The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1520 Run fast

Chapter 1520 Run fast

"I know this. Last time I went to see him, your father said that every time Dr. Feng treats him to remove the poison, he not only needs medication, but also special acupuncture. After the acupuncture, he will be a little weaker. God. I have to exhaust my cultivation every time.

It's certainly not easy either.

Just spend more spiritual stones. "

Song Er said with a smile.

Song Dalang was helpless, what else to do?

"By the way, have all the spies in the net-closing camp been arrested this time?"

"All caught."

"Then kill them all immediately. This will prevent someone from coming out of nowhere to beg for mercy or something." Song Er said.

"Why do you want to kill them all?" Shuang Dalang was puzzled. "If there is really any misunderstanding among them, wouldn't it be over if we let them go?"

"You kid is so sincere. Is there any misunderstanding in this army? The so-called misunderstanding is just to see if the price of getting people is enough." Song Er said with a helpless smile. "Your father was too lax in the management of the camp. When he was alone, there was no problem. The problem is that when I came, if I didn't scare them from the beginning, this place might be even worse than when Dad was here. It’s empty. If you want to come, you can come. If you want to leave, you can leave.”

Song Dalang's eyes widened at this time. "Forget it about the demons, why do my colleagues still send so many spies here?"

"Otherwise I'd say you're too honest. How do you know that your comrade didn't collude with the enemy or betray the human race?" Song Er asked.

Song Dalang suddenly choked up.

"If you just want to be a charging general, then you don't need to think too much. Anyway, on the battlefield, just charge and that's it. Whether you live or die, it all depends on your luck. If you are lucky, just charge all the way, say Maybe you can find a loophole and defeat all the other people's generals.

Your second uncle, I have seen this kind of blessed general before.

That's really unlucky.

However, after he rose to prominence, he became unruly and spoke openly. Finally, he was sentenced to death in prison.

Those guys in the court are vicious. "

Song Dalang and Song Liulang gasped in unison.

How can we still play like this?

"If you want to be a successful general, then you have to be familiar with the deceitful methods of your colleagues. What's the point of sending spies? Aren't there many people who sell information about their opponents to the demons? I was almost killed back then. Yin died on the battlefield," Song Er said.

Laoyoutiao was also tricked when he was young.

How can you know how to defend yourself if you don't step into pitfalls?

"What I'm saying is that you and Rokuro Duopinpin. The men in the army are more upright, and their methods are also rough. They believe that the strong is king. But don't be too upright. Don't think that everyone's methods are very bad. You will know it when you see it. .

There are many evil hands. "

"Second uncle, I understand. I will be more cautious when marching and fighting in the future." Song Dalang said.

Song Liulang also said, "Dad, don't worry, your son will never embarrass you."

"I'm not afraid of embarrassment, I'm just worried that you will be tricked to death before I can save you. If everyone is gone, then your father won't even cry."

Song Liulang was frustrated.


The Chu family really laid secret large-scale teleportation arrays in the middle of the vast mountains, or in underground river caves.

Hard to find and difficult to detect.

And it's multi-lane paved.

They only transferred a few of them to the Tiger Stripes tribe in need.

The tiger stripe tribe was overjoyed.

With this transmission channel, there are so many things they can do.

This is a secret agreement between the two parties. One dares to do it, and the other dares to accept it. Next year, when everyone trades and transports things, they will all use the Chu family's large transport ships.

The Chu family not only allocated many large and medium-sized transport ships, but also allocated more small transport ships. Every day, little bees are moving on the front line.

They are often paired with frigates and fly extremely fast. The warships of the demons are quite old, and if they want to chase people, they have to wait and see.

Only a tail can be seen.

Many demons were so angry that they reported to us that we wanted new and fast battleships.

Although the demon army is huge in number, their weapons and equipment are more than one level behind those of the human race.

Not to mention large-scale upgrades to their own high-speed battleships.

Dreaming is more ideal, and there is everything in the dream.

But it’s not like the demons did nothing. They sent a batch of long and short flying spears from behind the battle line.

Made of special materials. It looks like metal and bones.

These long and short spears have special armor-breaking properties.

When that flying spear comes down, it can instantly kill a person.

Even if the opponent is wearing five layers of armor.

Moreover, this special flying spear is not easily damaged and can be picked up directly after killing someone and can be used again.

Especially those spears, which directly hit a small warship.

It plunged into someone's power furnace and exploded instantly.

The main reason is that the armor-piercing property of this flying spear is so powerful that even battleship armor cannot withstand it. It was penetrated directly and leaked.

For a time, the human legions that suffered heavy losses from the Demon Army reported news of the Demon Army's new weapons.

Some long and short flying spears were intercepted by the human race and sent directly to Ding Wuzhao and other generals.

The generals experimented one after another and immediately determined that this kind of flying spear was extremely lethal to the human army. That is to say, the demon army is currently equipped with few flying spears. If there were too many of these special flying spears, the human army would suffer terrible losses in the future.

Especially various small low-speed warships will be severely damaged.

It has been severely damaged now, and small battleships have been damaged in various legions on the battlefield.

The Chu family even lost hundreds of small warships.

However, after the Chu family lost a large number of small spacecraft, they immediately installed five energy shields and 30% gravity shields on all small spacecrafts. This is a piece of equipment that is only installed on medium-sized warships, and was directly moved to small warships.

If you are shooting flying spears, we will directly use the energy shield. Even if the energy shield does not block you, the gravity circle will brush you down.

Do you have the ability to break armor? Do you have the ability not to be blocked by the energy shield? Can't you fall to the ground due to the gravity shield?

However, after such a transformation, all the spiritual stones that the Chu family secretly earned by rescuing the wounded in the camp were thrown back.

It's really too expensive.

But the benefits are also obvious. Those flying spears can no longer easily kill the small and medium-sized warships on their side.

As for the transport ship, no matter how big or small it is, it is inherently fast and has a thick protective cover.

The transport ship initially had five layers of protective cover and three layers of gravity cover.

Moreover, people can escape faster than a frigate.

When it was first built, the speed of running was fully considered. It must be at high speed, because there are no means of counterattack or attack. How can you not run fast?

(End of this chapter)

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