The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1519 Closing the Net

Chapter 1519 Closing the Net

Deep in the night, outside a certain military camp, a figure lurked out of the bridge, looking around and waiting.

After a while, the shadow of another person also appeared and met him.

"What's going on? Why haven't you wanted to come out to see me for so long?" The shadow that followed was delicate.

"I can't help it. The camp has been too careful lately."

"I heard that the second brother of your general is actually a great general?"

"Yeah, yeah, he helped Ding Wuzhao do a lot of things when he came here. Our battalion has made so many achievements recently that it makes people feel weak." The shadow that came out first made a man's voice.

"We can talk about the previous things later. Do they have any plans next? Can you tell me in detail?"

"Little goblin, it's okay to tell you. But let me taste the sweetness first.

Today I must ask you, the devil fox, for advice on the art of bewitching, hahaha. "


"Whatever you hate, you must like me."

"What do you like about you?" Jiao Didi's voice was harsh.

"Of course...ah, Major General."

Song Dalang looked coldly at the horrified man in front of him and another female spy with a pale face.

"Take them away." He waved his hand, and a sergeant rushed up and tied up the two guys very roughly, without any mercy at all.

"Major General, help me, I'm your father's brother-in-law." The tied-up middle-aged man begged loudly.

"When you attacked my father, why didn't you think that your sister was still his concubine and our families were still relatives?" Song Dalang asked.

"What to start with?"

"My memory is so bad, what meal did you ask someone to give him a month and a half ago?" Song Dalang asked, "What kind of medicine did you put in it at that time?"

"No...not me..."

"It's not you. Your confidant, the guy with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, has already confessed. It's the white powder you poured into it."

Someone suddenly despaired.

"'s all her, she made me do this."

"You are a human and she is a demon. She worked as a spy to seduce you, which is because she is loyal to the demons. What do you mean? You plotted to kill the general just because you couldn't pull up your pants. Your clan is finished this time." Song Dalang said with disdain. road.

"No, no, I'm your father's brother-in-law."

"When your clan is executed, she will accompany you and your family underground. Our Song family cannot have a concubine like this who betrays the human race and colludes with the demon clan." Song Dalang said in a cold voice.

What a fool.

"No, no, no, please spare my life. Brother-in-law, spare your life."

"When you drugged him, why didn't you think about what would happen to you if he died?

What you sow, you reap. "

Song Dalang said bitterly.

My father is very talkative. Let this group of relatives from the outside world dominate.

Now, I almost lost my life.

"Towed away."


After sending Dalang to send all the moles and spies for interrogation, he returned to his second uncle's rest tent.

"Look at the Chu family. There are various caves and camps set up in and out of the Chu family. They are so rich that they have transferred the camps to the demi-humans of the tiger stripe tribe. Look at us, the Grand Manager's Mansion has given us this kind of tattered Let’s live in a tent. Dad, where do you think we can go to reason?”

Before Song Dalang entered the tent, he heard his sixth brother crying.

"This was issued by the General Manager's Office when we first sent out troops. If you don't live there, there is nothing else to live in. If you live in a cave, you don't have to think about it. After all, the generals are living in tents, so why should you live in a cave.

The main reason why the Chu family brought in so many caves was to exchange the caves for the support of the local people and help them quickly build a city defense front. "

As soon as Song Dalang walked into the big tent, he said to his younger brother.

"I'm just angry." Korokuro said angrily. "The Chu family can provide so many caves, but the general manager's palace is so poor, and it is so difficult to even equip the generals with some caves? In Shenjing, we will not encounter such a thing.

This general manager is too stingy. "

"His reputation as a stingy person has been rumored for a long time. Anyway, the tent is not unlivable." Song Er didn't care.

Where you live is not where you live.

"If you don't want to live in the camp, you can lead the troops to live in other people's towers like your brother. The barracks over there are all new, and they are spacious and comfortable to live in."

"Aren't I worried that you will be too lonely, dad?" Xiao Liu smashed his mouth and said dryly.

"No need, I have my eldest nephew, I'm not alone." Song Er rolled his eyes.

Send Dalang didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this.

The son of a sibling brother, in a big family, is no different from his own cub.

So what Song Er said was justified.

Xiaoliu groaned and looked at Dalang pitifully.

"Second uncle, Xiao Liu just complains and complains casually. He is mainly angry because of you. What a good general, he actually lives in the middle tent.

It’s okay for my father to live in this tent. Is it too much for him to let you continue to live in it?

The general in charge of logistics, Hou Wanshan, seems not to have seen you coming. Both Xiaoliu and I think he did it on purpose. "

"To be honest, I also feel that there is something wrong here. So don't come forward and let me see the situation here." Song Erdao. “Your Majesty’s ability to send me here suddenly speaks for itself.

Let's see again. "

Song Dalang and Song Liulang were both shocked.

"I also want to think of people as bad, but colluding with the demons is a serious crime." Song Er sighed.

"Who is it?" Song Dalang asked in shock.

"Look again, look again. By the way, in the past few days, I have closed the net and I have not visited your father. How is your father's situation?"

"Half of the weird toxin has been removed from the body after hearing this. The next step is to remove the other half. But just removing that half of the toxin has already made my father extremely skinny.

Dr. Feng said that my father needs to be recuperated and recuperated for at least three months before he can continue to remove the poison. "

"It's indeed poison." Song Er said with a gloomy expression.

"Well, although my father is skinny, my second brother said that my father's complexion is much better. Because the toxins have been eliminated, it is a blessing in disguise that he has broken through the bottleneck of the middle Yuanying stage and has reached the late stage of Yuanying." Send Dalang beamed with joy. He said with a face, "I'm in the late stage of Nascent Soul, I can live at least another hundred or two hundred years."

Song Er laughed dumbly.

"Consider him lucky."

"But my father spent a lot of spirit stones to remove the poison. Chu's medicine is good, but it is also super expensive. Especially that old doctor Feng, every time he takes action, my father has to pay at least 5,000 spirit stones for a visit. I'm really speechless." Send Dalang said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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