has a good division of labor." Chu Shinian said cheerfully.

"You are awesome, you are awesome. One day your wife no longer wants you, what will you do?"

"That's impossible." Chu Shinian was particularly certain.

How could his wife abandon such a lovely and useful person like him and find someone else?

"Pfft, I can see it. You and your wife have such a good relationship. I heard that you have been married for more than a hundred years. I didn't expect that you could stay in love for so long." Yang Yuan laughed. “My wife and I are married into a family, and we didn’t have any feelings at first.

Everyone just made do with it.

I can't resist my father either. She couldn't resist her parents either.

But later on, I had more children and lived a good life.

Without love, we still have family ties. "

"That's not bad. It's better than no love at all." Chu Shinian said. "Besides, there are many couples who originally loved each other but eventually became enemies. You are not as good as those above, but more than enough."

Yang Yuan: Can’t you find a good comparison for me?

"By the way, my people found out that the demons have noticed your family and the new city defense. They may want to attack the new city defense and your family."

"Isn't this normal?" Chu Shinian sighed and said, "If I find something that is malicious or threatening to me, I will try my best to deal with it."

"How well is your city wall repaired? Can it withstand the impact of the demon army?" Yang Yuan asked calmly.

"It's okay. You'll know when they attack."

Sure enough, the demon army launched attacks from various parts of the city defenses that had been built many times.

Even if there are no defenders stationed on the city defense, they will be beaten into disgrace and have many mottled marks.

But city defense is city defense. It is not only high, but also long, and it is also covered with formations.

Even if the masters of the six realms attack with all their strength, they cannot be defeated in a short period of time.

What a big wall! !

Of course, this is why the military also discovered the movements of the demon army and actively counterattacked and defended.

Anyway, they only need to confront the demon army across the city wall.

You have experts, and our experts are not bad either.

Even if both sides really smashed a certain section of the city wall.

does not matter.

There are a lot of basic modules stored in various towers, and some craftsmen in the army are asked to put them together according to other people's drawings. Take off the bad ones and replace them with the good ones, and you will have another good wall.

In a few hours, or even overnight, a large area of ​​the city wall can be repaired.

The craftsmen were very happy, and the wall was so repairable.

The main modules are enough.

The modules are stuck with each other, unless the masters join forces to use a big move to directly collapse a piece of the city wall. Otherwise you won't be able to do it at all.

Moreover, even if these modules are shattered, the participating formations have the ability to protect the defenders above and fly away directly.

Don't worry about falling off the wall and dying immediately.

What a great module.

Ahem, of course, this is quite friendly to humans, but demons don’t have to die either.

Therefore, the battlefield fighting between the two sides became more fierce. Those who were beaten on the city wall were bloody and bloody.

Although the demons fought hard on the city wall, they were restricted by ten times gravity and were prohibited from flying. So we suffered a lot when we attacked the city. Even though their energy and blood far surpassed that of the human race, they were still at a disadvantage.

In the next month, the two sides repeatedly fought back and forth across the city wall.

The quality of the city wall was immediately tested.

There is almost no paragraph that is of poor quality.

They all share the same module and have the same quality.

The Chu family not only provided a large number of basic modules, but also helped the craftsman camps in various military camps to build many blast furnaces. Specifically teach them how to refine this basic module. Let everyone try to reserve as much as possible.

After the Chu family finished repairing and left, everyone was not allowed to build the city wall themselves.

Every craftsman camp in the army followed suit with great effort.

In addition to teaching the refining methods of various basic modules, they just use the soil from the mountains and add various spiritual materials. They also teach the mass refining methods of various basic arrays.

What a little fight. We directly refine it into large batches of arrays. Even if there is no formation master, a slightly familiar craftsman can reinstall the formation using the formation equipment.

Learning these things can greatly improve the survival rate of the sergeants in their military camp. It also improves their survival rate. Otherwise, if all the sergeants were dead, how could they escape from the clutches of the demonic army?

Do it!

Do it, do it! !

The Chu family also privately purchased various newly refined cultivation modules at high prices.

The craftsmen met secretly and secretly sold most of the new modules refined every day to the Chu family.

So the Chu family secretly broke out again! !

It started to surge quietly, increasing the speed of building the city like crazy.

Almost before a certain demon army could react, they repaired the city wall directly.

When they tried to attack again, the human army came back to help. If you can't live in a good tower or camp, who wants to squat in the wild?

It has just been two months, and the Chu family has already cultivated 25 million miles.

It shocked the big bosses in the human army.

Ding Wuzhao has been looking at the map every day recently, wondering where the Chu family's new cultivation is.

The signs on the city wall changed rapidly, almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What were you talking about last time? The Chu family has started building the city from 400 points?" Ding Wuzhao asked his confidant, the young general.

"That was the last time. It happened seven or eight days ago. Now the Chu family has expanded to 600 points." The young general said.

Ding Wuzhao was stunned again.

"Did their family go crazy? Why did it happen so incredibly quickly?"

"Their family has used the local aboriginal tiger stripe tribe to recruit a large number of local demi-humans. Because they provide food, the demi-human tribes are working hard for their family." The young general said.

Ding Wuzhao curled his lips. "The demi-human tribe shouldn't be given too much food at all."

"There's nothing we can do. The Chu family doesn't have that many manpower. Building the city wall is more important now," the young general said. The sergeants cannot move, and there is no need for local natives. Whoever comes to build the city depends on the people Chu Si brings.

Besides, the demi-humans of other races they recruited in waves are also demi-humans. Not human either.

"Hey, that's it for the time being. When the city wall is finished, the demi-humans will still have to suppress them. People who are not of my race will have different minds." Ding Wuzhao said again.

The young general also nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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