The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1522 Salesman

Chapter 1522 Salesman

Of course, Song Er also won the biggest prize this time, and also won the favor of the Dragon King and Duo.

All in all, Song Er did not suffer.

Song Er certainly didn't suffer.

Because the people who acted as intelligence officers were actually puppets of the Chu family.

The Chu family used various methods to release a large number of puppets of various sizes onto the battlefield in the Great Plains. In the soil, in puddles, on trees, in water. In various caves underground and in the sky.

The endless deployment of dead and living puppets was the only way to provide accurate intelligence to Song Er.

These puppets must also be managed and cared for by puppet masters. In this battle, the Chu family lost 1,400 puppet masters.

This shows the cruelty of the battlefield. But to be honest, the number and value of the puppets Chu lost were even more terrifying.

But this battle loss is also worth it.

From the beginning of the war between humans, the spearhead was revealed, to both sides simultaneously dispatching troops to prepare for the war, to the two sides fighting fiercely on the Great Plains for more than ten days, and finally to the end of the season when they sent each other's elites to strangle and entangle.

Then they go on strike and lick their wounds.

This battle lasted for two months.

The Chu family also successfully built the city wall until the beginning of the sixth month.

The Chu family has completed 65 million of the entire 120 million-mile city wall.

The proper half is done.

Chu's crazy construction speed frightened many high-ranking generals in the army who had come to their senses and wanted nothing more.

Half, half, half of the one-and-a-half-year construction period was completed in just six months.

This is nothing short of a miracle.

Many high-ranking generals of the Terrans couldn't hold it back, so they took the initiative to go to the city wall with their confidants to verify it with their own eyes.

What a magnificent and tall city wall.

The key is that the cultivation is so fast and takes so long.

At this time, the Chu family had expanded the number of points for building the city wall to 1,100.

As the demihumans were recruited, they became skilled workers one after another.

The Chu family's construction speed increased again and again.

During the great confrontation between the demon army and the human race, during the war. The Chu family even worked day and night to build the city wall.

Repair at an unparalleled speed.

By this point in time, the Chu family had completed the construction of the areas with flat terrain that were relatively easy to build.

Today's construction camps are either on high mountains or by rivers.

Or near the Jedi.

Low-level materials are no longer the mainstream building materials. Now, mid-level spiritual materials and some special high-level spiritual materials are beginning to be used by the Chu family.

Especially various space materials.

The Forbidden Sky Stone, Space Separation Stone, and Space Breaking Stone have all been integrated into the city wall.

The huge city wall is like a huge wall bridge. Relying on the power of forbidden air, isolation, and air-breaking, it can directly cross the surging river and reach the opposite bank. The city wall over there has long been repaired, and as soon as the newly explored city wall here was extended, the formation masters on both sides began to connect, and then wedged the two city walls together.

Many towers were also built on the city wall here. Two small gates were also built on both sides.

He is responsible for guarding the river.

Because of the air-forbidden formation, the city walls are high, so even fish with wings cannot fly over.

Therefore, the demons can only crawl and attack from below. Even if the demons plan to get through here underwater, after passing this level, the garrison behind them can also set up traps to kill the demons.

It is also quite troublesome to repair the city wall on the top of the mountain. Especially transporting various materials and modules.

In the end, small transport ships were directly used as platforms for craftsmen to construct.

For this reason, the Chu family's master craftsmen studied for more than ten days before converting small transport ships into construction platforms. Otherwise, transporting modules and various large building materials around on the top of the mountain would delay the project to death.

Although from now on, the project has entered a difficult section, and Chu's construction speed has also begun to slow down.

But everyone's enthusiasm is still great.

More and more tiger-striped tribesmen have migrated thousands of miles from other tribes to help build the city wall while enjoying the various exhausted camps given over by the Chu family.

More and more camps turned into towns, and more and more demihumans gathered here.

It would be difficult for the demon spies to infiltrate.

It is easy for demihumans who have just infiltrated into other people's towns to be discovered and strangled by the soldiers responsible for tribal security.

If a small group of demon army comes, they will come to deliver food.

The Tiger Pattern Clan will never be polite to the Demon Clan.

This is not fishing outside.

With towns, everyone has more needs. Like some kind of weapon suitable for tiger-striped people to hunt, leather armor or something. They made purchase requests to Chu one by one.

Anyway, there is no shortage of spiritual stone mines in this land.

Chu quickly continued to mobilize transport ships to deliver warmth under the guise of transporting materials and ores.

The Chu family makes all kinds of supplies that the Tiger Patterns need, including beautiful cups, bowls, plates, and other items that are not ritual objects.

Anyway, it can be exchanged for spiritual stones.

Even exchanging one hundred kilograms for a spirit stone is still a good deal.

How about we just give them a plate weighing tens of thousands of pounds?

Just tell me whether you want to accept it or not? We did a great job. Various colors, various graphics, everything.

There are also all kinds of clothes, hats, shoes, socks, pants, jackets and so on. Durable, soft, fresh and beautiful patterns. I got all kinds of robes, spiritual boots and so on. As long as you are in need and as long as you can afford the spiritual stones, we will do it.

The Chu family's new ship brought not only materials and various urgently needed items for the Tiger Stripe Tribe, but also craftsmen from various workshops.

There is no problem in doing it first.

Not long after, Song Er noticed that the plates and rice bowls he had been served to recently were getting better and better. It even has a low-key sense of luxury. Except for the fact that it was not a magic weapon or a spiritual weapon, in terms of appearance, it was no worse than the cups and plates he used in the Shenjing Mansion.

On this day, Song Er had eaten and couldn't help but asked Chang Sui, who was in charge of serving the food. "I find that our plates and rice bowls look even better. Did you go out to buy them? There's no need for that."

"It's really not the case. A salesman from the tiger-striped tribe picked them out. They looked good, so I bought a few sets for the general. Let's use them interchangeably."

"Such beautiful cups and plates, even if they are not magic weapons or spiritual weapons, they are not cheap, right?"

"Is it more expensive than you think? Where is this place? These cups, bowls and plates are all sold by the pound. It only costs five pounds for a spirit stone. Pick whatever you like, choose whatever you like."

Song Er was shocked. "so cheap?"

"That's right. There are also durable clothes and so on. It's so affordable. Many of the sergeants in our military camp went shopping outside the camp.

The clothes selected by those salesmen were not of the same style.

The quality of clothes is also good.

It doesn't matter if it's not a cassock. We don't need any cassocks for daily wear. "

(End of this chapter)

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